Chapter 204: Naruto VS Orochimaru! Naruto: Capture and keep Orochimaru.

Naruto actually knew.....Pops didn't care about whether he would die tomorrow or not, but he, as a son, he cared a lot.

Naruto knew that Pops still had many dreams that had not been fulfilled, and those dreams required a very long time.

For example.....

Pops wanted the new Whitebeard Pirate Crew to reach a scale of 1600 people, but the current number of the new Whitebeard Pirate Crew, all added up, didn't even have the fraction of 1600.

Or say, Pops wanted the new Whitebeard Pirate Crew and the old Whitebeard Pirate Crew to meet.

But this also takes time, at least they need to find a way to go to Pops' hometown.

Naruto didn't know where that hometown was, in Pops' mouth, that "hometown" was not in any area of the ninja world, it was a sea with a turbulent situation and very magical.

Finding it also takes time.

Going there takes even more time.

What's Pops lacking is time!

With such a somewhat naive but very sincere idea, Naruto was very interested in Orochimaru's "eternal life", and his eyes looking at Orochimaru became serious.

So, Naruto just asked Orochimaru that your goal to make life eternal?

"Oh?" This question surprised Orochimaru.

Orochimaru hooked the corner of his mouth, "How? Are you interested?"

"Indeed." Naruto honestly replied.

Jiraiya's face changed, "Naruto! Don't listen to this guy's nonsense, a person's because of birth, bloom, wither, and fall, that it becomes romantic!"

Jiraiya didn't know why Naruto was interested in eternal life.

But he knew very well that if life became eternal.....

It's against the laws of nature.

Jiraiya felt that although Naruto had already joined the Whitebeard Pirates and become a small pirate, as long as he was guided properly, he could still be an excellent ninja even as a pirate.

At least, he wouldn't turn into a scientific freak like Orochimaru.

Jiraiya was very clear that Orochimaru had killed a lot of people over the years in his pursuit of so-called immortality.

If Naruto becomes the second Orochimaru, plus, Naruto has the backing of a Whitebeard Pirate Group.


That would be the end of it, wouldn't it?

"Hehe, 'romance'?" Orochimaru said sarcastically, "Can romance let your loved ones, comrades, superiors, subordinates, disciples... survive in a cruel war? Can romance bring those who have stepped into the underworld back to the world?"

"Jiraiya, be realistic, no one wants to die!" Orochimaru paused, then continued, "Whether it's accidental death or natural death, no one wants to die."

"The so-called romance is nothing more than a cruel impotence. Because there is no ability to avoid it, it is labeled as romantic, and it is euphemistically called 'the beauty of withering loss'."

Orochimaru sneered sarcastically, "Isn't this a kind of evasion?"

Jiraiya was silent for a few seconds, he couldn't help but blurt out a sentence, ".....Have you read my 'Icha Icha Paradise'?"

Because, Jiraiya found that some of the sentences Orochimaru said seemed to come from his book.

He found that Orochimaru was mocking some of the things he wrote.

"No, no!" Jiraiya quickly shook his head.

He looked seriously at Orochimaru, "Facing death positively is not evasion, but acceptance of fate. Orochimaru, your actions are not only against nature, but also against fate, and even against human norms."

"If you continue to be so obsessed, one day, you will pay a heavy price!"

"The end of the price, isn't it death?" Orochimaru laughed, "As long as I have eternal life, then this price, doesn't it never exist?"

Jiraiya was suddenly at a loss for words.

"Jiraiya, you're still the same old you." Orochimaru sighed, "You look at everything with a strong romantic fantasy color, but once it involves real naked reality..."

"Heh, you'll find that what I say makes more sense than what you say."

Orochimaru's smile grew wider, "I know you've been tracking me all these years, you must be very curious about how far I've come, right?"

Jiraiya's face tightened.

