Chapter Two

When Gretel and Starry got home. Gretel's mom, Fran was watching TV .

"How was school girls?", asked Fran with her eyes still on the TV.

"It was ok but….", Gretel replied but was interrupted by Starry who said "It was great aunt, Gretel's school is really nice. What's for dinner by the way?"

"There's casserole in the oven go and check if it is ready and set the table. And by the way dad isn't coming home for a while Gret", Fran said and continued watching TV.

Starry and Gretel went to their rooms and changed their clothes. They went downstairs. Starry checked the casserole in the oven while Gretel set the table.

"Why didn't you tell mom about what happened?", whispered Gretel.

"Because I don't want her to worry, aunt already has a lot on her mind. I know it was really hard for your family to take me in after the incident", said Starry with sadness written all over her face.

"But Hansel…."

"I'm sure he won't bother me again since Theodore told him off"

"Clueless you. Hansel is the devil. Once he has his eyes on a person that person will never be able to have peaceful days in Prime rose high"

"Are you sure?", Starry asked terrified.

"I suggest you stick to Theodore like chewing gum since Hansel wouldn't dare to do anything with him around"

"What's the beef between Hansel and Theodore?"

"I heard…", she was interrupted by some muffled sobs.

They went to the sitting room and they saw Fran on the floor sobbing.

"I miss her a lot", she said in between tears.

"Miss…", Starry was interrupted by Gretel who said

"Starry please excuse us"

"Ok", said Starry as she left.

Starry went up stars and closed the door. Tears were already welling up in her eyes. She hurriedly wiped them away. She took her phone, put her head phones on and started listening to some music.

After a while Gretel came and said "Dinner is ready"

The two girls went downstairs but Fran was nowhere to be found.

"Where's aunt?", asked Starry.

"She went out to clear her head she will be back soon. Let's have dinner", replied Gretel.

The girls ate their dinner in silence before going up to their rooms...

The next day, Starry and Gretel went to their class room and they saw Theodore cleaning the board.

"Good morning desk mate", greeted Starry with gratitude written all over her face.

Theodore stopped cleaning the board and faced her.

"I've told you already don't call me that or I'll take you to another desk", he said coldly with a frown on his face.

"No no no I won't call you that again. Please carry on with what you were doing", she said hurriedly.

She took her seat and Gretel whispered in her ear "Make sure to stick to him"

"Like glue got it", Starry whispered to her and gave her the ok sign.

"Take care", Gretel said and gave her a pat on the head before going to her seat.

When he was done cleaning the board. He sat down and started solving some problems.

"What are you doing?", Starry asked out of curiosity and boredom.

"Are you blind or what? Can't you see I am solving some problems?", Theodore asked.

"Well which subject?", Starry asked ignoring his attitude.

"Physics. Why do you ask? Do you want to join me?"

"No no carry on. Act as if I'm air and invisible", she said waving her hand in his face.

"Stop that and there's no need for that, because you are air", he said and went back to what he was doing.

"What?", She said baffled.

She glared at him and thought

"If I didn't need your protection who would want to sit with an ice block like you?"

She suddenly felt cold air run through her spine and shivered.

"Why does it feel like the temperature decreased a lot when everywhere was warm just a minute ago", she thought.

She looked out the window and saw Hansel standing some yards away from their class glaring at her. He had a creepy smile on his face.

She screamed in horror and Theodore looked in her direction. He was about to scold her when he noticed that she looked pale and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

"What's…", he was interrupted by Gretel who held Starry asking worriedly "What's wrong?'

"I…. I….I think I just saw Hansel through the window. The look he gave me, gave me chills", she replied shivering.

Gretel was about to say something when Theodore angrily stood up and left the class. As he was leaving, Stacy was going in and he mistakenly brushed his shoulder over hers causing her pain.

"Ouch Prez…", she was interrupted by his nonchalant attitude. As he walked away she looked on in disbelief.

Stacy went to Gretel and Starry asking "What's wrong with him? He usually apologized if he offended someone. He says it coldly but at least that was something"

Gretel and Starry didn't say anything. Stacy noticed something was wrong as she saw how pale Starry looked.

"What's wrong?", She asked…

Meanwhile, Theodore walked to the Stunning trio usual hangout. He saw the three of them bullying a slim boy by making him dance as they laughed and mocked his bad dancing skills.

"Hansel!", Theodore called and interrupted their fun.

They looked at him in anger thinking who had the audacity to ruin their fun. The slim boy took the chance to run when he saw that their attention wasn't on him.

"How dare you call my boss like that you punk", asked Gar as he stood up.

"I don't talk to lackeys", said Theodore without giving Gar any face.

"Gar calm down you guys go out", Hansel said lazily. They left relunctantly.

"Are you a mafia boss? Why do you act like a gangster terrorizing people?"

"Why do you care? I thought we made a deal that I do whatever I want without your interference"

"Your 'jokes' are getting out of hand"

"Why do you care, plus I haven't done anything deadly, yet"

"You sent someone to stalk Starry didn't you"

"Why do you care?"

"I want you to leave her alone she's in my class and part of my responsibilities"

"This is the first time I am interested in someone in your class"Hansel said rubbing his chin.

"Just stay away from students in my class"

"I can't promise you anything", Hansel smiled evilly and left Theodore standing there.

They had a pop quiz in physics today and Starry failed woefully.

Their teacher Mr Blake said to them "I am sure you guys have seen your results most of you tried but some didn't….".

The bell interrupted him from continuing and he went to Starry.

"Miss Knight see me in my office after school", he said before leaving.

It was lunch time most of the students went out for lunch except Theodore who was solving some mathematics problems and Starry who was pretending to be asleep.

Theodore noticed her act and asked "Aren't you going to eat lunch? Last time I checked you are a glutton"

"What? I'm not hungry", she replied.

"Jerk", she added in her mind.

"Well I am, so enjoy", he stood up and left the class.

Only to see her following him from behind.

"I'm not following you, I just realized that I was hungry"

"I didn't say that, did I?", he said and continued walking to the cafeteria ignoring her.

They got to the cafeteria and ordered for food.

He took his food to his usual table and started eating. Starry also joined him at his table and he looked at her annoyed.

"What are you doing? I thought you said you weren't following me", he asked

"Em…I ….I ….I love the texture of this table, it's so smooth and irresistible", she replied using her face and hand to rub the table.

"Then enjoy, I just lost my appetite", he said and left his food untouched.

Starry hurriedly ate her food in three big bites before hurriedly following him. Theodore walked for a while before he suddenly stopped. Starry who was behind him didn't stop on time and bumped into his back.

"Ouch", she screamed in pain.

He turned and was about to scold her when he saw her holding a bloody nose.

"Are you ok?", He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine except I have a damn bloody nose", she said in frustration.

"Why did you follow me? It's your fault", he said as he put his hand in his pocket about to bring something out.

"You can't even apologize. What a jerk", she said and stormed off in anger.

Theodore stood there expressionlessly and pulled out a handkerchief that he wanted to give to her.

Starry ran to the school garden and sat by some flower pots. She used her sleeve to clean her bloody nose.

Tears welled up in her eyes but she used her hand to wipe them off.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and saw a boy standing close to her.

"Starry Knight?", asked the boy.

"Em.... yes", she replied reluctantly.

"The principal is calling you", said the boy.

"Oh", she said and got up

"He instructed me to bring you to him"


They walked out of the garden and were headed for the principal's office. After a while, Starry noticed that something was wrong. She stopped walking and said "Wait this isn't the way to the Principal's office"

"Who knew you were so smart"

She was about to run when the boy held her hand tightly.

"Please let me go, you don't even know me"

"But I know Hansel, he told me that if I brought you to him he'd let me go", he said as he dragged her along.

She dragged his hand to her mouth and bit him. He screamed loudly but didn't let go he was about to give her a slap when someone held his hand.

"Who….", he stopped because he saw that it was Theodore.

"Let go of her", said Theodore as he pushed the boy lightly.

The boy fell to the floor as he let go of Starry's hand. Theodore walked to her side and held her by the sleeve of her uniform. He dragged her along.

When they had left where the boy was. Starry realized something and she flung her sleeve from his hand.

"Don't act like you are better, you are the same just that you are colder", she said and ran away from him.

Later that day, Starry went to Mr Blake's office and saw Theodore was also there.

"Mr Blake, you asked for me", she said ignoring Theodore's existence.

"Oh yes I did. Take a seat", said Mr Blake.

Starry took her seat and Mr Blake said"It's about the last pop quiz we had. Your performance was really bad so I want Theodore to be your tutor since he is the best physics student in my class"

"Em my cousin Gretel is also good in physics, she can tutor me"

"No, I'm your teacher, I know what's best for you…", he was interrupted by his ringing phone.

"Excuse me", he said and went outside to answer it.

Then there was silence in the office until Theodore broke it by saying"I'm sorry"

She was shocked because he didn't say it coldly, she even felt some warmth in it.

"You…you…you are apologizing?", She asked in disbelief.

"Yes and don't ever compare me to him", he said slowly.

"Ok", she said still shocked.

"Here", he said handing her a band-aid but she didn't collect it immediately.

"I saw a scratch on you wrist"

Starry looked at her wrist and saw the injury. Then she reluctantly collected the band-aid. She put it on and said"Thank you and sorry for what I said before".

As he was about to say something, Mr Blake walked in.

"As I was saying Theodore is the best to tutor you", said Mr Blake

"Ok Mr Blake and thank you for your concern", said Starry.

"Since that's the case you may both leave"

"Goodbye Mr Blake", they both said at the same time and left his office. They walked through the hallway and Starry asked"When do we start?"

"Tomorrow", he replied and walked ahead. But then he turned back and said "Take care".

This surprised Starry a lot, before she could say anything he was gone.

"Guess he isn't that bad", she said as she looked at the band-aid on her wrist.