Chapter 205: The Power of the Nine-Tails + Armament Haki + Rasengan = ???, The Resolute


In order to ensure the smooth progress of the Chunin Exams, Sarutobi Hiruzen had long ago issued a strict prohibition: no private fights were to occur in the Konohagakure village during this sensitive period.

This rule had existed before, but it was never rigorously enforced. In the past, if two Konohagakure shinobi engaged in a private duel, as long as it didn't escalate into a major incident, the village tended to turn a blind eye.

However, things were different now.

During this sensitive time, anyone violating the rule would face severe punishment.

"Is it our village's shinobi? Or are outsiders involved in the fight?" 

Sarutobi Hiruzen believed that his own village's shinobi were generally rational and wouldn't engage in such behavior during this critical juncture.

Why would the village's shinobi fight amongst themselves now?


Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately summoned several Anbu operatives, including Hatake Kakashi

"Hokage-sama!" they responded in unison.

Sarutobi Hiruzen addressed them sternly: "Investigate the situation and stop them. If they are Konohagakure shinobi, send them to jail, if they are outsiders, give them a verbal warning."

He knew he needed to take a firm stance to curb this trend of shinobi fighting within the village, especially before the Chunin Exams.

"Yes, Hokage-sama!"

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen's order seemed strict internally but lenient externally, what more could a group of Anbu do?

In the next moment, the four Anbu members vanished, heading toward the source of the commotion.

"...Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression darkened. However, others people couldn't discern his emotions because his head was still wrapped in bandages.


On the other side of the conflict, the two raging tempests from different directions finally subsided. The entire street lay in ruins, yet the cessation of the storms didn't signal the end of the battle.

Naruto swiftly retrieved two kunai from his Ninja Tools pouch and charged toward Orochimaru with incredible speed.

Orochimaru opened his mouth and expelled the Kusanagi sword.

The blade and hilt of the sword were coated with a sticky liquid.

Orochimaru firmly grasped the hilt and swung it at Naruto.


The intense collision in mid-air caused the Kusanagi sword to slice Naruto's kunai cleanly in half.

"Heh, this is Kusanagi sword forged from the world's toughest material! Compared to this crudely made kunai, it's as different as fragile porcelain," Orochimaru sneered.

His eyes gleamed coldly as he thrust the Kusanagi sword toward Naruto's abdomen.

"As expected of the Sannin!" Naruto couldn't help but exclaim, "I didn't want to use Armament Haki initially—after all, it takes a lot of energy."

But now... Naruto quickly blocked the attack with his other kunai.

Another crisp clash of metal echoed.

This time, Orochimaru's sword failed to cut Naruto's kunai. Sparks flew as the two opponents clashed.

"Hmm?" Orochimaru raised an eyebrow.

Seizing the opportunity, Naruto relentlessly launched a barrage of attacks with his kunai.

Though Orochimaru felt surprised, he continued to parry Naruto's strikes, one after another.

As time flowed by second by second, Orochimaru felt his palm growing increasingly numb. Naruto's strength was immense. The force of the collision between the kunai and the sword reverberated through his arm, leaving it tingling. This development surprised Orochimaru even more.

"Orochimaru, don't forget about me!" At this moment, Jiraiya's voice rang out.

How could he leave his late disciple's son to face such a terrifying enemy as Orochimaru alone?

"Earth Release, Yellow Swamp!"

Jiraiya clapped his hands together forcefully. Instantly, Orochimaru sensed the ground beneath his feet turning muddy and soft. He realized that his ankles were already submerged in the swamp. This particular swamp possessed astonishing binding power, making it incredibly difficult for him pull out his own feet.

"Ninjutsu, Wild Lion's Mane Technique!"

Jiraiya's hand seals shifted, and his hair behind him seemed to come alive, transforming into strands that lunged at Orochimaru. While Orochimaru was busy defending against Naruto's attacks, these hair tendrils bound his body.

"Orochimaru, you're beyond saving anymore. Even if I have to send you to the Konohagakure hospital today, I'll make sure you stay there!"


Jiraiya's long hair binding Orochimaru began to tighten rapidly. Its strength was enough to crush even solid stone.

