Chapter One

"Make sure to be the top scorer this semester Teddy" a woman said to her son.

"I will make you proud mom"Theodore said and looked out the window. He saw two girls who wore similar school uniform as his. The two girls looked alike but one was shorter and prettier. One of the girls had short and straight hair with bangs while the other had long curly hair. Both of them had Chestnut brown hair, green eyes and heart shaped lips.

The girls didn't know that someone was intensively staring at one of them. They said good bye to their guardians and went inside the school.

"Gretel your school is really beautiful", the shorter girl said to her.

They walked to their lockers and a girl with blush pink hair rushed to them. She threw herself at Gretel and gave her a big hug.

"Gret, I missed you so much", the girl screamed.

"Stas, always loud and rowdy I didn't miss you one bit", Gretel said jokingly.

"Wa wa wa, what a bad friend you are", Stacy said feigning tears.

"Just joking, of course I missed my bff in the world", Gretel said as she hugged Stacy tightly.

They stopped hugging and then Stacy noticed the other girl.

"Wait, Gretel you have a twin sister?", Stacy asked confused.

"No silly, this is my cousin, remember I told you that my mom had a twin sister", Gretel replied.

"Hi I'm Starry Knight", the girl finally spoke as she stretched out her hand.

"I'm Stacy Cuddles but you can call me Stas", Stacy said as she shook hands with Starry.

The three girls started discussing when they were interrupted by loud screams.

"The Stunning trio are here!", a girl screamed.

The three of them looked in the direction of the screams and saw three handsome boys walking with a crowd of girls following them.

Starry shook her head and asked "So what's our first class?"

"No way, Gret, Star is just like you unaffected by the Stunning trio's charms.", Stacy said in disbelief.

"We have maths, let's leave this lover girl here", Gretel said pulling Starry away and Stacy tagged behind them.

They got into their classroom and Stacy along with Gretel took their seats.

"You have to wait for our class president to allocate a desk to you", Gretel said as she brought out her mathematics textbook and started glancing through it.

"And who is that?", Starry asked.

"That's me", a boy said from behind startling Starry.

She turned facing the boy and was shocked. The boy was so tall and handsome. He was even stunning than the so called Stunning trio. He had jet black hair, ocean blue eyes, heart shaped full lips, a pointed nose and two dimples that showed when ever he spoke.

He snapped his fingers and asked "What are you staring at?"

"I'm staring into the unknown", Starry replied.

He looked at her as if he was talking to an idiot and said "There's only one vacant desk and it is the one beside mine"

"Okay", she said and carried her books from Gretel's desk.

The boy walked to the first row first column and sat down in the first desk. Starry sat on the one next to him. Soon all the students were already in the class. The class president stood up and went to the front of the class. He cleared his throat and the once noisy class became as quiet as a grave yard.

"Good morning fellow students", he greeted.

"Good morning prez", they greeted back.

"As you know this is the first day of the semester and our form teacher usually addresses the class but she is unavailable at the moment. So I am representing her. I don't want any of you disturbing me, do what ever you want but don't do anything that will affect me. That's all I have to say", he said and went back to his seat.

"What kind of cold class president is this?", Starry thought and stared at him inquisitively.

"Stop staring, it creeps me out", the class president said coldly.

"Sorry", she apologized and looked away quickly.

Their math teacher Mr Baker came and started teaching after exchanging pleasantries with them. While he taught Starry kept dozing off and much to her dismay the class president kept waking her up.

"Stop sleeping in class ", he said to her as he poked her in the arm.

Starry didn't say anything and tried to be awake.

They had three other subjects and soon it was finally lunch time. As soon as the bell rang Starry flew from her seat to Gretel's.

"Gret let's go for lunch", Stacy said as she held Gretel's hand.

The trio walked out of the class and to the cafeteria. They used their meal cards to order for food and drinks. They started discussing.

"So how is it being the desk mate of the Supreme overlord Theodore White?", Stacy asked with a grin on her face.

"Tiring! He is so weird and annoying. Like how is it his business that I was sleeping in class. And how did he address the class it felt like we were being address by a mummy", replied Starry pouring out her frustrations.

"Hush, don't let him hear you", said Gretel as she winked at her and gave her sign that he was just a table away.

Starry turned to look at him and was shocked. He was seated at an empty table staring at his untouched food.

"Tsk tsk what a handsome dude too bad he is cold and weird", said Stacy as she sighed and shook her head.

"Maybe it's all that reading that made him distant", said Gretel.

"Distant more like freaky", Stacy said as she continued eating.

The girls continued their food in silence. When they were done, Starry offered to throw away their leftovers. The waste bin was close to where the Stunning trio sat for lunch. So Starry steadily walked to the waste bin. But as she was about to reach it she tripped and fell. She fell at the foot of one of the Stunning trio. She looked ahead and saw that the leftovers fell on his shoes.

"How dare you?!", the boy screamed.

Starry just remained on the floor, staring blankly at the shoes.

"So what are you going to do about my shoes?", the boy asked.

Stacy and Gretel ran to her aid. They helped her up and Gretel asked "Star, are you okay?" ignoring the boy.

"I'm…I'm fine", replied Starry.

"Hey girl, my boss is talking", one of the boys said as he snapped his fingers.

"I'm sorry for dumping leftovers on your shoes", Starry apologized.

"Just that?", asked the boy rudely.

"What else should I do? Should I pay tributes to you?", Starry asked perplexed.

"Do you know who I am?"

"No, who are you?"

"I am the amazing Hansel Waters"

"I don't know who you are"

"What? Go ask around. But before you do that, how are you going to handle my shoes? Just looking at you I know you can't afford it. So just clean it…", he paused for a while before continuing.

"…with your face and then we can call it even" Hansel said with a grin on his face.

"What? I will do no such thing I have already apologized. That's so unreasonable. I can clean your shoes but not with my face. How is that even? It's not like I did it on purpose", said Starry firmly refusing.

"Arthur and Gar help the lady out will you", Hansel commanded.

The two boys pushed her to the floor sharply , Stacy and Gretel were unable to do anything. They were about to force her to use her face to clean Hansel's shoe when they were interrupted.

"Hansel, how low of you, picking on a girl. How do you sleep at night?", said Theodore slowly and calmly.

"How does this concern you?", Hansel asked impatiently.

" It does because I'm her class president and I can't sit by and watch you bully a student. If I tell the school authorities you won't be able to get away this time around", said Theodore with a lazy but cold smile on his face.

"You don't have any proof",

"Try me"

The two of them glared at each other for a while as if they were doing an intense staring competition. Until Hansel looked away and said bitterly "Let her go boys".

They let Starry go and the three of them left the cafeteria.

"Jerks", whispered Stacy as she saw their retreating backs.

"Are you ok?", Gretel said as she helped Starry up.

Theodore looked at Starry but didn't say anything and turned to walk away.

"Desk mate, thank you", said Starry.

He turned and said "Don't call me that" before walking away.

"Guess he isn't that bad", said Gretel

"Or that nice", added Stacy as the three of them stared at Theodore in awe as he walked out of the cafeteria.