Chapter Five

Theodore was reading a book while Starry was trying to solve a physics problem.

"Theodore, can you take a look at this question?"

"Sure", he looked at it.

"Can you solve it?"

"Yeah, it's pretty easy"

He solved it and explained the solving to her.

"Hmm can you explain it in depth? I haven't quite grasp it"

"Wait, I'll bring a textbook with questions like it from my locker"


Theodore got up and left the classroom. Starry was looking at the solving trying to comprehend it. When she was a pair of pink, beautiful and expensive looking shoes in front of her.

She looked up and saw an unfamiliar face staring at her with contempt.

She was a bit confused and asked"Do… Do I know you?"

"Of course not", the girl replied.

"Then how can I help you?"

"You can help me by getting your ugly butt off my seat"


"Oh, let me introduce myself. I'm the Danetelo Rivers. Are you still confused?", she smirked.

"What? You are the assistant class president?"

"Yes, since you know, can you get up now?"

"You're not like what I heard"

"What? Am I prettier in person?"

"No, they said you are nice but you're clearly not and you are even narcissistic"

"What? How dare…", she was interrupted by Theodore who asked "What's going on here?"

"Teddy, she's bullying me. She sat on my seat and refused to get up. She even said I was ugly, mean and narcissistic", Danny said and tried to act like the victim.

"What? Who's bullying whom?", Starry asked in surprise.

"Danny, why didn't you come when school first begun?", asked Theodore.

"You know I was in France for the student exchange program", replied Danetelo.

"I saw your post on Instaface, you posted that you arrived from France a week before the first day of school. Miss Simmons is really angry at you. You should find another seat because you can't sit here"

"Teddy, Teddy, please I won't do this again", Danetelo's eyes were watery and she looked pitiful.

"The class president and the assistant are supposed to sit together, I don't want any trouble. I'll just move", Starry said and was about to get her things when Theodore stopped her.

"Just ignore her and sit", said Theodore.

Danetelo stomped her foot and went to the front of the class.

"Who wants to help me get a seat?", She asked.

Most of the boys offered to help her. They soon got her a new seat and placed it in the back row.

"Thanks boys", Danetelo said and blew them kisses.

"It's our pleasure Danny", said the boys and they left for their seat. She took hers and looked at the direction of Theodore and Starry. Theodore was teaching Starry something and Danetelo frowned intensively.

During lunch, Starry was looking for her geography textbook in her locker.

"I definitely kept it here. Where is it?", She asked frustrated.

"Starry Knight", Danetelo called from behind with two other girls standing by her side.

"What? What? What?", She asked in frustration and turned around.

"Are you looking for your geography textbook?", Danetelo asked.

"What? How do you know?", Starry asked confused.

"It's with me dummy", Danetelo replied and one of the girls showed her the textbook.

"Give me back my textbook", Starry said.

"Give me back my textbook ", Danetelo mimicked her.

"You broke into my locker?"

"That's a huge accusation Star. Let's say I found it, so come and take it", she smiled evilly.

She collected the book from one of the girls hand. She pretended to give the book to Starry but instead tossed it to one of her minions who was now behind Starry. Starry noticed that they had form a circle and she was in the middle. They kept tossing the book around themselves and making a fool out of Starry. They laughed hysterically as they made fun of Starry.

Danetelo finally threw the book at Starry intending to give her the book but it hit her on the nose. Blood flowed down her nose.

"Oops, clumsy me, are you alright Starry Knight",Danetelo said and the others laughed.

Starry ignored them and bent down to pick up her textbook.

"This girl has thick skin", one of the girls whispered in Danetelo's ear.

"Not for long", said Danetelo as she kicked Starry in the shoulder and she fell to the floor.

"Pathetic, so weak", said one of the girls.

Starry clenched her fists and was about to get up. When Danetelo grabbed her hair and said "You're a nobody. Don't think that because you are Theodore's seat mate that you matter. You are just trash that will be thrown away"

She released her hand and Starry fell to the ground.

"Let's go ladies"Danetelo said as she dusted her hands .