"You really don't show any mercy to your 'old classmate', Jiraiya!"

Despite being restrained, Orochimaru endured a direct attack from Naruto's kunai, which pierced his abdomen.

Yet Orochimaru's expression remained unchanged.

At this moment, Orochimaru was performing hand seals with just one hand.

"Ninjutsu: Serpent Rebirth Technique!"

Suddenly, his body disintegrated in a bizarre manner, transforming into white serpents that fell to the ground. Dozens of these snakes swiftly swam to a specific location and merged once again, forming a new Orochimaru.

"Heh... You've managed to hurt me, Uzumaki Naruto." Orochimaru touched the wound on his abdomen. "No wonder you're Minato's child. You've inherited all his talent."

With a casual gesture, he applied a basic medical ninjutsu to stop the bleeding.

"Ninjutsu: Twin Shadow Serpent Hands!"

Orochimaru thrust the Kusanagi sword into the ground. One arm swung toward Jiraiya, while the other aimed at Naruto.

In an instant, both arms released a multitude of venomous snakes.

Hundreds of these snakes emerged from Orochimaru's body.

Half of them lunged at Jiraiya, and the other half targeted Naruto.

The entire ground was covered in a dense venomous snakes.

It sent shivers down one's spine.

Some of the snakes opened their mouths, venom already dripping from their fangs, corroding the ground—even the concrete.

The consequences of being bitten by these snakes were unimaginable.

"Naruto, be careful not to get bitten! This is Orochimaru's spirit-based ninjutsu, developed after his defeat by Hanzo. It's a nearly insurmountable snake venom. Once bitten, your muscles will dissolve rapidly!"

Jiraiya immediately warned Naruto.

As Orochimaru's former teammate, Jiraiya knew every one of Orochimaru's ninjutsu.

"Fire Release: Flame Bomb!"

Seeing the countless snakes spreading toward him, Jiraiya decisively unleashed a Fire Release ninjutsu. His chakra transformed into flammable oil, which he expelled from his mouth.

He spat it forward.

The power of the raging flames is absolutely ten to twenty times that of Sasuke's Great Fireball Jutsu. Almost half of the street is covered by the flames, and the snakes rushing towards Jiraiya are even more shrouded by the flames.

The scorching high temperature turns a large number of snakes into charcoal in an instant, no matter how the snakes roll and struggle, it's useless.

"What a disgusting Ninjutsu!" Seeing those dense snakes, Naruto got goosebumps.

"Wind Release, Vacuum Serial Sphere!!!" 

Naruto took a deep breath, his chest seemed to have expanded a lot.

Pop pop pop pop pop pop.....

Naruto spat out one wind bullet after another from his mouth. Each wind bullet is only the size of a fingernail, but the advantage is that there are a lot of them, and the whole person has turned into a machine gun.

Each wind bullet, invisible to the naked eye, fell on the group of snakes that were surging up, and immediately made them splash with blood.

You can see that a snake was hit by a wind bullet and was directly broken into two pieces.

The wind bullet did not decrease in momentum, and also affected several snakes behind.

A large number of half-snake bodies are constantly being thrown up.

Tsunade, who was watching the battle on the side, raised her foot and stepped down, crushing a snake that didn't have long eyes: "This guy Orochimaru still likes to use this kind of indiscriminate Ninjutsu, he hasn't changed in this aspect!"

Tsunade forced herself not to look at Naruto's side.

Because she knew there was blood splashing over there.

Konan was also watching the battle. Although she was a member of the Akatsuki organization, Konan felt that she was not suitable to help at this time.

After all, exposing her identity would be very troublesome.

Konan knows that Orochimaru has many ways to escape, and she is not as cunning as Orochimaru.

"What a powerful kid....."

Konan's surprised gaze has always stayed on Naruto.

She found that not only was Naruto's chakra very majestic, but his fighting consciousness was also very sharp.

His combat experience is not bad either.

Is this really just a child of such a young age?

Are you sure it's not a special Jonin from Konohagakure Village?

Speaking of which.....

If she didn't hear wrong just now, this special child should be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, right?


The Whitebeard Pirates should not be underestimated. Even a child of such a young age in it is so powerful.

Konan's eyebrows frowned slightly.

She believes that the Whitebeard Pirates will have a great impact on the future of the Akatsuki organization. Because the Akatsuki organization will have to carry out some long-planned plans in the future, it will definitely not be able to avoid the Whitebeard Pirates.

At the same time.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru were already fighting. The two Sannin used all kinds of Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. In just ten seconds, they had already fought for dozens of rounds. 

The nearby area has been destroyed into a mess, no matter how much it is destroyed, it will just look like this. Jiraiya started to let go.

"Orochimaru, don't be stubborn!" Jiraiya dodged Orochimaru's sword, holding a Rasengan and pressing it forward.

The Rasengan stirred the surrounding airflow, causing Orochimaru's long hair to flutter slightly.

Jiraiya shouted: "Your identity has been exposed, this is Konohagakure, and the other ninjas will come soon! Orochimaru, you can't run away! Just surrender!"

Orochimaru's body is as soft as noodles, easily dodging Jiraiya's attack.

He coldly said: "Whether I can run away or not, it's not up to you! Jiraiya!"

Orochimaru jumped back, he reached out his hand, touched the blood from the wound on his abdomen.

He drew a horizontal line on his arm.

"Summoning... huh?!"

Just as Orochimaru was about to summon Manda, he suddenly noticed a very astonishing chakra fluctuation nearby.

When he looked to the right.

Orochimaru's pupils shrank.

Jiraiya also felt it, he quickly turned his head to look in that direction, and was immediately dumbfounded.


On the other side.

Naruto, who had dealt with a large number of poisonous snakes, was already holding a Rasengan, and the rolling chakra in his body was pouring into the Rasengan. The Rasengan he was holding in his hand had already reached a diameter of thirty centimeters.

The azure glow illuminated the surroundings, plunging them into a blue light.

"Big fox, lend me some chakra!!!"

"Damn brat, I'm sleeping! Don't bother Nine-Tails-sama!" Although Kurama was cursing, he still casually threw a ball of chakra to Naruto.


A surge of chakra from Kurama emerged in Naruto's body. Naruto was forcibly integrating Kurama's chakra and his own chakra, all into the Rasengan he was holding in his hand.

Cold sweat was oozing from Naruto's forehead, he was controlling and compressing the Rasengan in his hand with all his might, but it was a bit uncontrollable.

This caused the Rasengan, which originally had a diameter of thirty centimeters, to rapidly expand and grow larger.

In just a breath, it became half a meter in diameter.

The blue Rasengan, due to the addition of the Nine-Tails' power, turned into a very strange orange-red color.

The violent fluctuation of chakra even shook the surrounding air.

Naruto's pupils also underwent subtle changes.

It turned into vertical pupils like a fox.

Three tails formed by chakra were constantly swaying behind him, and a layer of chakra coat was covering Naruto's body.

This time.

The amount of chakra Kurama lent to Naruto was not ordinary.

"Pops said... Armament Haki can be wrapped around a slash, can it also be wrapped around a Rasengan?"

Naruto said and did it.

The power of Armament Haki was poured into the Rasengan in his hand.

His own chakra, the Nine-Tails' chakra, Armament Haki, "all three types of power are all gathered in one ball.

The Rasengan, which had already expanded to half a meter and was still expanding, feeling like it was about to explode...

Was actually forcibly compressed to a diameter of only twenty centimeters.

The form of the Rasengan also began to stabilize.

"Haha! Let's call you 'Armament Nine-Tails. Uzumaki Naruto's newly developed, Rasengan'!" Naruto grinned excitedly.

Even he himself could feel that this Rasengan was very dangerous, and once it exploded, he might be seriously injured by the impact.

"Hey hey hey, what kind of joke is this?" Jiraiya was dumbfounded: "Can Naruto easily use the power of the Tailed Beast? The last time he fought with me, I didn't see him use the power of the Tailed Beast! And... his spirit seems very normal, he has not been affected by the evil power of the Tailed Beast."

Jiraiya couldn't help but gasp, what does this mean?

Does this mean that Naruto has a very good relationship with the Nine-Tails inside him?

Doesn't that mean Naruto is a perfect Jinchuriki?

Orochimaru's eyelids twitched: "A Rasengan augmented with Tailed Beast power? This kid... has an amazing talent. The word 'talent' can no longer be used to describe him."

Casually borrowing the power of the Tailed Beast is not something that can be done with talent.

At least Naruto's relationship with the Tailed Beast can't be very stiff.

Tsunade was also startled: 

"What a terrifying chakra fluctuation, is this the legendary Nine-Tails? How did Naruto persuade the Tailed Beast inside him?"

Konan: "!!!"

Jinchuriki: "!!!"

Over the years, the Akatsuki organization has been investigating the information of the Tailed Beasts.

Konan didn't expect that a Tailed Beast would be right in front of her.

Jinchuriki: "!!!"

Over the years, the Akatsuki organization has been investigating the information of the Tailed Beasts.

Konan didn't expect that a Jinchuriki would be right in front of her.

"What kind of Tailed Beast is this? Three tails, is it the Three-Tails? No, the Three-Tails isn't in Konohagakure, is it?

"This chakra cloak form looks more like a fox."

Konan's eyes narrowed as she recalled information about the Tailed Beasts: "A fox... the Nine-Tails?!"

Konan realized that her trip to Konohagakure this time was quite worthwhile.

Because she collected quite a bit of information today.

"But... approaching a perfect Jinchuriki." Konan frowned, if the Jinchuriki and the Tailed Beast have such a good relationship, their Akatsuki organization's difficulty in capturing the Tailed Beast will increase a lot.

The key is... the Tailed Beast is actually related to the Whitebeard Pirates?

Konan felt a slight sinking in her heart.

This is even more troublesome!

"Armament, Nine-Tails. Uzumaki Naruto's newly developed, Rasengan!!!" As Naruto shouted out loud.


The ground under his feet suddenly sank, and his speed exploded to an astonishing extreme.

Under the double enhancement of the Nine-Tails' power and his own physical strength.

Naruto almost appeared above Orochimaru in the blink of an eye, and appeared nearly a hundred meters in the air. This height could already be on par with the top of the Hokage Rock in the distance.

At this moment, even Orochimaru's own eyes...

Could hardly keep up with Naruto's speed.

"Perverted old man! Get out of the way!" Naruto shouted at Jiraiya below, his body falling down, and the Rasengan he was holding in his hand was pressing down towards Orochimaru below!

Jiraiya, Orochimaru.

Both of the Konohagakure's Sannin felt a sense of crisis at the same time.

...They must not be hit by this strangely formed Rasengan!

This was an idea that both of them had at the same time.

"Naruto, you're being too reckless, this is the downtown area of Konohagakure!" Jiraiya looked up at the Naruto in mid-air who was only a small dot, he couldn't help but shout out in surprise, and quickly jumped back to dodge.

"...Really an incredible kid! He can make me feel a sense of crisis, with the enhancement of the Tailed Beast's powerful power, his strength is already not inferior to an elite Jonin of Konohagakure."

Orochimaru slapped the ground hard with one hand: "Ninjutsu, Summoning, Manda!!"


The billowing smoke almost enveloped the entire street, a summoning beast of enormous size was summoned by Orochimaru.

The buildings on the entire street were all collapsed.

A summoning beast of an outrageous size appeared inside Konohagakure!

"Orochimaru, you're even more reckless than Naruto!" Jiraiya looked at the circle of collapsed buildings, his eyes flashed with anger and killing intent: "Do you just disregard the safety of the civilians in the same village?"


"Manda?!" Among the four Konohagakure Anbu who were rushing towards this side, 

Kakashi's eyes widened quite a bit: "No way? Could it be... the Sannin, Orochimaru?!"

"And also, that familiar chakra..."

Kakashi was sweating profusely: "That's the chakra of the Nine-Tails, isn't it?"

Kakashi had seen Naruto unleash the power of the Tailed Beast before.

This extremely evil and cold chakra.

Kakashi was very familiar with it.

"Naruto?" Kakashi realized that this matter was a big deal: "Why would these two people be together?"

Could it be that the two of them are fighting in the downtown area of Konohagakure?





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