An Underwater Trip

(This Chapter is dedicated to Chibi_Wolf38 for the Gachapon. ಥ_ಥ)

However, it just made the worst decision of its life because it got caught by the golden strings and tied with the other tentacles into dumpling, making a knot more secured than the author's love life. 

Without the arms making any trouble, Li Chunhua leapt and delivered a punch wrapped with qi aiming straight at its forehead. 

The Glyspophod felt fierce winds rushing at its face and its mind rang alarm bells to highest Category 5. Without wasting a second, it gathered all its strength and made thick wall of purple lightning reaching more than a 100 meters into a sky. 

The spectators closed their eyes from the blinding light engulfing the whole Craghollow Mangrove. They only heard a loud monster cry on par with Li Chunhua's pig wailing singing for five seconds full of agony before the light disappeared. 

A second later...

[Global Announcement: