Chapter 176: I am Whitebeard! Naruto: A Surprise for Grandpa Hokage.

The entire scene became somewhat quiet.

Terumi Mei, in a very humble manner, held the Mizukage hat of their Kirigakure Village with both hands.

She presented the Mizukage hat to Whitebeard.

Quietly waiting for Whitebeard to take it.

At this moment, she was very anxious, fearing that Whitebeard would not take the Mizukage hat.

If that were the case, their Kirigakure Village would lose the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Nowadays, Kirigakure Village, which is already lacking in high-end combat power...

If there is no Whitebeard Pirates as a backing.

If something big happens, Kirigakure really doesn't know what to do.

Hoshigaki Kisame looked at Terumi Mei with interest, and then his gaze fell on the Mizukage hat.

For this Mizukage hat, Kisame naturally couldn't be unfamiliar.

When he was in Kirigakure Village, as long as he was in the village, he could see this hat almost every day.

This also reminded him of some not-so-good memories from the past.

Because of the appearance of the hat, it made him think of the Fourth Mizukage.

Then he thought of the Blood Mist policy,

Finally, Kisame thought of the companions who died in his hands.

When these memories came to mind.

Kisame's interested expression hung a bit of gloom.

But he didn't say anything.

Because Kisame knew that this was the most correct decision made by Kirigakure Village. He muttered to himself: "It should be that old man called Genji who make this strategy for Kirigakure Village, right?"

Kisame believes that only that old man in the entire Kirigakure Village could have such a big picture.

On the side, Whitebeard, who was sitting on a big chair with a big sword, looked at Terumi Mei with a condescending look.

Whitebeard's gaze made Terumi Mei feel a lot of pressure.

She didn't know why she was so nervous.

"Little kid, does your Kirigakure Village want to become a vassal ninja village of the Whitebeard Pirates? Gurarararara..." Whitebeard laughed: "Tsk, do you know... what does this mean?"

"What, what does it mean?" Terumi Mei swallowed a mouthful of saliva in secret.

She carefully looked up at Whitebeard in front of her.

"Foolish kid! Does your Kirigakure Village think that it's very easy to take advantage of the Whitebeard Pirates? In the sea, there must be a pay to have a gain! Kirigakure little kid!"

Whitebeard grinned: "When I take over this hat, a part of your Kirigakure Village's annual fiscal revenue will be divided by the Whitebeard Pirates."

"The Whitebeard Pirates can also freely control the funds stored in your village, and the talents you cultivate are even more prioritized by the Whitebeard Pirates."

"And, the Whitebeard Pirates absolutely do not allow betrayal!"

Whitebeard squinted: "Once a betrayal happens, the entire Kirigakure Village will have to bear my anger."


Terumi Mei's throat moved again, the domineering of the Whitebeard Pirates was even more exaggerated than she had imagined.

Where did Kirigakure Village find a powerful combat power that can shelter the village?

This is clearly looking for a very dominant and overbearing father!

But Terumi Mei knew that Kirigakure Village had to find this father.

The inner psychological struggle only lasted a few seconds.

Terumi Mei put on a serious look: "Whitebeard-sama, from the day this Mizukage hat was taken away from Kirigakure Village, everyone in Kirigakure Village has already thought about it! Even if the Whitebeard Pirate Group immediately orders us to send all of Kirigakure Village to death, we will obey such an order!"

This is actually a decision made by Terumi Mei herself.


She thinks this is the right decision.

"Kid, you're quite determined!" Whitebeard's smile became even brighter.

He didn't need to say anything more, Kisame next to him realized what Pops meant.

Kisame stepped forward to replace Pops and held up the Mizukage hat.

Kisame had no interest in the Mizukage hat of Kirigakure Village.

Even if he knew that if he asked Pops to become the Mizukage of Kirigakure Village, Pops would definitely not be stingy with this hat.

But he knew that he was not suitable to be a Mizukage of a ninja village.

Even if the future Kirigakure Village will be better than it is now.

Kisame will not go back to his previous life.

