Summoning a Native Part 2

After the elf was kicked back to the portal, the space distorted and resumed its original abysmal appearance, and the gem embedded on top lost its luster.

For it to glow again, one must fill the bowl with offerings.

[You've used 1 summon chance for the week. You only have 9 chances left.]

In view of the notification box, Li Chunhua had a complicated expression. The feeling that comes after being rejected was horrible, and she also experienced it a lot before she met Master. That's why she felt like crying at the moment.

The elf's expression at the last moment before he disappeared struck Li Chunhua with a pang of guilt.

But Li Chunhua had no other choice. 10,000 silver coins is way too much to pay one native, and in the long run, the territory will become a bottomless pit that will demand coins. An example would be constructing buildings and making repairs. These two matters only get expensive in the long run after the territory upgrades.

She could persist if he knows to cook at least decent meals, because without a decent meal, how could she even have the energy to move, and without energy to move, how could she earn copper coins?

Life is hard for a foodie.

Unfortunately, after one week, Player Hua would not have the time anymore to cook because the beast tide will arrive, and every single day after the beast tide, the territory would have to deal with monsters except in special circumstances.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Elf," she mumbled before walking slowly towards the stone bowl. After sighing again, she began pouring her inventory on it, but contrary to before, she only used about three-fourths of the amount of offerings when Siri was summoned.

[The Otherworldly Summoning Gate has received your offerings. You have not reached the maximum capacity. Do you wish to summon a native now?



Li Chunhua clicked 'Yes' before turning around and gazed at the gate.

The gem lit and emitted glaring light. Although the intensity was not on par with before, it still stung her eyes. Li Chunhua covered her eyes with her hands and waited for the system notification that declared the summoning a success.

[The summoning is a success.]

Li Chunhua opened her eyes and saw a short man with a thick white beard and a long goatee that went down his chest. He was carrying a large silver hammer on his back.

"It's a dwarf, the author mentioned. They're good at making weapons," Li Chunhua mumbled while searching for the specific information within her memory.

The dwarf had only stepped out of the portal for one second when he felt there was something emerging from behind him. He turned around only to see a hand appeared out of nowhere and grab his leather vest, pulling him inside the portal.

"What in the world..." These were his last words before his figure vanished.


Hold on, what just happened?

Li Chunhua couldn't even react.

Li Chunhua stared at the space in the arch that had turned back to its original appearance and the screen that popped in bafflement.

[You've used 2 summons chances for the week. You only have 8 chances left.]

"But..." Li Chunhua murmured absentmindedly and remained facing the arch. After a couple of minutes, the system notification didn't change, and the arch had no signs of anyone appearing soon.

Li Chunhua slowly walked back to the bowl and put a total of 780 items inside the bowl in a daze, still unable to come back to her senses.

The gem lit, and the system declared the summoning was a success, but when she turned back to look at the gate, there was no one and only another reminder.

[You've used 3 summon chances for the week. You only have 7 chances left.]

She blinked and made sure she was not hallucinating.

Skeptical, she stuffed 580 items inside the bowl again and quickly spun her sight, but there was only a breeze brushing her hair to the sides and the screen.

[You've used 4 summon chances for the week. You only have 6 chances left.]


Li Chunhua was not reconciled, and this time, while filling the bowl, she made sure her eyes never strayed from the arch.

Her decision proved to be right because she finally saw a native, but...


"Wait! Where are you going, Mr.?"

The native, after seeing her, went back inside the portal without even saying a word and only screamed as if he saw something horrible.

[You've used 5 summon chances for the week. You only have 5 chances left.]

Li Chunhua stared at the screen in bewilderment.

Was she being rejected?

The rims of her eyes reddened. Li Chunhua suppressed the sadness welling up inside her before slowly putting game items in the bowl. Just when she thought it couldn't get worse...

The same thing happened: after stepping out, the native only gave her a glimpse before it let out a horrifying shriek.

[You've used 6 summons chances for the week. You only have 4 chances left.]


She was really being rejected, but upon remembering what she did before to the elf, Li Chunhua didn't complain. This must be her karma.

[The Otherworldly Summoning Gate has received your offerings. You have not reached the maximum capacity. Do you wish to summon a native now?



Li Chunhua agreed, but once again she was rejected.

[You have 3 chances left.]


[You have 2 chances left.]

Still rejected.

[You have 1 chance left.]


LI Chunhua rummaged her inventory and found out that beside the seeds needed for farming, there was nothing left but a piece of wood. She tremblingly took out the piece of wood and placed it inside the bowl.

The magical bowl snorted like a human mocking her for being destitute before reluctantly accepting the poor offering.

Li Chunhua lowered her gaze to the ground. Her eyes were misty, and her tears started flowing from the corner of her eyes and trickled down the platform.

[The summoning was successful.]

All of a sudden, a floral fragrance permeated the surroundings. A red flower petal landed on her foot, which soon disappeared from the white mist engulfing it.

Li Chunhua abruptly lifted her head, her eyes widened, and then narrowed a split second after as the tears streaming down her face turned into a river. She ran towards the elf and encircled her arms around his waist.

"Landowner, it's my greatest honor to be a part of your territory's residents. I, Siri Druindar, will pledge allegiance to you by the grace vested upon me by..." Siri couldn't finish his introduction because a figure burrowed onto his chest and started crying and apologizing.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Elf! I'm sorry for rejecting you. Little Baozi was just picky and didn't want to eat grass. I'm sorry."

Master didn't wan to eat grass?

It was this time that Siri finally realized the reason he was rejected. It wasn't because of his bad luck, but because of his cooking!

As this thought sunk into his mind, he felt guilty. He was the one who tampered with the summoning gate. Should he confess?

The cries grew louder, and Siri couldn't take it anymore.

"Master, I have a confession to make..."

A minute later, Siri found himself cleaning the toilet, emitting a suffocating smell, while a little fox kept ogling at him with eyes of admiration.

"Master, this is a High-Pantheon Elf. You're very lucky!" Little Mantou enviously remarked as he began touching the elf's face, arms, and neck like he were some kind of exquisite treasure.

The red-eyed Li Chunhua saw his actions and unconsciously asked, "Did you wash your paws after defecating?"

"No, I haven't." The little fox retrieved his paws.

"…" Siri, who was touched. 

[A/N: I think I will not make mini theaters on the lock chapters becauseI suddenly realized you'll be paying an extra coin for it. I'll only lock it around November. By the way, Have a great weekend. (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧]