Giant Glysophod

Li Chunhua's remark tempted the foodie's to take a bite too and the tender meat and mild sweet and slightly salty flavor made the four quickly finished the roasted squiddy thing.

The portion however was not enough to satisfy their otherworldly stomach which made eyed the other unroasted part.

With Li Chunhua on the lead, the other three picked it up and carried it over to Long Haoran's side to avail his roasting services. 

None of them asked Little Lotus's alter ego for fear that they would only be able to eat ashes. 

Long Haoran gladly offered his offered his services without charge and even provided condiments, glazing them over the skin making the scent more tantalizing.

He also made dipping sauce on the spot using a small portion of the seasonings his brother gave, soy sauce and vinegar.

Li Chunhua was also very surprised that she gained Essence Points and other points from consuming it. 

[Essence + 0.02]

[Essence + 0.05]