"Although saying it might leak some information, it doesn't matter. I want to say, then say." Orochimaru laughed, "You should know, a forbidden technique that can bring people who have already stepped into the underworld back to the world, right?"

"That's right, it's Edo Tensei!" Orochimaru continued, "This special technique, I have a certain degree of proficiency, I have tried it ten times. Six successes, four failures."

"If this technique is passed down, even if I am killed one day, my subordinates will summon me from the underworld, this is a kind of twisted and rough immortality."

Jiraiya: "!!"

"Orochimaru!" Jiraiya's heart surged with anger, "You bastard, are you desecrating the bodies of the dead?"

"Heh, do you have the right to speak for the dead? Jiraiya!"

Orochimaru gave a cold laugh, "The dead summoned by my Edo Tensei are very grateful to me, after all, I can let them see what the world has become!"

Jiraiya was taken aback.

At this point, Orochimaru glanced at Tsunade, "I have preserved a certain amount of body tissue parts of Dan and Nawaki. Tsunade, I admire your medical skills, if you can cooperate with me, maybe I will let them meet you."

Tsunade: "!!!"

Konan, who had moved to the side, also paused.

A forbidden technique that brings the dead back from the underworld?

So is Yahiko...

Orochimaru looked at Naruto, "If you're interested in your biological parents, I could even summon them from the underworld."

He then looked at Sasuke, "You're an Uchiha, right? I heard that something big happened to the Uchiha clan recently. Hehe, perhaps, I could also summon your parents from the underworld!"

Orochimaru's words...

In the ninja world, they could be considered a finishing move.

There are too many people in the ninja world who have lost their close friends, relatives, lovers, and mentors...

If Orochimaru is willing.

He has the full ability to become the dream master of the ninja world.


Orochimaru looked at Jiraiya, the smile on his face growing wider, "Jiraiya... the dead I summoned have no objections, and the relatives of the dead also have no objections. Hehe, do you have the right... to voice their opinions?"

Jiraiya fell silent.

"I didn't come back to Konohagakure to kill or to research anyone," Orochimaru said, "So, Jiraiya, why not let go of the vigilance and hostility in your eyes?"

"No way!" Jiraiya said in a deep voice, "I was almost fooled by your sophistry, no matter how much you say, it can't cover up the fact that you've killed so many people!"

"Tsk... Hahaha!" Orochimaru laughed with a sneer, "Just like you!"

Orochimaru sighed, "As stubborn as a piece of wood."

"Long-tongued old man, you said this technique is called the Reanimation Jutsu?" Naruto suddenly asked Orochimaru.

"Long-tongued... what a rude brat!"

Orochimaru twitched the corner of his mouth, but then laughed, "Yes! Are you interested? Uzumaki Naruto!"

"Indeed." Naruto replied.

Jiraiya was startled, "Naruto..."

But before Jiraiya could finish his words, Naruto continued to speak, "Orochimaru, you've changed my mind.

"Hmm?" Orochimaru's eyebrows furrowed.

Naruto grinned, "To be honest, I never wanted to let Kimimaro go from the start. Even if you paid the ransom to the Whitebeard Pirates, I would only let the other two go. After all, you wouldn't dare to turn against the Whitebeard Pirates, so I could easily get rid of you."

Orochimaru: "....."

Damn brat!

So cunning!

"But now!" Naruto said, "I suddenly don't want to get rid of you, but someone like you doesn't deserve to be Pops' son. You're only fit to be a prisoner of the Whitebeard Pirates, only fit to dedicate your forbidden techniques and knowledge to the Whitebeard Pirates."

Orochimaru's eyebrows furrowed again, "What do you mean?"

Naruto grinned, "I mean I want to capture you, keep you as a pet snake, and raise you in the Whitebeard Pirates."

".....Heh, brat, you're really rude!" Orochimaru's forehead veins popped out, and the smile on his face became stiff, but also a bit cruel, "And, do you know what Kimimaro means to me?"

