Foodie Summoning Gate Part 1

After the game system update, a transparent barrier enclosing the whole territory emerged along with the Summoning Gate on the stone platform.

[Territory Barrier (6 days: 23 hrs: 51 mins: 37 secs)]

The players tested the durability of the barrier, and when they saw their attacks had done no damage, the anxiety in their hearts diminished.

Though, it only lessened a little because of the timer on the barrier's panel which serves as a glaring reminder that they only have less than six days to prepare for the upcoming Monster Tide.

With these worries accumulating in their heads, the players set their sights on the stone platform.

[Otherworldly Summoning Gate

-Weekly Limit: 10/10

-Grade: Legendary

-Enables the player to summon natives from the connecting realms by offering items not limited to loots and territory produce.]

Some players, out of curiosity, decided to use one weekly chance. They placed some game items on the stone bowl, and a second later, a figure appeared and greeted them.

One particular player examined the native he summoned.

[Name: Garuga

Grade: **

Level: 0

Profession: Warrior

Clan: Greta Plains' Soul-Beast Metamorph

Evolution Potential: A

Specialty: Close Combat, Scouting, Hunting, Tracking, Foraging, Skinning

Status Ailments: Hungry

Adjusted Basic Stats: 

HP: 550/550 

Soul Energy: 290/290 

Strength: 24 (-10%)

Defense: 19 

Agility: 27 (-10%)

Soul Power: 29

Luck: 7 

Overall Combat Stars: 20 (Cap)]

[Special condition: 2 kg of roasted meat per meal]

It was a young man with a bulkier build than his, with three black totems on his arms. On his silver hair were two erect, fluffy ears. His upper body was bare, and the lines on his biceps and abdominal muscles were very noticeable, making the player touch his belly in reflex.

He was very envious while staring at those muscles to the point he ignored the message on the additional screen.

Suddenly, the summoned native growled and sniffed the air before staring at the one who summoned him.

"Landowner, I'm Garuga, comes from the Aethos Planet's Greta Plains. Garuga is one of the strongest warriors in our tribe. Garuga will pledge my loyalty to you if you promise Garuga that you'll supply him with 2 kg of roasted meat for every meal."

Then, Garuga squeezed his arms and started doing poses to show off his muscles like those men in male pageants, flexing every physical asset he possessed and even the muscles on his buttocks by lifting his skirt pelt and setting aside his bushy silver tail.

"..." The player's mind stopped working when Garuga demanded the meat.

2kg of roasted meat per meal?

Isn't it too much?

He only ate one wheat bread for lunch, and this guy wanted meat?

He looked at the beast man in awkwardness and didn't know how to break the news to the guy that he was incapable of fulfilling the condition at the moment.

How is he going to get meat when the monsters are going to respawn later?

And why didn't this guy eat before coming here? Isn't it customary to have your stomach full before a job interview?

These thoughts weren't said out loud because the player was afraid Garuga would unleash his wrath upon him and turn him into mincemeat.

Thus, he could only open the global chat and wanted to ask for advice, but it seemed impossible because he found out he was not the only one experiencing the same problem.

[Poorer than the Poorest]: This summoning gate is totally nonsense. I used 50% of my inventory as an offering. I was happy at first because I managed to summon a two-star native. It was a female druid with an archer profession, but who knew I needed to supply her with 1L of Pitcairn Honey every day? Where the heck am I going to get that when I couldn't even find a single berry in the forest?

Contrary to Li Chunhua, the other players had only been seeing instant noodles, bread, water, beef jerky, salt, pepper, and some basic condiments among the loots.

Very few of them were lucky enough to get a pack of frozen dumplings or fast food, but that's it. Not one had the chance to come across something like honey the player upstairs needed.

[I'm a Sloth]: You're native is better than mine. My native asked me to provide a dozen eggs and 500 ml of milk daily. Where am I going to find a domesticated cow and a chicken in this place?

[Brother Niu]: You two as well? Mine required me to find fresh Nori seaweeds, and my territory is on land with no sea in sight. I might as well just hang myself.

Brother Niu instantly earned numerous players' sympathies.

Just when they thought Brother was the most miserable, someone actually...

[I'm the Unluckiest Guy]: Can anyone help me wake up from this dream? I summoned a 3-star Paladin...

[Seafood Noodle]: What a show-off! Kid, being humble is a virtue. Don't learn from Brother Beef's shamelessness. Come kid, I, your granddad, will help you awaken from the dream.

A number of players also agreed with Brother Seafood's statement and seconded it, even offering their slapping services especially when they read the guy's pseudonym.

If he was the unluckiest with that summon, then what are they? Some trash?

[I'm the Unluckiest Guy]: I'm not showing off. I was just going to ask for help. Does someone know how to make brandy?

There was a moment of silence before...

[Brother Niu]: Oh…

[Beef Noodles]: Oh…

[Seafood Noodles]: Oh…

The players, who were envious of him before, now pitied the guy. He is indeed the unluckiest. The others were only asked for ingredients, but the guy needs to provide a finished product, and it's even liquor!

The guy must have destroyed a planet in his previous life.

A player suggested the 'Unluckiest Guy' try offering Happy Fat Water, and the result was...

[I'm the Unluckiest Guy]: What do I do? My Paladin just jumped back inside the portal and said to me that if I find ever brandy, he will come back.

The 'Unluckiest Guy' immediately received tons of comforting messages along the lines of 'don't give up', 'move on', 'there are plenty of fishes in the sea', and 'don't give up the whole forest just for a tree.'

"..." The Unluckiest Player. 

(╯▔皿▔)╯The heck you're talking about? I'm not gay!

(Little Baozi: Thank you for the gift DaoistAkYbTe. Little Baozi sends hugs. []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*. Little Baozi treasures every gift.)