Chapter 175: The future of Kirigakure Village will be entrusted to Whitebeard!

Terumi Mei brought with her a group of nine Genin from Kirigakure Village.

It's not that she didn't want to bring more Genin, but these were all the promising underage Genin that Kirigakure Village had.

The blood mist policy implemented by the Fourth Mizukage was continuously devastating the future of Kirigakure Village.

Every child who wanted to graduate from the ninja academy and become a Genin had to kill those around them.

Only those who emerged from a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood were eligible to graduate.

This was a very distorted and cruel rule.

As a result, the number of new generations in Kirigakure Village over the years was not large. However, each one who managed to kill their way out of the mountain of corpses and sea of blood was an elite, basically the best in the ninja academy.

"What a beautiful village, I really want to kill all these people and take over this village!" 

A Kirigakure brat sneered and sighed.

Terumi Mei, frightened, turned around and gave the brat a knock on the head.

With a "bang", he let out a scream.

"Idiot!" Terumi Mei helplessly said: "The blood mist policy has ended, the future Kirigakure Village needs to be civilized and harmonious! Don't always talk about fighting and killing!"

"Moreover, you little devil, if you say such things in Konohagakure Village and the ninjas of Konohagakure hear it, they might teach you a lesson. This is the main base of Konohagakure."

Dealing with such a group of problem children gave Terumi Mei a headache.

The only normal one among them was a child named Chojuro.

This child didn't talk much along the way and had a very shy personality.

And he was a genius among the new generation in Kirigakure Village.

In the village, he was even called the prodigy of Kirigakure.

Chojuro hadn't been out of the ninja academy of Kirigakure for long, and he graduated early.

Not long after graduation, he was eligible to participate in the Chunin exam in Konohagakure.

Such talent reminded Terumi Mei of herself.

She was even promoted to Chunin earlier than Chojuro.

But that was during a time of war.

It was a special promotion.

"Look what I found? Isn't this Kirigakure Village?" A sudden voice sounded behind her.

The tone was somewhat mocking and teasing.

Terumi Mei turned around with a frown, and at a glance, she saw that the forehead protector on the other party was not from Konohagakure.

It was from Sunagakure Village.

Judging from the other party's dress and appearance, the one who spoke should be a Jonin team leader from Sunagakure Village.

Terumi Mei didn't know this guy, she didn't know where this Sunagakure Jonin came from, and he didn't look like a famous character at first glance.

"Sunagakure?" Terumi Mei's eyebrows did not relax, the other party's tone was not good, don't blame her for having a worse tone: "I didn't expect that you guys who live in the desert and gnaw on cacti would also come to participate in the Chunin exam held by Konohagakure?"

"Hmph! You guys who fish in the sea all day, aren't you also here to participate in the Chunin exam?" The Sunagakure Village Jonin retorted.

There were more than a dozen Sunagakure Genin behind him.

They were all a group of young kids.

It seems that their ideas are consistent with Kirigakure Village, they all want to use this Chunin exam to show the potential of the village.

Seeing this, Terumi Mei couldn't help but feel heavy.

This Chunin exam...

Every ninja village is probably bringing out their best lineup!

Unexpectedly, Sunagakure Village, which has always been at the bottom of the five major ninja villages, has already surpassed Kirigakure Village.

She is worried about the future of Kirigakure Village.

"Get out of the way!!" A Sunagakure Jonin, leading a dozen little kids from Sunagakure, openly pushed aside Terumi Mei and others.

He even secretly pushed Terumi Mei.

"Bastard!" The young Terumi Mei was not a very good-tempered person.

Her forehead showed a few blue veins, and her fists were already clenched: "Do you want to die?!"

The Sunagakure Jonin looked back: "Your Kirigakure Village is about to be demolished by Whitebeard, do you want to declare war on us Sunagakure at this time?!"

Terumi Mei: "....."

The other party's words just hit the pain point of Terumi Mei and Kirigakure Village.

It really made her want to kill this foul-mouthed Sunagakure Jonin in Konohagakure Village.

I'm afraid it will really start a war between the two ninja villages.

Terumi Mei knows that the current Kirigakure Village may not be the opponent of Sunagakure, especially the backbone of Kirigakure is dead or crippled.

And the top power of Kirigakure Village is either dead or gone.