When was the last time one of the three great ninjas was mocked by a brat like this?

Orochimaru still remembered that when he first met Uzumaki Naruto, this little devil was quite afraid of him.

Who would have thought that just over a year later.

This little brat was not afraid at all.

The key is, this little brat Uzumaki Naruto, actually wants to keep Kimimaro in the Whitebeard Pirates forever, otherwise he won't redeem him.

This had already touched Orochimaru's bottom line.

Kimimaro was too important to Orochimaru!

"This..." Jiraiya didn't know whether he should breathe a sigh of relief, because he found that Naruto didn't stand on the same line with Orochimaru, but Naruto seemed to want to use Orochimaru to do something.

"Orochimaru, it's two against one now!" Jiraiya shook his head and shouted, "The Whitebeard Pirates and me both want to keep you here!"

Orochimaru gritted his teeth, "If you dare to take a step forward, this guy in my hand will have to die."

The hand he was choking Yakushi Kabuto's neck with was gradually exerting force.

"Help... help me..."

Yakushi Kabuto's face was ashen.

"And then, I will go on a killing spree in Konohagakure, before you subdue me, guess how many people in Konohagakure will die?" Orochimaru used this threat again.

This made Jiraiya's face very ugly, because this kind of threat was very effective for Jiraiya.



Naruto boldly took a step forward, Sasuke and Shiro also followed Naruto, Naruto said with an indifferent face, "I took a step forward, if you want to kill him, just kill him!"

Haku smiled at the side, "Orochimaru, how dare do you plan to use this method to threaten three 'pirates'?"

Sasuke quietly interjected, "It's two."

Haku confidently replied to Sasuke.

"Sooner or later it will be three."

Sasuke: "....."

"Hey Naruto, you wouldn't?" Jiraiya realized that Naruto seemed to want to take action,

"This is the bustling area of Konohagakure, and Orochimaru is one of the Sannin... huh?"

Jiraiya found that he hadn't finished his sentence.

A deep blue ball had appeared in Naruto's palm.


If the title of "Sannin" could bluff Naruto, then Naruto felt that he could give up the position of "Captain of the First Division of the Whitebeard Pirates".

As for whether this is the bustling area of Konohagakure village?

What does it have to do with him, a pirate?

Naruto said to keep Orochimaru, and immediately took action to keep Orochimaru, he never bluffs in this regard.

Naruto held a Rasengan with a diameter of more than ten centimeters.

He rushed towards Orochimaru at a very fast speed.

And Naruto ignored Yakushi Kabuto, the Rasengan in his hand, directly pressed towards Orochimaru and Yakushi Kabuto.

".....Damn!" Orochimaru didn't expect that a little brat could be so ruthless.

".....Damn!" Yakushi Kabuto found that he, the "actor", seemed to have overplayed.

Who would have thought that Uzumaki Naruto didn't care about him, the hostage!

A sense of deadly crisis surged up instantly.

At the critical moment, Orochimaru casually threw Yakushi Kabuto to the side, like throwing away a useless waste.

"Ninjutsu, Snake Limb Hardening!!!"

Just then, one of Orochimaru's arms suddenly stiffened, and he thrust it towards Naruto like a short spear.

The Rasengan and Orochimaru's arm collided violently.


Orochimaru was directly blown away by the power of the Rasengan, and Naruto couldn't help but be pushed back a few steps by the counter-shock force.

"What a sharp hand." Naruto's palm had a cut, blood was continuously flowing down, as if it had been cut by a sharp weapon, half of his palm was dyed red with blood.

Of course, this injury was nothing to him.

On the other side, Orochimaru's arm sleeve was already torn to shreds, he who had flown into mid-air changed his body shape and landed steadily on the ground.

A hint of surprise flashed through his golden vertical pupils.

"Rasengan? If I'm not mistaken, this should be an A-rank Ninjutsu, right?" After saying that, Orochimaru glanced at his own arm with the corner of his eye, "The power is still so great, this doesn't seem like the power a beginner could use!"

