Chapter Four

It was finally the weekend, Gretel and Starry were in Starry's room. Starry was on her bed surfing the internet with her laptop while Gretel was sitting on a chair reading a book.

"Gret, come take a look at this watch" she turned her laptop to Gretel's line of view.

"Hmmm it's nice but it costs ‡6,000"

"I don't have a lot saved, what about you?"

"I have ‡4,000. I guess I'm lucky. How much did you save?"

"Only ‡1,610 "

"Then you need ‡1,390 more"

" How am I going to get ‡1,390 more? Uncle's birthday is only a month away"

"Why don't we just get a cheaper watch?"

"No Uncle got my parents' house back and I want him to know that I am really grateful"

"Hmmm since you are getting this expensive watch for dad. What will you get for me? FYI I definitely don't want a criss cross necklace gold coloured to be exact", she winked at Starry.

Starry smiled and rolled her eyes.

"I'll just look for a job. Wait didn't you say Stacy is working in fast food restaurant called.. em … 'Last Degestives'?"

"It's Fast Degestives"

"Forget about the name, can you ask her if they are hiring?"

"No, ask her by yourself cos she's also your friend and by the way she said the only hire from 18 above"

"Oh yeah, I forgot. What job can I do then?"

"Hmmm What about babysitting?"

"That's a brilliant idea, but how will people know I babysit?"

"Don't look at me I already gave you an idea" she said as she got up and took a bag of chips from a drawer. She opened the bag of chips and said "Good luck". She gave her the heart finger sign with her right hand and left.

"Traitor! Hey bring back my bag of chips"

She laid on her bed helplessly and used her sheets to cover herself in frustration.

It was Monday before they knew it. Starry dragged her feet to class with Gretel walking besides her. Theodore was already in class as usual. He was reading something and Starry

sat on her seat. She rested her head on her desk and Theodore glanced at her.

"What's wrong with her today?", he thought.

Soon class started, Mr Blake was teaching and Starry wasn't paying any attention. Theodore noticed this but he didn't say anything. After Mr Blake's class, it was lunch time and Starry was about to go out for lunch when Theodore stopped her.

"Starry, can I speak with you?"

"You know you can cos we are seatmates and I haven't gotten up", she said a bit annoyed by his stupid question.

"What's up with this attitude?"

"Is that your question?"

"No, why are you behaving weirdly? Since class started you didn't listen at all, especially in Mr Blake's class. He knows that I tutor you,so if you fail the next pop quiz. He will definitely blame me. So spill what's your beef, if I can be of help"

"Oh", she realized why he asked about her.

"What's oh? Just answer me", he frowned a bit annoyed.

"Since you asked sincerely I'll tell you", she then told him about her Uncle's birthday and the watch she and Gretel intended to buy for him. She also told him how she was short on cash and the work she wanted to do to earn more money.

"What's the model?"

She showed him a picture of the watch on her phone


"Hmmm a silver coloured Rolex explorer 114270, nice. Who knew that you actually have good taste. But why don't you buy a cheaper one?"

"Are you going to help me or you're just going to interrogate me? If so no thanks", she was about to leave when he said

"Wait I can help you. We can set up some fliers all over town so people will easily know"

"Do you know how to design a flier?"

"If I wasn't capable would I give you that idea?"

"But do you have…"

She was interrupted by Theodore " Stop with the questions. After school I'll help you with it"

"What about our study session?"

"It's not like you're going to listen so we'll skip it today and do it tomorrow"

"But you said Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays"

"And you wonder why I call you a dumbass", he got up and left.

'That jerk! If I wasn't desperate I wouldn't accept his help. Just wish I could kick him in the face, but I can't do that anymore', she thought.

The Stunning trio came into Starry's classroom. Hansel sat on the desk of the seat besides her.

"Are you avoiding me girl?", He said and touched her hair.

She slaped his hand away "Leave me alone you jerk"

"Why are you acting this way? Is it because you are pretty? Other girls would rush to be with me. I'm not even bullying you anymore, so you should be grateful"

"Thanks, then can you get lost?"

"You're just playing hard to get right?"

"You overestimate yourself, you piece of trash"

Garfield went up to her and held her by the neck. Which made her to stand on her feet.

"How dare you say that to boss? You bitch!", he screamed at her.

She struggled to remove his hand from his hand. She successfully removed his hand.

"What? Who knew that you were actually strong but too bad you're not stronger than me", Garfield said and was about to slap her.

"Stop" Hansel and Theodore said at the same time.

Garfield smirked and pushed her back and she fell to the ground. Then Hansel and his group left the class with Theodore following behind.

A girl in their class came to Starry's aid.

"Are you okay?", She asked genuinely worried.

"Yes, Ouch!", She screamed in pain. She looked at her elbow and say that it was bleeding profusely.

"Let's go to the sick bay. Your cousin isn't in class and I'm sure she would be worried if she saw you in this state", said the girl.

She helped her up and they walked to the sick bay together.

They met the nurse attending to someone and waited for a while. When the nurse was done she cleaned Starry's injury and bandaged it up.

"By the way, how did you get injured?"

"She was…", the girl was interrupted by Starry.

"I fell down the stairs", said Starry with a smile and the girl looked at her weirdly.

"Then what about the marks on your neck?", the nurse asked genuinely concerned.


"If someone did this to you, you need to tell the school authorities", the nurse advised.

"No one did this to me. I'm fine", Starry said again with a smile.

"Okay if you say so. I'm nurse Ella if you need any help you can turn to me", Ella said and went to throw anyway the bloody cotton wool.

"Starry why didn't you tell Nurse Ella the truth?", the girl asked confused.

"What is your name?", Starry asked ignoring the girl's question.

"I'm Anna Mc Coy", replied Anna.

"Thanks for helping me Anna but can you keep this from Gretel?"

"What? Gretel would know from others in our class. So there's no need. Why don't you report those jerks to…", Anna was interrupted by Gretel.

"Star, are you okay?", Gretel asked worried.

"I'm fine. I made a new friend", Starry said with a smile.

"Thanks Anna, but can you excuse us"

"Sure", Anna said and left.

"Why are you so stubborn? Why don't we just tell Mom and dad?"

"Gret don't be ridiculous, I'm fine", she smiled.

"How can you smile in this situation? Let's tell them, you have always been like this. Just like how you never told us what happened while you stayed with Uncle Edward and his wife. I know his wife maltreated you but you didn't say anything"

"Why are you bringing that up?"

"Were you born to be a pushing bag? You are so annoying", Gretel left angrily.

Meanwhile, Theodore beat up Garfield and Hansel screamed

"That's enough!"

"I told you to stay away from students in my class didn't I?", he asked angrily.

"I didn't do anything. Gar acted on his own that's why I allowed you to beat him up. I just went to talk to Starry that's all", Hansel said annoyed.

"Whatever", Theodore said and pushed Garfield who he was holding by the collar.

Arthur ran to his aid because Garfield had pass out.

"Leave him be. Let him learn his lesson", said Hansel.

"What about his injuries?", asked Arthur concerned.

"Treat it when he wakes up"

He said and left for his class.

During class Starry kept looking at Gretel but Gretel refused to look at her. After school Starry was waiting for Theodore.

"Go home Starry", said Theodore as he packed his things.

"Aren't you going to help me again?"

"Who said I wasn't? You don't look good. I will do it by myself. And give me your number"

"For what?", She looked at him suspiciously.

"So I can ask you how to design the flier and add your number to it so that your customers can contact you", he rolled his eyes.

"Give me your phone"

"Here", he gave her his phone and she typed her number.

He then saved it as "Dumbass".

"Give me your phone"


"So that when I chat you, you won't be confused as usual"

She gave him her phone relunctantly and he typed his number. She saved his number as "annoying jerk" and smiled widely.

Theodore then left her and Anna went up to her.

"Hi new friend", she smiled.

"Hi Anna aren't you going home?"

"I am. I wanted to ask if you would walk with me to the bus stop"


The girls walked out of the school in silence.

"Star, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Are you and Theodore friends?"

"To be truthful I don't know"

"What do you mean by you don't know?"

"I mean I don't know. Sometimes he is somewhat nice but most of the time he is a jerk always calling me dumb"

Anna laughed as she heard this

"You guys are friends then"

"Why do you say so?"

"Because our assistant class president was his friend and he usually talked to her like that"

"We have an assistant class president?"

"Yes her name is Danetelo Rivers, we usually call her Danny. She is really pretty and nice but she isn't around now"

"Where is she?"

"She is the third best student in our class so she went to France for student exchange program. Theodore wasn't interested but I don't know why your cousin didn't go"

"Oh we had some problems at home"


"Where do you live?"

"Shallow street"

"That's my street too"

"Good", the girls smiled at each other.

They soon got to the bus stop and they continued their discussion until the bus arrived.

They boarded the bus and they also exchanged numbers. Starry was wearing her sweater so her uncle and aunty wouldn't ask about her injury. Starry got home and she changed into casual clothes.

She knocked on Gretel's door and asked "Can I come in Gretel?"

"Do whatever you like cos you're going to anyway", Gretel said.

Starry got in with a bag of chips in her hand.

"I came with a peace offering", she smiled.

Gretel was laying on her bed but she got up and screamed "What's wrong with you?"

"Gret stop screaming"

"How… how… can you be like this Star? Uhn? My heart bleeds for you but you seem unaffected", she said in tears as she squat down.

Starry went to her side and hugged her.

"Gret don't cry or else I'll cry too"

"Let's tell mom and dad"

"Ok, I promise if they bother me again I'll tell them"

Gretel pushed her away and said"You are so annoying"

"That's why you love me"

Gretel snatched the bags of chips from Starry's hand.

Starry told Gretel about what Theodore told her.

"Hmmm has he contacted you?"


"Ok let's have dinner", she popped a piece of chips into her mouth.

They went downstairs and had dinner. After dinner, Starry started doing her assignment.

Then her phone beeped and she looked at it. She saw a message from "annoying jerk".

It read"Send me an outline of what you want the flier to look"

She sent him and continued her assignment.

When she was done, she took a shower and laid on her bed.

She was looking through her phone and saw another message from Theodore. It said


She looked at the picture he sent her and she smiled. It looked great. She texted"Thanks?"

She dropped her phone and went to sleep.

The next day, she and Gretel were waiting at the bus stop when Anna approached them.

"Hi", she said waving both of her hands.

"Hi Anna", Gretel and Starry said at the same time.

The bus soon arrived and they got on. They soon got to school and as usual Theodore was already there.

Starry sat beside him and said

"Good morning friend", she smiled.

"Don't smile at me, here I know this is why you are acting nice", he handed her a bundle of fliers.

"Thanks friend", she smiled brightly and he was mesmerized.

"Don't ever smile like that to other people"


"Because they will die from shock"

"Humph, I'll smile how I like", she stuck her tongue out and he smiled mildly.

"Wait did you just smile?", She asked surprised.

"In your dreams", he turned and smiled.

The rest students soon came and a woman walked into the class.

"Miss Simmons!", the students screamed in delight.

"Hello babies, I'm back", Miss Simmons smiled beautifully.

She was really beautiful and whenever one looked at her they felt comfortable and at ease.

"We missed you Miss Simmons", the students cried.

"I missed you too babies. I see we have a new student", she said looking at Starry.

Starry stood up and said"Good day Miss Simmons. I'm Starry Knight"

"Oh I remember I filed your papers. Please be at ease if anything bothers you, you can come to me darling", she said and winked at Starry.

After addressing the class, Miss Simmons left the class.

"Is she our form teacher?", Starry asked Theodore.

"No she's my elder sister, you always ask stupid questions", Theodore replied.

"Hey don't insult me. She's amazing I like her"

"Everyone likes miss Simmons you're not the first"

"Theodore has anyone ever told you that you are very annoying"

"No, no one has"

"Then let me be the first. You are very annoying"

"Where did you get the guts to talk to me like this?"

"I got it from this", she flicked his forehead and turned away. He looked at her shocked.

She laughed when she saw the look on his face.

It was lunch time already and the four girls went to the cafeteria. They were enjoying their lunch and one another's company. When Garfield walked up to them with a black eye and some bandage on his body.

"Starry, I am sorry", he said in the blink of an eye and left quickly.

"What?", Starry said in shocked.

Gretel's spoon fell from her hand, while Stacy mouth was agape and Anna spat out the drink in her mouth.

"Let's leave before it gets weirder", Stacy said in disgust.

"Look goosebumps", Anna said as she pointed at her arms. The girls left the cafeteria for their classroom. Soon school was over and Theodore said to Starry "I can help you to pass the fliers"


"If I didn't want to help I wouldn't have offered it in the first place. We can go around in my bike"

"Ok thanks"

She went to meet Gretel and the rest.

"You girls should go without me. I'm going to pass some fliers"

"Do you need any help?", Gretel asked.

"No thanks, Theodore already offered help"

"Wow you and Theodore are really close now", Stacy said with a smirk on her face.

"Of course they are friends", Anna said with a smile.

"Ok bye", Starry waved at them as they left.

"Bye", they said.

Theodore walked to her and said "Let's go"

"Wait", she went to get her bag and they left the class.

They went to where he parked his bike and he gave her a helmet. He wore his helmet and got on his bike. She also wore hers. She held on to his bag and said "let's go"

He started his bike and they went around town passing fliers.

When they were done, he asked for the direction to her house and took her there.

She got down and handed the helmet back to him.

"Thanks Theodore I'll remember this help", she smiled brightly and he smiled back at her. She noticed him smiling and she took out her phone and took a picture of him.

He got back to his senses when he saw the light flash.

"What did you just do?"

"I took a picture of my friend who smiled brightly for the first time"

"Let me see"

"No, I know you will delete it. So bye", she left

He just stood looking in shook but she came back and said " You should smile often it suits you" she smiled and left.

When she got inside, Stacy and Anna were staring at her in silence.

"Congrats Star", said Stacy.

"What?", She asked confused.

"You're the first girl in our class to ever sit on that bike", said Stacy.

"Actually she's the first person except Theodore to sit on that bike", Gretel said as she walked into the sitting room with two bowls. One had chips while the other had dip in it.

"Hmmm, What conspiracy is this?"

"We're having a sleepover", Anna said as she turned on the TV.

"I'll be right back then", said Starry.

She went to her room, had a shower and came back in her lilac coloured pyjamas with a lilac coloured pillow in her hand.

"I never knew lilac was your favourite colour", said Stacy

"I knew", Anna said as she ate a piece of chips.

The four girl enjoyed their night talking and laughing.