Even if he goes back to Kirigakure Village, he will only stay for a short time at most.

Because Kisame is already used to the life of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

If he is asked to give up being with his family.

Let him go to Kirigakure Village to be the fifth Mizukage.

Kisame was reluctant.

"Kid, this broken hat....from today, it will be kept by the Whitebeard Pirate Group." Whitebeard said: "Remember the promise you made today, Kirigakure Village will become a vassal ninja village of the Whitebeard Pirate Group. As for the position of Mizukage, this broken position is not suitable for me!"

A dignified emperor become a Mizukage of a ninja village.

Isn't that asking an emperor to be a village chief?

It's too ridiculous and funny.

With the experience of managing tens of thousands of Whitebeard Pirate Groups, Whitebeard directly ordered Terumi Mei: "You choose the two most powerful people in your village, and these two people temporarily take over the management power of Kirigakure Village, which is also the Whitebeard Pirate Group. The power temporarily issued to these two people."

"Until I find a fifth Mizukage for you, those two people who temporarily manage Kirigakure, just do what they should do." After saying these few words, Whitebeard grinned and said: "Kirigakure kid, do you have any comments?!"

If these words were said by someone else.

Terumi Mei would definitely have an opinion.

After all, I want to select two people, and I haven't named who to choose. By the time Kirigakure Village is fighting for these two people, that group of Jonin will definitely fight out.

It's not easy to choose two people.....

If those two people hold power for too long and are intoxicated by power, what should I do if those two people are unwilling to give up power after the fifth Mizukage is determined?

Isn't that going to cause a civil war?


When such a few words were spoken from Whitebeard's mouth, Terumi Mei was relieved.

Because by that time, the Fifth Mizukage was elected, if those two people were unwilling to give up power. There is no need for a civil war in Kirigakure Village, just the Whitebeard Pirates taking action is enough.

With an extremely powerful force sitting in town.

Everything has become simpler.

No wonder Master Genji asked me to hand over the Mizukage hat to Whitebeard for safekeeping.

"No objections."

Terumi Mei replied very seriously.

She also knew that after she said this sentence, Kirigakure had already taken the surname "Edward".

"Whitebeard... huh?"

Suddenly, an uninvited guest came, it was Kakashi.

He saw that the door was not closed.

So he walked in directly.

Kakashi held a few invitations in his hand, his gaze wandered around Kisame, Whitebeard, and Terumi Mei. In the end, his gaze locked on Terumi Mei.

Kakashi is somewhat familiar with this Kekkei Genkai ninja from Kirigakure Village.

She actually came to Konohagakure Village?

And met Whitebeard?

Then Kakashi saw that Kisame was holding something in his hand.

Kakashi's eyes gradually widened, and the dead fish eyes that were exposed were already filled with incredible expressions.

That is...

The Mizukage hat?!

Although Kakashi had never seen what the Mizukage hat looked like, he had seen what the Hokage hat looked like.

The hat that Kisame was holding, the color was different from the Hokage hat, but the style was exactly the same as the Hokage hat.

There is also the "water" character on it.

Isn't this the Mizukage hat?

What the hell happened just now?

Did I miss something?

"Kakashi of the Sharingan?"

Terumi Mei was a bit surprised, obviously she also recognized Kakashi.

"White-haired little devil, long time no see!" Whitebeard laughed: "Did you run over here, specifically to be my son?"

Kakashi: "....."

"I am here to give you a few invitations, Whitebeard. This is something Hokage-sama asked me to give you."

Kakashi handed a few invitations to Whitebeard.

Then, he explained: "Whitebeard, Hokage-sama wants to invite you to watch the Chunin exam's sparring match. And Whitebeard, you will sit next to Hokage-sama."

He paused, and continued: "Your position and Hokage-sama's position have no distinction of primary and secondary, they are on the left and right respectively, this is also the sincerity mentioned by Hokage-sama"

When this sentence was said, Kakashi himself was a little embarrassed.

Because this sincerity is not worth mentioning at all.

He glanced at the Mizukage hat again.

Kakashi felt that this was the real "sincerity", who could have thought that Kirigakure Village would do such a thing?

It's simply unbelievable!

"Chunin exam?" Whitebeard showed an interested expression: "Isn't this the Chunin exam that my two stupid sons, and that stupid daughter, and that Uchiha little kid..... are going to participate in?"

Naruto, Haku, Uchiha Izumi, these three sons and daughters are going to participate in the Chunin exam, how could they hide it from Whitebeard?

Moreover, they did not hide it from Whitebeard.

"Huh?" Kakashi was a bit puzzled.

Kisame explained on the side: "Naruto, Haku, Izumi, the three of them are going to participate in the Chunin exam."

Kakashi: "???"

Wait a minute.....

What's going on?

It's understandable that Uchiha Izumi is taking the Chunin exam, after all, she has been a Genin of Konohagakure for a long time. Although Kakashi didn't expect her to join the Whitebeard Pirate Group, this is also a good destination for the Uchiha clan, right?

But what do Naruto and Haku mean?

Are they Genin of Konohagakure? Aren't they ninja school students?

When can ninja school students take the Chunin exam?

Has the rule changed?

Why doesn't he know?

One question after another emerged in his mind.

Leaving Kakashi puzzled.

"Gurarararra! I will go." Whitebeard grinned and said: "Just throw away these broken invitations! Do I need to show an invitation from someone else if I want to go somewhere?"

"White-haired kid, that Hokage of your Konohagakure village, that irresponsible guardian..... Does he think too much of himself?"

"I am Whitebeard!"


In the evening.

Kazewa Serizawa stood still and waited for a long time.

His gaze was always wandering left and right, trying to find the trace of Uzumaki Naruto, until his neck was sore.


Kazewa Serizawa saw three children of not very old age appear.

The child standing on the left has black hair.

You can tell this is a boy, although he looks as cute as a girl.

The one on the right also has black hair, the black hair looks a bit longer, this is definitely a girl, right?

The one in the middle has blond hair.

There is a sunny smile on his face.

"Uzumaki Naruto!" Kazewa Serizawa was so excited that he was in tears, like a dog seeing its long-lost owner.

Even though he is already in his thirties this year, he still shouted at Naruto: "Naruto! It's me! It's me! I am Kazewa Serizawa from Kusagakure Village!"

He ran over in a hurry.

"Eh" When he saw a strange face rushing over.

Naruto was stunned at first.

He didn't know who this guy was at all, and he didn't know why the other party called him Naruto.

Until he heard the word 'Kusagakure Village' from the other party's mouth.

Naruto suddenly realized.

"Oh! It's you!" In Naruto's impression, the Anbu ninja from Kusagakure Village always wore a mask.

Now this guy has taken off his mask, making Naruto feel a bit strange.

He doesn't recognize this face at all.

Kazewa Serizawa hurriedly took out the forehead protector he was holding.

"I guess.... The two people next to you should be Sasuke and Haku, right? These are the forehead protectors you three want, they are all new style forehead protectors of our Kusagakure Village."

He handed these three forehead protectors to the three people in front of him.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Haku took them one after another.

"Why is it the logo of the Whitebeard Pirate Group?" Naruto was a bit surprised, he looked up at the person in front of him.

Kazewa Serizawa scratched his head awkwardly: "Because I think since Kusagakure Village is already a vassal of the Whitebeard Pirate Group, then the logo of Kusagakure Village should also be changed to the logo of the Whitebeard Pirate Group."

"If Naruto doesn't like it, then I can quickly change the style back." Kazewa Serizawa felt awkward as if he had slapped a horse's leg.

"Oh, it doesn't matter."

Naruto put the forehead protector on his forehead and found that it felt pretty good: "The logo of the Whitebeard Pirate Group is indeed suitable for us."

"That's good, that's good." Kazewa Serizawa breathed a sigh of relief.

Sasuke was also looking at this forehead protector.

He thought for a moment and tried to wear it on his forehead, just like Naruto's way of wearing it.

