Chapter 136: Observation Haki Foreknowledge! Shisui: I want to join the Whitebeard Pirates!

Hyuga Neji, along with a peer from the Hyuga branch family who wishes to remain anonymous, and Hyuga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Karin, and Haku... all gathered at the entrance of the Ninja Academy.

Yesterday, the news of the elite class of Iruka fighting each other was actually only circulating among the parents of the ninja clan children.

After all, the parents of each ninja clan child would definitely care about their child's performance on the first day of the Ninja Academy.

Only they would take the heart to inquire about various news.

Like Neji, who is a year older, would only immerse himself in the practice of Ninjutsu and would not pay attention to the affairs of the new students.

They didn't know that Iruka was defeated by the students.

The other teachers of the Ninja Academy also kept silent about this, which is considered to give Iruka, a young ninja, a bit of face as a Ninja Academy teacher.

The other students in the first-year (1) class would not talk about this kind of thing everywhere, because it is too embarrassing for them.

A group of ninja clan children is not as good as a few civilians.

It's embarrassing to say it out.

"eh?" At this time, Hinata also saw Hyuga Neji in front of her. She hurriedly showed a sincere smile and greeted Neji: "Brother Neji, good morning!"

"Brother Neji?" Naruto widened his eyes: "Is this person the Hyuga Neji you mentioned last night, Hinata?"

Naruto saw that Neji's forehead was wrapped in a bandage.

He also remembered the curse mark mentioned by Hinata.

"Um....." Naruto seemed thoughtful.

'He is a potential person that can be pulled into the new, Whitebeard Pirate Group!'

He thought of this sentence in his heart.

"Hinata-sama." The Hyuga branch family child next to Neji greeted Hinata quite politely.

Neji took a deep look at Hinata, the hatred and disgust in the boy's eyes were hard to hide.

"Sama." The last word Neji said were full of strong personal emotions.

Anyone can hear it.

His tone was not good.

After saying that... Neji walked directly into the Ninja Academy and never looked at Hinata again. His companion next to him, after looking left and right, could only hurry up and follow.

"Brother Neji?" Hinata was stunned, but soon remembered the conversation with Pops last night, she took a deep breath slowly.

She whispered in a voice that only she could hear: "I will work hard to change the Hyuga clan!"

Hinata looked at Naruto, Karin, and Haku next to her.

These people are all her new family members.

They are also family members who believe in her.

Hinata clenched her pink fist and added two words in her heart: 'Definitely!!!'

"Hyuga Neji,I heard that he is a genius on the first day of the Ninja Academy." Haku had heard some news in the Ninja Academy yesterday.

He looked at Neji's back and said: "His hatred for Hinata seems to be more than just the division between the Hyuga main family and the branch family."

Haku keenly noticed that there was something wrong with this, he said: "His hatred and indifference to Hinata must have hidden secrets, which are secrets that Hinata does not yet know."

"Hidden secrets?" Hinata tried to recall.

"Could it be..." She seemed to remember something: "Could it be because of what happened four years ago?"

"Four years ago?" Shiro looked at her.

Hinata recalled: "Four years ago, I was only three years old at that time, and I don't remember the specifics. I only know that on that day... some ninjas from outside the village wanted to kidnap me, but I seemed to have been saved."

"After that, I never saw Neji's father again, that is, my uncle Hizashi. My father didn't tell me too much about the details of this matter."

"It was also from that day that brother Neji's relationship with me became particularly cold."

Hinata seemed to understand something.

But she really didn't know the specific details of that incident back then.

Hyuga Hiashi wouldn't tell his daughter about such things.

The Hyuga clan wouldn't let such things get out either.

This is a secret of the Hyuga clan, even within the clan, not many people know the truth.

Only the upper echelons of the Hyuga and Konohagakure know.

"Indeed." Haku suddenly understood: "That guy's hatred for Hinata, it's not that simple."