To be honest, in the huge Kirigakure Village now.....

Not even a "kage level" can be found!

Although such power can still crush small ninja villages.

But it's not the opponent of Sunagakure Village.

"Excuse me....." At this time, a weak voice came from behind: "Do you know where a person named 'Uzumaki Naruto' lives?"

Terumi Mei turned her head in surprise.

"Ah? Hiss!" Kazewa Serizawa suddenly took a breath.

Because he found that he asked the wrong person, these people in front of him seemed not to be from Konohagakure Village. Some of them wore the forehead protector of Kirigakure Village, and some wore the forehead protector of Sunagakure Village.

That's right.

Kazewa Serizawa, the new leader of Kusagakure Village, came in person.

He also brought a bunch of new-style forehead protectors from Kusagakure Village.

After all, this is to show his face in front of "Uzumaki Naruto".

How can he let other subordinates do it?

What if his subordinates get the praise of Uzumaki Naruto?

Isn't his position as leader might be unsafe?

Even if he wants to be a dog of the Whitebeard Pirate Group...

He also wants to be the most obedient dog.

"Hey, what did you just say about Uzumaki?" Terumi Mei stared at the person in front of her. The Terumi Mei, who was angered by the Sunagakure Jonin, was not very good in tone when she asked.

The pervasive anger and killing intent made Kazewa Serizawa swallow secretly.

The momentum of the Kirigakure Jonin is not something he can bear.

"I, I said Uzumaki Naruto."

Kazewa Serizawa hurriedly repeated.

"Uzumaki Naruto, is he a blond haired kid?"

Terumi Mei's eyes lit up, she quickly asked this guy: "Is it Uzumaki Naruto, the captain of the first division of the Whitebeard Pirate Group?"

"Eh? Do you know Naruto?" Kazewa Serizawa, who came to Konohagakure Village alone,

Felt like he found the "organization"

"More than just knowing....." Terumi Mei sighed and said: "That little kid can be considered a benefactor of our Kirigakure Village."


Terumi Mei looked at his forehead protector with suspicion, and at a glance, she saw the symbol of the Whitebeard Pirates. Terumi Mei was a bit dumbfounded: "What's the deal with your forehead protector? Which ninja village are you from? Why is your forehead protector styled like this?"

"Whitebeard Pirate's affiliated ninja village... Kusagakure Village! My name is Kazewa Serizawa, I am the leader of the Kusagakure Ninja!" When Kazewa Serizawa mentioned his identity, he couldn't help but feel a little proud.

Even if he just got lucky and picked up the identity of the leader of Kusagakure Village, he was still the leader of a ninja village.

This title carries some weight when spoken out loud.

Sure enough

Not only was Terumi Mei somewhat surprised, even the Sunagakure Jonin was curious and looked at Kazewa Serizawa.

"Kusagakure Ninja leader?" Terumi Mei looked him up and down: "An affiliated ninja village with the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"...A guy like this can be a ninja village leader?" The Sunagakure Jonin was merciless: "In our Sunagakure Village, such a guy is only fit to be an ordinary ninja."

This kind of foul mouth made Kazewa Serizawa angry.

But he dared not say anything more.

If a ninja village does not have a strong power, let alone any civilian dignity, even the dignity of the ninja village leader is non-existent.

This is the law of the jungle in the ninja world.

The only advantage of Kusagakure Village is that in the eyes of the five major ninja villages, they might still need to provide aid to Kusagakure Village if they take it down.

Such a unique advantage.

Makes Kusagakure Village very safe.



Hokage Building.

"Hokage-sama..... Kirigakure Village, Sunagakure Village, Kusagakure Village, the ninjas from these three villages have already arrived in Konohagakure first. Kirigakure Village, including the Jonin team leader, has a total of ten people, Sunagakure Village, including the Jonin team leader, has a total of nineteen people; Kusagakure Village... Kusagakure Village is a bit strange."

An Anbu ninja was reporting the current situation to Sarutobi Hiruzen: "At present, only one person has come from Kusagakure Village, and this person is also the leader of Kusagakure Village, Kazewa Serizawa! If I'm not mistaken, this Kusagakure Ninja leader should also be the Jonin team leader."

"But... there are no three Genin following him, only him alone, and no other Kusagakure Ninja have been seen."

After Sarutobi Hiruzen listened.