The hand that collided with the Rasengan, two of the fingers were dislocated.

Orochimaru casually shook his hand.

Only heard two "crack" sounds, the dislocated fingers instantly returned to their positions.

"Ice Release, Freezing Capsule!!!"


Orochimaru suddenly felt a chill coming from his right side.

He saw a small snake suddenly burrow out of his right ear and bite forward, the small snake bit a small ice ball in one bite.

The ice ball emitted a chill, the frost froze the small snake.

The small snake fell straight to the ground.

Directly fell into several segments.

"Ice?" Orochimaru glanced at another little devil.

Then, Orochimaru looked up again.

Because the little devil from the Uchiha clan had already jumped high.

Orochimaru could clearly see the other party's pair of crimson eyes.

"Fire Release. Great Fireball Jutsu!!!"

"Hehe, two interesting little bratsils... one actually has the rare Ice Release Kekkei Genkai, and one awakened the Uchiha clan's Sharingan at such a young age." Orochimaru lightly jumped back, avoiding Sasuke's Great Fireball Jutsu.

"These are also two good vessels for reincarnation! If I hadn't met Kimimaro before, I would definitely not let these two little brats go if I ran into them."

Orochimaru was interested.

"But..." Orochimaru's face darkened, "These three little brats, once they start, will definitely attract the Anbu of Konohagakure, and will also attract the attention of those old guys.

Orochimaru knew that his trip was no longer low-key.

Naruto had just laid his cards on the table, saying that he would not return Kimimaro to him.

That is to say, his trip to Konohagakure was essentially a waste.

He even did a ninja mission for nothing.

Even someone with Orochimaru's temperament couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed, he was already quickly forming seals: "Wind Release. Great Breakthrough!!!"

Orochimaru opened his mouth and spat forward, a raging wind swept out, the entire street was instantly filled with flying sand and rocks.

The sudden ninja battle left many passersby stunned.

And the sweeping gale made a group of unlucky pedestrians unable to react in time, and they were blown away by the wind.

"Damn Orochimaru!" Jiraiya quickly caught two unlucky pedestrians, he gritted his teeth against the gale and glared at Orochimaru.


Jiraiya suddenly heard Naruto's voice from the side: "Wind Release, Great Breakthrough!!!"

Naruto's Wind Release was no less impressive than Orochimaru's.

Two gusts of wind were constantly clashing on this street, one on the left and one on the right.

The trees on the side of the street were all toppled by the two gusts of wind.

A casino under the banner of the Sarutobi clan on the side was seriously implicated, the windows of the casino were all shattered by the hurricane.

Screams could be heard from the gamblers inside.

The whole street was plunged into chaos.

"Naruto, he's quickly becoming as impressive as his father!" Jiraiya, holding two unlucky pedestrians, murmured in awe.

Haku, on the other hand, used an Ice Release Ninjutsu at a critical moment, raising two ice walls from the ground.

This was to block the gales on both sides.

Haku and Sasuke, the two of them hid in the middle of the two ice walls.

"It's only been a week, and Naruto seems to have become much stronger!" The wind blew Haku's hair wildly.

Sasuke gritted his teeth, "The gap between him and me is too big."

Tsunade stood still, her face was surprised, "This little brat Naruto... his self-abusive training, it really works?!"

Konan's clothes were rustling in the wind, she frowned, "Who is Kimimaro? Why is Orochimaru here to redeem him?"

"And, this golden-haired child..."

Konan was also very surprised, "How much chakra does he have in his body? He can actually compete with Orochimaru's Wind Release?"



Hokage Building.

"What's that noise?" Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but stand up abruptly, he immediately walked to the window and looked into the distance.

In the distance, the surging hurricane was visible to the naked eye, which made his pupils shrink: Is it, Wind Release?!

"Who is fighting?"




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