Because, the division between the main family and the branch family is not enough to rise to hatred.

If hatred could be aroused so easily, the Hyuga clan would have had a very serious internal strife, even armed conflict.

"It seems... this hatred might have cost a life."

Haku's analysis was shocking.

It attracted everyone's attention.

"A life?" Naruto looked at Hinata, then at Neji in the distance, and then thought about the memories Hinata had just spoken of, his eyes widened a bit: "You mean, that Hyuga Neji's father..."

"This is just a guess." Haku shook his head: "I'm not sure if that's the case."

"Huh? Naruto?"

A look of surprise appeared on Haku's face because he saw Naruto, who had directly caught up with Hyuga Neji.

Naruto was very fast, in just a blink of an eye, he ran behind Neji.

"Hey! Hyuga Neji!" Naruto's loud voice rang out behind Neji, causing Neji's footsteps to pause slightly.

Neji turned his head, his eyebrows were always frowning, and he did not relax.

"You are... Uzumaki Naruto?"

Naruto's blond hair is very recognizable in the village of Konohagakure.

Neji naturally heard of Naruto's "famous name"

Of course, his name doesn't have a good reputation.

Because the famous name refers to the demon fox!

"Why are you so cold to Hinata? What happened four years ago?" Naruto spoke directly, he who had been following Whitebeard for many days didn't understand what is called polite, every word Naruto said stepped on a minefield.

"What happened back then that Hinata didn't know? If you have something to say, just say it! What are you hiding?" Naruto was very serious when he said this: "And, your attitude just now was not good!"

"...What did you say?!" Neji's backhand veins were exposed, his eyes were filled with a bit of killing intent, his eyes stared straight at Naruto's eyes.

You can clearly see the veins surging around the white eyes.

The whole scene became a bit awkward.

"Eh? Shh! Shh!" The branch family member of the Hyuga clan next to him was scared and hurriedly made a "shush" gesture to Naruto, while saying to Neji: "Neji, calm down."

"I'm asking ... what did you say?!" Neji ignored his clanmate, he was like a hunting lion cub.

However, his killing intent, which had never killed anyone.

In Naruto's eyes, it's nothing.

Naruto scratched his head and said: "I was just asking you why you have such an attitude towards Hinata? I was also asking you, what happened to your Hyuga clan four years ago, that made you have a hateful attitude towards Hinata?"

"These things, as long as they are said..." Naruto hadn't finished speaking, his pupils shrank slightly, because a palm was coming at him like a snake probing.

Naruto quickly leaned back.

He dodged the opponent's attack.

"You... want to die?" Neji's eyes were surrounded by veins, and his Byakugan had already been activated. In his eyes, there was even a hint of painful gloom.

Before Naruto could speak, Neji attacked Naruto with another palm, but the next second, Neji was stunned.

His wrist was caught by a hand, that hand was like a powerful vise, tightly holding his wrist joint.

Making it impossible for Neji to break free.

"Hey, sneak attacks are useless against me!" Naruto touched his nose tip, grinned and said: "A guy who doesn't want to reveal the past, only wants to hide it in his heart and constantly consume himself with hatred, is not a qualified ninja in my eyes."

"Hmph!" Neji snorted coldly, his other hand stretched out two fingers, and quickly stabbed towards Naruto's hand.

But he found that Naruto had let go of his wrist.

He dodged his acupoint strike.

"Strange... it's just two fingers, but Observation Haki tells me that I can't be touched by your two fingers." Naruto became more interested in Neji.

"Hyuga Neji!"

"Uzumaki Naruto!"

Just then, a voice came from not far away: "If it's not in a combat class, students are not allowed to fight each other, otherwise they will be punished with according to school rules!"

The person speaking was suddenly Iruka.

Iruka, who came to work on time, didn't expect to encounter such a thing as soon as he returned to the ninja school.

Iruka naturally knew Hyuga Neji, after all, he was a well-known figure in the school.

Not to mention Naruto, who had just defeated him yesterday and made him owe Teuchi boss several thousand taels.

He has to wait until next month's salary to pay off this account.

It really bothered Iruka.

"Don't talk too much in the future, or I will take your life." The veins around Neji's eyes gradually dissipated, he coldly glanced at Hinata not far away, and then looked at Naruto. After leaving this sentence, he turned and left directly.

Naruto put his hands in his pockets.

He watched Neji's back.

"Naruto, Naruto!" Hinata had already run over: "You... you're not hurt, are you? Naruto-kun?"

Naruto shook his head.

"I saw pain in his eyes." Naruto said: "It seems that he has a past that he doesn't want to reveal. Interesting guy, I'm very interested in him."

Haku also said: "Indeed, he is a very good potential person. But... if you want him to join the Whitebeard Pirates, the main problem is to untie his knot."

Karin was curious: "Are we going to pull him into the pirate group?"

"Of course!" Naruto smiled brilliantly: "I am going to find a group of Hokage assistants in the ninja school! Pull the Hokage assistants into the Whitebeard Pirates, so that our pirate group's number of people increase"

"Pops really hopes that the number of crew members of the new Whitebeard Pirates can be comparable to the number of the old Whitebeard Pirates."

Naruto's smile was filled with determination and seriousness: "Pops has always been escorting our dreams, and we also have to escort Pops' dreams, isn't this the purpose of family members protecting and supporting each other?"

Karin suddenly realized, she nodded heavily: "I understand!"

As for this behavior, is it considered to be taking advantage of Konohagakure?

Naruto doesn't think so.

Because he, Uzumaki Naruto, is going to be the Fifth Hokage!

By then, he will be Hokage, so what counts as taking advantage?

Naruto thinks his logic is very perfect.

Grandpa Hokage will definitely not blame him.


Konohagakure Jounin Single Apartment.

"Yawn..." Kakashi, who was bare-chested and showing a strong body, sat up from the bed with a tired face, then opened a dead fish eye and looked at Shisui by the bed.

"You're awake so early?" Kakashi said to Shisui: "What are you going to do next? You who don't want to go back to the Uchiha residence, you can't always live here, right?"

These past few days, it was Kakashi who had been taking in Shisui.

Two grown men squeezed into a single apartment.

This is indeed a bit strange.

"There are many people in the Jounin single apartments. If you want to keep a low profile, I can take you to the place where I used to live." Kakashi was referring to the house where he and his father used to live, but the house has been abandoned for several years.

Speaking of which, he hasn't been back for a long time.

"I've thought about it." Shisui's eyes were wrapped in a bandage, and over the past few days, he had gradually become accustomed to life as a blind person.

"Oh?" Kakashi was interested.

Shisui showed a smile and said: "I want to try if I can join the Whitebeard Pirates. After all, it's a family that people envy! If Whitebeard is willing to take me in, then I am gonne be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"If Whitebeard is unwilling, then there's nothing I can do. Maybe I will be a wandering ninja in some corner of the Land of Fire, and by the way, see how Itachi will lead the village towards peace."

His words made Kakashi's eyes widen.

"Join the Whitebeard Pirates?" Kakashi looked at Shisui in astonishment: "Shisui, have you really made this decision?"

"Yes!" Shisui nodded.

Kakashi was silent for a while, and finally sighed: "The old men in the village are really sending one after another excellent talents out of the village like crazy!"

Only in his own home.

Kakashi would make such sharp comments.

"Maybe, joining the Whitebeard Pirates is a correct decision." Kakashi looked at the bandage wrapped around Shisui's face, and he said: "The Observation Haki that Whitebeard mentioned, maybe you can learn it."

"Otherwise, you who have lost both Sharingan, if you encounter danger, you can't even protect yourself." Kakashi didn't know why he would care about a person who was not very familiar.

Maybe... it was because Shisui's experience of being betrayed by the village's high-level officials reminded Kakashi of an old friend.