He frowned slightly.

The leader of Kusagakure Village actually came to Konohagakure Village in person, which was somewhat unexpected for Sarutobi Hiruzen. As for the disappearance of the three Genin from Kusagakure Village, it didn't matter much to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After all, a mere Kusagakure Village can't make waves in Konohagakure.

If something happened to the three Genin from their ninja village, the Kusagakure Ninja leader would definitely come to find him.

Since the other party hasn't come to find him now.

That means there's no problem.

Everything is normal.

"Hokage-sama, it seems that there has been a slight conflict between the Jonin team leaders of Kirigakure Village and Sunagakure Village. However, it's all verbal conflict, and both sides appear to be quite restrained," the Anbu ninja continued.

Sarutobi Hiruzen laughed, "It's normal to have conflicts, after all, the Third Great Ninja War just ended not long ago. If there were no conflicts between them, I would suspect... whether Kirigakure Village and Sunagakure Village are colluding."

"Continue to keep an eye on them, no need to hide, just normal surveillance will do."

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

After watching the Anbu ninja leave, Sarutobi Hiruzen's smile faded.

Because he always had a bad feeling.

Did he overlook something?



A light bulb went off in Sarutobi Hiruzen's mind, and he called another Anbu ninja, who had white hair on his head, obviously Kakashi who had just finished his vacation.

"Hokage-sama!" Kakashi still had that dead fish eye open.

You could see some bruises at the corners of his eyes.

Obviously, in the past few days, whether it was Might Guy or Hoshigaki Kisame, they both forcibly dragged him into battle.

If it was a competition of Ninjutsu, it would be fine.

Kakashi, with the thousands of Ninjutsu copied in his mind, could deal with them well, and since Guy was not good at Ninjutsu, he was completely bullying Guy.

But if it was a competition of Taijutsu, no matter if it was Hoshigaki Kisame or Might Guy, their Taijutsu was much more exaggerated than his.

At this time...

The one being "bullied" was him, Kakashi.

That little bruise at the corner of Kakashi's eye appeared like this.

It's not like he hasn't tried to refuse.

Until one day, when he was lazily sleeping in the Jonin apartment... he was forcibly pulled out of the bedroom by Guy, who was shouting "youth" in his mouth, just halfway through his sleep.


Kakashi gave up.

"Kakashi, I need you to send out a few invitations, these are the spectator invitations for the Chunin exam." Sarutobi Hiruzen immersed himself for a few seconds, and pulled out a few invitations from the drawer.

Then, he put these invitations on the office desk.

He signaled Kakashi with his eyes to come and take them.

"Hokage-sama, who do you want me to send these to?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Send them to the Whitebeard Pirate Group!" Sarutobi Hiruzen said astonishingly, "You will send these invitations to them."

"Okay." Kakashi was a bit surprised.

But he didn't ask more.

Sarutobi Hiruzen did this naturally because he had his considerations.

He felt that the source of his ominous premonition came from Whitebeard.

And he, as the Third Hokage, invited Whitebeard, asked Whitebeard to come to the Chunin exam to watch the game.

And, he could also let Whitebeard sit next to him.

To show his importance to the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

It can also show that he has no intention of offending Whitebeard.

In this way...

The Whitebeard Pirate Group shouldn't mess up the Chunin exam, right?



In the blink of an eye, it was noon.

Terumi Mei allowed the group of Genin brats, with Chojuro at the center, to wander around Konohagakure, but they absolutely could not cause any bloodshed in Konohagakure.

Otherwise, she would cancel their Chunin exam qualifications as the Jonin team leader.

Although Chojuro was shy, he was very strong and was a prodigy of Kirigakure Village.

The key was that he was obedient.

Terumi Mei felt that he could suppress the other problem children.

She followed the Kusagakure Ninja leader named "Kazewa Serizawa".

The two of them were looking for Whitebeard in Konohagakure Village.

Along the way, as long as they saw a ninja from Konohagakure, they would stop them and ask questions.

Finally, they asked about the location of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And under the guidance of the Konohagakure ninja.

They arrived at the temporary residence of the Whitebeard Pirates in Konohagakure.

"I see it, I see the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Kazewa Serizawa was excited, he saw the building ahead, hanging with the flag of the Whitebeard Pirates.

A black and white pirate flag.....