Sasuke didn't expect that it would be so simple to become a Genin of a ninja village, and he didn't even need to graduate from the ninja academy.

Although this is just a temporary identity.

But it also opens the door to a new world.

Haku smiled, he did not wear the forehead protector on his forehead, but wrapped it around his waist.

The not-so-long cloth belt just wrapped around his waist.

It's hard to imagine that a boy's waist is so slender.

Even slimmer than many girls.

"Three days later, the Chunin exam will begin." Naruto said to Kazewa Serizawa: "At that time, you will be our leading Jonin, and once Grandpa Hokage asks any questions, you will deal with it. I think, you should be able to do this, right?"

"Yes, Naruto!"

Kazewa Serizawa patted his chest, and he, who received this command, was so excited that his nose sprayed out two puffs of white air: "I promise, I can handle the Hokage of Konohagakure Village!"

Is it shameful to listen to a child?

Kazewa Serizawa doesn't think it's shameful.

Uzumaki Naruto gave him an order...

This shows that Lord Naruto values him very much!

That's enough!


Time passes.

At night, Sasuke was using a Ninjutsu taught to him by Shisui, and he had a very fulfilling day every day.

Every day is either physical training.

Or practicing Fire Release Ninjutsu.

Although his face was full of fatigue, Sasuke still gritted his teeth, made hand seals, and squeezed out the last chakra in his body.

"Fire Release. Phoenix Fire Jutsu!!!"

When he opened his mouth, he spat out one ball of intense flames after another, a total of nine balls of intense flames, rushing forward.

Under the illumination of the fire, you can see these nine balls of fire, rushing towards a slender figure.

The fire illuminates the other person's golden hair.

"Wind Release. Rising Wind Wall!!"

Naruto's hand seal speed was much faster than Sasuke's, and an invisible wind wall rose from the ground.

The Ninjutsu of both sides collided.

Immediately, a roar was set off.

Boom, boom, boom, boom.....

"Huff....huff...." Sasuke bent his legs and knelt directly on the ground, he used his hands to support his body, panting heavily: "Stop, stop.... I can't hold on anymore."

Sasuke actually didn't want to admit that he couldn't do it.

But his body was very honest.

"You're progressing very quickly, Sasuke." Haku's voice came from the side, he said: "Yesterday, you couldn't last ten seconds in Naruto's hands, and that was when Naruto was seriously holding back. Although Naruto was seriously holding back today, you lasted a full twenty-five seconds, your progress is remarkable!"

"...This doesn't sound like comforting at all." Sasuke grumbled a bit unwillingly in his speechlessness.

He has been working very hard during this period, risking his life to become stronger.

He can also clearly feel his rapid progress.

But Naruto is still so far away.

Sasuke is hit by Naruto every day.

"Naruto, how strong are you?"

Sasuke, with his tired eyes, stared at Naruto in front of him.

"How strong? I don't know." Naruto's answer was very honest: "Anyway, I can't beat Uncle Kisame, I probably can't beat Uncle Kakashi, and I definitely can't beat Granny Tsunade."

Naruto touched his chin: "So to speak, I'm not that great, there are many people who are stronger than me."

Sasuke: "....."

When he was still comparing himself with Naruto, Naruto was already comparing himself with those very powerful people.

Isn't the gap too big?

"Haha! Today's special training is over. Sasuke, let's rest well tomorrow, take a long holiday to rejuvenate!"

Naruto walked over with big strides, he put his arm around Sasuke's neck.

By the way, he reached out and helped the weak Sasuke.

To prevent Sasuke from kneeling down again with weak legs.

"Tomorrow, I'll invite you and Haku to go to the bathhouse together! Eat ramen! Eat barbecue!" Naruto grinned: "The day after tomorrow, the Chunin exam will start, the three of us will give Grandpa Hokage a big surprise"

"If Grandpa Hokage sees the three of us also participating in the Chunin exam, he will definitely be very shocked, right? Hahaha!"

"Stupid Naruto, don't get so close."

Sasuke muttered: "You smell of sweat, it stinks."




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