Kakashi looked at a decoration on the table next to him.

That was a short sword that had been broken a long time ago.

That was also his father's relic.

"Observation Haki?" Shisui was thoughtful, he actually knew about this thing, after all, he had been with the Whitebeard Pirates for almost half a year.

Shisui smiled helplessly: "Maybe, Whitebeard, doesn't want to take me in as a son."

Kakashi put on a piece of clothing.

"That's not necessarily." Kakashi still knew Whitebeard very well, he said to Shisui: "Maybe the next time we meet, we won't be in the same camp."

Shisui laughed: "What if by that time, Kakashi-senpai and I are still in the same camp?"

This sentence made Kakashi stunned.

But he quickly reacted.

"Not likely." Kakashi stubbornly replied.


Ninja Academy.

"Neji? Neji?" As a second-year (1) class teacher, Mizuki, when asking Hyuga Neji a question, suddenly found that this student actually ignored him.

He frowned, and when he looked at the absent-minded Neji, there was a bit of jealousy in his eyes.

Jealous Mizuki could even be jealous of a talented ninja like Iruka, let alone Neji, a young genius ninja from the Hyuga clan.

But this negative emotion was quickly hidden by him.

"Neji? Hyuga Neji!" Mizuki emphasized his tone, which also made Neji's gaze fall on him.

Mizuki was annoyed: "What question did I just ask you?"

"I didn't hear it." Neji answered very sincerely.

"....." Mizuki gritted his teeth and threw a half piece of chalk in his hand towards Neji's direction.

But it was dodged by Neji tilting his head.

"Hyuga Neji! You! Go out to the corridor to punish....."

Before Mizuki could finish his sentence, Neji stood up voluntarily and turned around without hesitation.

This made Mizuki's words stuck in his throat.

His face was alternately pale and white.

'Damn... all these genius children of the ninja clan should die!' Mizuki wished he could bite Hyuga Neji to pieces.

Neji, who walked out of the classroom, didn't stay in the corridor at all.

He went directly to the small practice field of the Ninja School.

Because there are not many people here usually.

The battles between the students of the Ninja School do not happen every day, after all, once

The battle means injury, and the courses in the Ninja School are more about learning some theoretical knowledge.

Neji came to this place.

Just to be alone

"What... is going on here?" But he was surprised to find that the small practice field in front of him had become a mess.

You can see that there are many pits and burn marks on the ground, and there are also many traces of being cut by sharp tools.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the edge of the practice field, you can see that a grove of trees planted there has been sawn off.

"Could it be that two powerful ninjas have fought here? Are they two Chunin teachers from the school?"

Neji squinted his eyes.

"No! It's a new student from the Ninja School and a teacher from the Ninja School!" A sudden voice came from the side: "Do you need me to introduce to you who that powerful new student is?"

The voice is very strange.

And very gentle.

Neji quickly turned his head and saw that it was a somewhat familiar, but not particularly familiar person. The other party, like himself, had long hair, and that long hair was softer than his own.

Even Neji had to admit that the "girl" in front of him was even cuter than Hyuga Hinata, the young lady.

"Who are you?" Neji looked up: "Are you the person next to that guy Uzumaki Naruto?"

"My name is Haku."

Haku smiled and greeted: "I asked Iruka-sensei for a small break of ten minutes, I wanted to go to the bathroom. I didn't expect to see you here on the way. I've heard of you, many students in the Ninja School are talking about your name, they all say you are the first genius of the Ninja Academy."

"Being recognized as the first genius by many arrogant kids is also a rare ability. I think you are a very powerful person, Neji-kun."

Haku's gentle smile made Neji stunned.

A gentle breeze blew, and a few strands of Shiro's hair swept across Neji's face.

"Hmph!" This made Neji's face a bit itchy.

"Neji moved his head slightly without leaving a trace. "I don't need their recognition."




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