Chapter 137: Shisui's Arrival! The Curse of the Caged Bird

"Don't need their approval?"

The faint smile on Haku's face did not fade, but became more gentle, and the voice of his speech also tended to be neutral: "It seems that Neji-kun is a very confident genius!"

"No." Neji brushed away the strands of Haku's hair that blew onto his face, and there was no change in his expression: "This is not confidence, this is destiny, this is fate."

Neji is a very silent and calm person.

The only people who could be more silent than him might be the Aburame clan.

He didn't know... why he would say so much useless nonsense in front of a person he met for the first time.

"A genius is destined to be a genius when he is born, and he doesn't need anyone's approval. Destiny determines that he is a genius."

Neji calmly said: "Mediocre people are also destined to be mediocre people. No matter how hard they work, they will only reach that level in their lifetime. They are only worthy of marveling at the talents of others."

"Just like the birds in the cage, they will always be the birds in the cage, and they will never have the day to fly freely."

"Those free birds will always be free birds, and they will never be locked in a cage."

A few words that had been pressing in his heart for many years were slightly spoken out.

Neji also breathed a sigh of relief, at least the depression in his heart was slightly relieved, but it was only a little bit.

"Destiny?" Haku thought: "It makes sense!"

This sentence made Neji glance at him slightly.

What Neji saw was Haku's side face.

At this time, Haku laughed: "But there are always birds in the cage, who can peck through the cage with their own strength, right? Even if they peck their beaks to pieces, even if they peck themselves to pieces, even if they peck their souls to extinction..."

"As long as the bird cage is pecked through and shattered, even if it can only achieve one day of freedom, one hour of freedom, one minute of freedom... it can also make the people who put the bird in the cage surprised, right?"

"Tsk! It's just some nonsense!" Neji was very disdainful of Haku's set of rhetoric.

If the birds in the cage have the day to fly freely, would his father still die in that kind of thing?

Thinking of his father, Neji couldn't help but clenched his fists.

In fact, no one wants to resist fate more than him.

But in Neji's eyes, the word fate is like a mountain that can never be moved, so heavy that it makes him desperate.

It also made his resistance gradually become closed.

Because he had tried to resist... but the bird in the cage on his forehead was triggered by the head of the Hyuga clan.

That kind of extreme pain of destroying the brain nerves...

It was the most painful experience Neji had ever felt.

Every time I think about it, I sweat all over.

"Aren't many students in the Ninja School coming out of the orphanage?" Haku did not get angry because of Neji's attitude, and still maintained a gentle smile: "They joined the Ninja School and studied hard, isn't it just to be able to break free from fate?"

"Can they break free?" Neji lowered his head, looking at a few busy ants on the ground, and said: "No matter how hard they try, the limit of their lifetime is just a genin."

"In this world, there are also geniuses who surpass ordinary people, voluntarily become ordinary people, and finally die at the hands of ordinary people." Haku's voice is still very soft.

"They have a good destiny, but they deliberately put themselves in a bad destiny because of various external factors. Isn't this a kind of resistance to destiny?"

These few words made Neji frown slightly.

He knew what Haku meant by this sentence, probably a natural genius, voluntarily letting himself fall into the fate of mediocrity.

"There won't be such stupid people in the ninja world." Neji was sure: "Just like the young lady of our Hyuga clan, I haven't seen her willing to draw any marks on her forehead."

Mentioning this, Neji couldn't help but touch the bandage wrapped around his forehead.

He didn't want to show the caged bird inside the bandage to others.

This is one of the biggest scars in his heart.

His words also gradually became less polite.

He even mentioned Hyuga Hinata.

"Yes!" Haku looked up at a white cloud in the sky, his gaze seemed to be able to penetrate the barrier between the world and heaven, as if he could see the face that was gradually becoming blurred in his memory: "That 'foolish' person... is my biological mother!"

Neji was stunned, he found that although Haku still maintained a smile.

But a line of clear tears had already welled up from his eyes.

"Although... I don't know if you want to listen to my story, but I think a person's story doesn't need to be hidden. The 'past' events are not so unbearable to be revealed."

Although Haku was shedding tears of memory, his tone did not choke: "As a genius of the Hyuga clan, you should be familiar with 'Kekkei Genkai', right? My mother, she is a Kekkei Genkai ninja."

Haku opened a hand, his palm condensed a ball of cold air, making the surrounding temperature drop several degrees.

This kind of Kekkei Genkai, Neji saw it for the first time.

"When I was a child, I followed my mother to mountain to collect medicine. That day... I saw my mother use her Kekkei Genkai for the first time. My mother, who encountered a giant tiger, turned it into an ice sculpture in less than a second."

If "My mother can solve that kind of danger, she clearly had the ability to kill all the people in the village. But... my mother did not choose to resist. She loved my father very much, and in the end, she died at the hands of my father."

"She was killed by my father... just because she has Kekkei Genkai, in the Land of Water, it is a symbol of ominous disaster. Unexpectedly, right? In Konohagakure, the Kekkei Genkai that people envy, in the Land of Water, can be discriminated against!"

Neji's expression changed slightly.

His eyes were filled with shock.

At the very beginning, he could guess that Haku's mother was dead. But....

He didn't expect that Haku's mother was actually killed by Haku's father, such a Childhood experience....

Neji didn't know what to say.

"Kekkei Genkai in the Land of Fire, is a genius, is a high above destiny, is a destiny that transcends mediocrity. Kekkei Genkai in the Land of Water, is a disaster, is a destiny that attracts fatal disaster, is a destiny that will bring discrimination and death to oneself."

Neji, do you know why this is?"

Before Neji could think, Haku took the initiative to explain: "Because... destiny! Destiny is always limited by those very powerful people!"

Neji's eyes gradually widened, destiny is limited by powerful people?

"Suppose, I am the Hokage of Konohagakure village," Haku looked at Neji and said: "I declare from now on, any clan with Kekkei Genkai, must not participate in the affairs of Konohagakure village, must not do business, must not occupy a piece of clan territory, and incite the public to discriminate against Kekkei Genkai clans."

"Then support those ninja clans without Kekkei Genkai, to target the Kekkei Genkai clans. The most dangerous mission tasks are all given to the Kekkei Genkai clans to do, gradually weakening their strength."

"Then put a lot of scapegoat that the Kekkei Genkai clans should not bear, all on the heads of those Kekkei Genkai clans."

"In this situation, whether it's you, Neji, or Hinata, the young lady of the Hyuga main family..."

"Has your destiny changed?"

Haku's words fell into Neji's ears, like thunderbolts, falling from Neji's ears.

He looked at Haku next to him in astonishment.

There was a chilling sense of immediacy.

If such a thing really happened in Konohagakure village, then their Hyuga clan wouldn't mention anything about the main family and the branch family, let alone the caged bird.

Because at that time, the Hyuga clan would definitely become a very low status ninja clan.

It might even be on the verge of extinction!"

"Destiny, always in the hands of powerful people! Neji-kun."

"Ah, I can't hold it anymore."

Haku wiped some tears from his face, and said to Neji: "Shall we go to the toilet together?"

Neji was in a daze.

He actually followed.

The toilets in the ninja school naturally have a gender distinction, Neji, who was heavy-hearted, instinctively wanted to go into the men's toilet. But he found that Haku, who was in front of him, had gone in first.

Neji immediately grabbed Haku's hand, under Haku's puzzled gaze, he pointed to the toilet sign.

"This is the men's toilet.

Neji pointed to the side again: "The women's toilet is over there."

Then, he found that his action was a bit inappropriate.

He quickly let go of his hand.

Haku suddenly realized, chuckled. He walked into the men's toilet and said without surprise: "Neji... you misunderstood 'destiny' again, I'm a boy! I'm nine years old this year, maybe even older than you, Neji!"

Neji: "....."



Konohagakure village, on a street.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The sound of a simple guide stick hitting the ground was very slight, Shisui was alone looking for Whitebeard.

He knew from Kakashi's mouth where Whitebeard was in Konohagakure.

Although he no longer had a pair of eyes, Shisui still relied on his memory of the streets of Konohagakure village, and then slowly groped forward in that direction.

When he inevitably asked some passers-by on the road.

After all, memory may be wrong.

"Hey! The guy in front! Uchiha guard team is on duty! Get out of the way! I'm talking to you! Are you deaf? Get out of my way!"

Just then, Shisui felt someone push him from behind, and it was very hard.

If Shisui was not a Konohagakure Jounin.

He probably would have sat on the ground.

Although his eyes couldn't see anything, Shisui could still feel that several people had passed by him.

At this time, Shisui suddenly reached out a hand.

He put one hand on a person's shoulder, making the member of the Uchiha clan's guard team stunned.

The other party turned his head back incredulously, seeming to be puzzled, who dared to stop the Uchiha clan's guard team?

But when he looked, it turned out to be a blind man!

Shisui had used a transformation technique today when he went out, and transformed himself into a very ordinary middle-aged man.

With his level of transformation technique, ninjas below the Jounin level would find it difficult to see through.

Unless they have the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan.....

"Article 5, Section 13 of the Konohagakure Uchiha Security Team Regulations... Uchiha clan ninjas, regardless of whether the task is urgent or not, must not overly disturb civilians, and must not show off under the name of 'performing tasks'. Violators will be fined 1000 ryō and given a minor demerit."

With the face of a middle-aged man, Shisui smoothly recited the Uchiha Security Team regulations in a very calm tone.

"Has the Uchiha clan's security team started to violate this regulation? Who is currently in charge of the security team?"

Finally, Shisui added a sentence.

"Hmph!" An Uchiha clan member who was grabbed by Shisui slapped Shisui's arm away without politeness: "A blind man can actually recite the Uchiha Security Team regulations?"

When he looked at Shisui, his face was a bit annoyed, as if his self-esteem had been pierced.

The Uchiha clan member sneered with a bit of ill-intentioned tone: "What if I violated it? Why don't you punish me? A mere ordinary civilian dares to talk big here? The three of us are noble Uchihas!"