It was gently fluttering in the wind.

In principle, no ninja village would allow a pirate group to forcibly draw a street in their village as a temporary residence for the pirate group.

Even less would they allow the pirate group to hang so many pirate flags openly in the village.

But if this pirate group is the Whitebeard Pirates.

Everything seems reasonable.

"No wonder it's Whitebeard-sama, his deterrence and his powerful strength make the prestigious Konohagakure Village submit!"

Kazewa Serizawa was shocked.

"After all, if Konohagakure doesn't give face to Whitebeard-sama, the end of their Third Hokage might be the same as our Fourth Mizukage." Terumi Mei calmly added.

Then, the two of them found that there were many children in this place.

On the contrary, there are very few adults here.

Looking down the street, there must be dozens of children under ten years old.

The number of adults is very few.

"Tsk tsk, look who I found? Isn't this Terumi Mei?" A familiar voice sounded, making Terumi Mei's pupils shrink.

Terumi Mei looked in the direction where the sound came from.

She saw a familiar acquaintance.

The other party was carrying a large sword wrapped in bandages, and that shark face was very recognizable.

Even if this man did not wear the forehead protector of Kirigakure Village.

But Terumi Mei could still recognize who the other party was at a glance.

"Hoshigaki Kisame!!!"

Terumi Mei was very shocked: "Didn't you already leave Kirigakure Village? How could you be in Konohagakure Village? How could you be here?"

Kisame grinned.

He openly showed the tattoo on his arm.

This was the tattoo that Kisame imitated Uzumaki Fuushi and tattooed on his arm.

No need to say more.

Terumi Mei understood.

".....You actually joined the Whitebeard Pirates and became Whitebeard's son!"

Terumi Mei was incredulous.

Hoshigaki Kisame's strength could rank in the top three in the entire Kirigakure Village.

This man chose to leave Kirigakure.

And joined the Whitebeard Pirates.

She didn't know what to say.

"A good bird chooses a tree to nest in, it's a simple truth!" 

Kisame laughed, "Terumi Mei, what are you doing here? Don't tell me you want to be Pops' daughter?"

".....No, no." Even Terumi Mei herself didn't know why she suddenly felt a flutter in her heart.

She quickly shook her head, explaining her purpose for today: "I am the Jonin team leader for this Chunin exam. At the same time, I want to entrust a special item to Whitebeard-dono."

"Oh?" Kisame was a bit curious, "What special thing?"

".....It's a bit inconvenient to show it here." Terumi Mei was a bit hesitant.

Even though Kirigakure Village has already decided on the path it wants to take in the future.

But if they openly display all of this...

It won't be long before it spreads throughout the entire ninja world.

"Heh....alright then!" Kisame first said to Terumi Mei, then turned to Kazewa Serizawa, "And who are you?"

Kazewa Serizawa was scared and quickly responded, "Ki, Kisame, I am the leader of Kusagakure Village. It was Uzumaki Naruto who asked me to bring Kusagakure Village's forehead protector to him."

"Oh, I remember, Naruto did mention this." Kisame casually said, "Wait until evening, Naruto will be back, just wait here!"

"Okay, okay!" Kazewa Serizawa was relieved.

When facing Kisame, he felt a great pressure.

As if he would be beheaded the next second.

Cold sweat was flowing out.

And Terumi Mei had already followed Kisame to a place.

After about ten seconds.

She saw Whitebeard.

"Whitebeard-dono, nice to see you again." Terumi Mei took a deep breath, she didn't beat around the bush, because she knew that in front of this man, she had to speak directly.

If she beat around the bush, it would only make Whitebeard lose patience.

So Terumi Mei directly stated her purpose, "Whitebeard-dono, I hope you can accept the Mizukage hat of Kirigakure Village! Whether Whitebeard-dono becoming the Mizukage of Kirigakure Village, or you appointing anyone as the Mizukage of Kirigakure, we Kirigakure Village will follow your will"

Terumi Mei took out the Mizukage hat.

She offered it to Whitebeard with both hands.

"From now on, Kirigakure Village will be a vassal ninja village of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, and you will hold the highest power of Kirigakure! The future of Kirigakure Village will be handed over to Whitebeard-sama!"

Terumi Mei even changed her address.

From Whitebeard-dono.

To Whitebeard-sama.




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