Starry got up and said" Danetelo! You can think whatever you want of me but that doesn't change anything because you don't matter to me. What you say or do doesn't move me because you are a nobody to me. You are the assistant class president so? There are a lot of assistant class presidents in the world. Don't think that your words can affect me. Don't ever try this with me again or else"

"Else what? You're going to report me to Miss Simmons?", Danetelo asked mockingly.

"You don't want to know", she replied creepily and the bullies were scared a bit.

Starry turned to walk away when Danetelo rushed to her and grabbed her by the hair.

"I'm not done with you!", she screamed.

She was about to slap Starry when someone held her hand.

"Who has the guts to…", she stopped when she saw that it was Hansel.

"Han… Hansel?", Danetelo asked surprised.

He then pushed her to the floor and asked"Are you ok?"

"Yes… yes I am fine", replied Starry.

Hansel put his hand over her shoulder and said "She's mine so you girls should all stay clear do you hear me?"

He was expecting a reply but got non . He asked again"Do you brats hear me?"

"Yes", they said in unison and ran away quickly.

Starry removed his hand from her shoulder and said"Thanks but I had it under control"

"Yeah had it under control by getting slapped by a bully"

"Don't talk like you're any different. You are a bully too. So don't go acting all righteous" she said and left.

She was walking to class and wanted to place her textbook in her right hand but couldn't. She couldn't feel her right hand then she realised she had dislocated her right shoulder. She groaned in pain and went to class. She went to her seat and sat down. She rested her head on her desk and passed out.

Lunch time was over and the geography teacher Mr Benson. Theodore thought Starry was sleeping as usual and tried to wake her up. But there was no response.

"Starry! Starry! Starry!", He called out.

Everyone looked at him because he was being loud.

He shook her vigorously but she didn't wake up and her right hand seemed wobbly.

"What's wrong with her?", Mr Benson asked worried.

"I… I... I think she passed out", replied Theodore.

"What are you waiting for? Take her to the school nurse", Mr Benson said bringing some sense into Theodore.

"Gretel please help me get her on my back", Theodore said to Gretel.

Gretel rushed to their side and helped Starry to get on Theodore's back. They rushed to the nurse's office. The nurse checked Starry and said "She had a concussion. Quick call an ambulance"

Gretel quickly called an ambulance and soon it arrived. Gretel accompanied

Starry to the hospital and Gretel's parents were notified. They rushed to the hospital seeing Starry with a banged head and her right hand in a cast unconscious, broke their hearts. Fran broke out in tears.

Meanwhile all the students in the school came out of their class in awe. They were surprised and wondered what the ambulance was doing in their school. Jessica and Stella went to Danetelo.

They were scared and whispered to her "What if Starry mentions our names?", Jessica asked.

"She wouldn't dare unless she is seeking death", replied Danetelo.

The two girls looked at each other with a grin on their faces.

Theodore went to meet Hansel and asked "What did you do? What did you do to her?"

"Who? What are you talking about?", Hansel asked confused. Theodore held him by the collar.

"What did you do to Starry that ended her in that condition?"

"Starry? She was the person carried away by the ambulance? I didn't do anything to her. I even told Gar to apologise which he did. I'm not the one you should be asking this question. You should ask your friend Daneteo"


"Oh yeah Danetelo. She and her minions did something bad to her. I didn't see it all but I saw when she was about to slap Starry. If you don't believe, you can check the CCTV in the hallway. Everyone knows that there are CCTV cameras in the hallways, classrooms, teacher's lounge, laboratories even the principal's office but except bathrooms and my spot of course"

"Then you are a witness. Follow me", Theodore said as he released his hands from Hansel's collar.

They went to Miss Simmons' desk in the staff room and told her everything.

"Are you sure about this? This is a huge accusation Hansel", asked Miss Simmons.

"Yes, just check the CCTV to know what exactly happened" said Hansel.

Miss Simmons and Theodore went to the control room and told the person incharged what happened. The person then checked the footage and it happened according to what Hansel had said.

"I need to inform the principal", said Miss Simmons .

Theodore went back to class and Stacy and Anna rushed to him.

"What happened to Star?", they asked concerned.

"She had a concussion and dislocated her shoulder", he replied and turned away.

"What? Who did that to Star?", Anna asked.

"You don't think it is the Stunning trio?", Stacy asked.

"I don't know. I just hope Star is ok", Anna said as both girls went back to their seats.

Jessica and Stella looked at each other nervously.

Miss Simmons walked in to the classroom and said sternly "Danetelo come to the principal's office now!"

Danetelo looked surprised and she followed Miss Simmons.

The students began to murmur.

Danetelo got to the Principal's office and she saw Hansel sitting on one of the chairs. The principal, Mr Gerald was frowning intensively at her.

"Good afternoon Mr Gerald. Am I in trouble?", She asked acting naive.

"I'm so disappointed in you Miss Rivers, you had such a promising future. Why did you do it?"asked Mr Gerald.

"I didn't do it. I didn't touch Starry", she replied afraid.

"I didn't mention Starry Knight, did I?"said Mr Gerald.

" She attacked me first. It was self defence", Danetelo said in between tears.

"We have a witness and solid evidence. Look", he played the footage for her to see.

Danetelo kept on crying and Hansel glared at her.

"What are the names of the other girls. Tell me their names and I may lessen your punishment"

"Their names are Jessica Miller and Stella Green, it was their idea", she cried as she talked looking pitiful.

"This girl is a really good actress", Hansel thought.

Miss Simmons also called Jessica and Stella to the principal's office.

"Danny you said that we wouldn't be in trouble", said Jessica and Stella at the same time.

"Wasn't this you girls' idea?", asked Mr Gerald. Danetelo gave them a look implying they should take the fall for her.

"No, no, no, it was Danetelo's idea. She said she was jealous of Starry. She said she hated that Starry is prettier than her. She also said that she wished Starry didn't exist and let's make Starry wish she didn't", Jessica confessed.

"She even went to the extent of breaking into Starry's locker and stealing her geography textbook", Stella added.

"What? You are not only a bully but also a thief? Wow! And I thought I was terrific", said Hansel.

"Hansel!",said Mr Gerald.

"Sorry Mr G" Hansel apologized.

"You are not even repentant Danetelo. You are even lying. Miss Simmons", said Mr Gerald.

"Yes Sir" said Miss Simmons.

"Call their parents"

"I already did sir and they are on their way"


They waited for a while and the girls' parents soon arrived. They were told everything and they looked at their children disappointedly especially Danetelo's parents.

An announcement was made for all the students to go to the assembly Hall to be addressed by Principal.

When all the students had gathered, they saw the principal, Miss Simmons and the three standing on the podium. The students began murmuring.

Miss Simmons held a microphone and said"Silence please, the principal wants to address you"

The students soon quiet down.

Mr Gerald took the microphone and said"Good day students"

"Good day Sir", the students said to him.

"I am sure you all heard of what happened to Starry Knight in grade 12 form A. Which involved the student being rushed to the hospital. You all may be wondering what happened to her. Well just watch"

The footage of the three girls bullying Starry was played and everyone gasped in surprise. They didn't expect Danetelo to be like this because she always portrayed herself as a nice person.

"So you know why they are standing here and why I gathered you all. Bullying of your fellow students is highly frowned upon in Primrose high school. So if any of you see any case of bullying please do not turn a blind eye"

"Hmph, hypocrite. Just took this matter serious because your nephew was a witness", Theodore thought as he listened to the Principal's hypocritical speech.

"The Mastermind of this operation is Danetelo Rivers, her punishment is she will be stripped off her duty as the assistant class president of form A, she will be suspended for a month and when she eventually resumes she will be on kitchen duty for a month. While Stella Green and Jessica Miller will also be suspended for a month and assigned to kitchen duty for two weeks. Their parents have been notified and this has been added to their record. So my dear students desist from bullying. You may all be dismissed"

The students left one by one in a orderly manner.