"Blind man, you should be glad that I am Uchiha Gan, I am in a good mood today, otherwise I would have arrested you and put you in the Konohagakure prison!"

Uchiha Gan reached out and patted Shisui's face.

Even the force used was not small, making a "pop", "pop", "pop" crisp sound.

"Get as far away as you can! Nosy blind man!"

Uchiha Gan's mouth corner revealed a teasing smile.

The slight pain on his face did not change Shisui's expression, he just continued to speak to himself: "Article 2, Section 7 of the Konohagakure Uchiha Security Team Regulations... Uchiha Security Team members must not arbitrarily use the power of the security team to oppress Konohagakure civilians or fellow villagers. Violators will be fined 3000 ryō and given a minor demerit."

"Article 1, Section 11 of the Konohagakure Uchiha Security Team Regulations... Uchiha Security Team members must not intentionally harm Konohagakure civilians or fellow villagers. Violators will be fined 15000 ryō and detained in Konohagakure prison for 10 days."

By the time he said this, the expressions of the three Uchiha clan ninjas had become particularly gloomy.

Because Shisui bluntly said out the regulations they violated one by one.

And he didn't listen to their warnings and reminders.

In their eyes, it was undoubtedly a deliberate provocation.

Before they could say anything, Shisui continued to say: "One of you is called Uchiha Gan, so the other two... should be Uchiha Wen, and Uchiha Cui. I remember you, a year ago, you were beaten by Whitebeard and hospitalized, it seems you have all been discharged now."

Shisui even dug up the black history of these three people.

And the words Shisui said next involved some taboos

"I have a deep impression of you, because you three are the main battle faction among the younger generation of the Uchiha clan. Your father is even an elder of the Uchiha clan, and that elder is a more extreme faction than you."

The four people's verbal confrontation on the street...

Made the surrounding Konohagakure civilians retreat.

After all, not everyone dares to provoke the Uchiha Security Team.

"You... " Uchiha Cui realized that this blind man was a bit wrong: "You are definitely not an ordinary blind man! Who are you?"

Uchiha Gan, Uchiha Wen, and Uchiha Cui quickly exchanged glances.

They involuntarily surrounded Shisui in the middle.

"Me? I'm a person who's already dead."

Shisui revealed a smile, the smile was a bit cunning, and also a bit relaxed and teasing: "Why not call me Uchiha Madara?"

"Damn it!" Uchiha Gan's eyes widened.

"You bastard are playing with the Uchiha Security Team!"

Claiming to be Uchiha Madara, isn't that claiming to be the ancestor of the Uchiha clan?

If Shisui's words were a bit rude...

That would be a swear word.

"Bastard! I don't care who you blind man are! Damn guy, dare to insult the ancestors of the Uchiha clan! For the rest of your life, you will stay in the Konohagakure prison!"

Uchiha Gan wanted to lift a foot and knock Shisui to the ground.

But he didn't expect that the guide stick in Shisui's hand was even faster.

The guide stick that suddenly stabbed out instantly hit Uchiha Gan's abdomen, making Uchiha Gan's eyes widen.

Uchiha Gan was covering his abdomen, kneeling on the ground, constantly dry heaving. He lost his combat power in just an instant.



This scene made Uchiha Wen and Uchiha Cui suddenly shocked.

But before the two of them had time to make a move, Shisui swung his hand and threw out two shurikens.

One shuriken flew towards Uchiha Wen's neck, scraping the skin of the neck, and a little blood overflowed from the neck.

Another shuriken hit Uchiha Cui's Konohagakure forehead protector.

The sharp side of the shuriken pierced through the Konohagakure forehead protector.

It pierced Uchiha Cui's forehead skin, and a vertical blood slowly slid down from Uchiha Cui's Konohagakure forehead protector.

The overflowing cold sweat made the backs of the two people wet.

Shisui, holding a guide stick, gently tapped the ground, bypassing the three people who were scared and motionless, and the tone of his speech was not turbulent: "It is precisely because the Uchiha clan has people like you that 'peace' is in danger."

"Cherish such peace for the rest of your lives! Konohagakure and Uchiha don't necessarily have to stand on opposite sides. 'Peace' is very precious."

Shisui's leaving footsteps were not very fast.

But no one dared to stop him.

Uchiha Gan was still constantly dry heaving, and couldn't even stand up.

Uchiha Wen was touching the few drops of blood that overflowed from his neck, and his legs were a bit soft when he looked at Shisui's back.

Uchiha Cui couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

They could only watch Shisui leave.


Half an hour later.

"It seems... I've arrived, provided I didn't remember it wrong." Shisui came to a new street, and the darkness in front of him made him unsure whether he had come to the wrong place.

Unless you ask someone.

Just as Shisui had this idea in his mind.

A familiar voice sounded.

"Such a profound transformation technique, I almost got fooled. Fortunately, I saw a blind man and took a few more glances."

Kisame, sitting on the roof of a house.

Looking down at Shisui below.






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