Chapter 129

"Time that we take. A stand for ourselves and we no longer ourselves to be pulled by your strings or to be bullied by you. Today everyone had seen your true colors and the reality of it came from the mouth of your own daughter. You can no longer hide behind your title. Guards take him away!" One of the higher ups said.

Dick and the 0thers watched as several guards made their way into the room and he couldn't help but smirk at the sight of them walking in.

Guderian looked around haplessly as she watched them come and surround him.

"no you can't do this. You don't have the right to do so. My men are still out there and just because you capture me doesn't mean that you are going to be free of me. This isn't going to be enough to stop what is coming and this is only going to further ensure that I am able to take you down. Count your days because I will come back and when I do I am going to be coming straight for you." Guderian warned.

However he didn't have time to continue with his rant as the guards pulled him by the arms as they pulled him away.

Dick watched the sight with a bright smile on his face.

He couldn't believe that he had been able to get rid of him.

For a moment his gaze drifted towards me Mary and her noticed that she was sporting a smile on her face as well.

He had been able to get justice as well as clear his name and now he knew that Guderian couldn't do anything to help tina or to cover up the truth any longer.

Everyone had been there to witness the truth and here what he had done and even if dick was to release the control that he had on tina at that very moment it wouldn't do anything.

She had been the one who had confessed and to the knowledge of everyone around she had done it out of her own free will.

If she were to come back and say that she hadn't meant to say any of that then no one would believe her.

With that dick decided to release the control that he had on tina.

There was no point of continuing with it anyway as she and her father had already lost.

He channeled the powers of his semen as he turned his attention towards tina.

He watched as she let out a gasp from her lips before she slowly pulled her hands away from herself.

Her once hazy eyes soon began to cleared up as she looked around the room in bewilderment.

Shew looked down at herself and she took note of her. Naked body as a blush coated her cheeks.

The sight in front of her had changed from the goblins that she thought she had seen before back to the students and teachers.

Several thoughts rang through her head as she looked around the room in bewilderment.

She was beyond embarrassed as she tried to cover herself up.

She didn't understand what had just happened but it was almost as though she didn't have any control of her own limbs and it was as though they had a mind of their own.

She turned to the side and she was met with an even worse sight of horror.

She watched as her father was pulled away and she widened her eyes at the sight.

She wanted to stand up to her feet and to protest against it but she found herself unable to at first.

She couldn't believe that they were taking her father way. She didn't deserve this and he didn't deserve it either.

"what is happening." Tina. Asked exasperatedly as the people stared at her with deep frowns. On their faces.

They weren't simply going to forget everything that she had said so easily. The fact that she had been able to confess to what she had done without any remorse and she held no regret in her eyes.

She wasn't even ashamed to admit the fact that she was the one tha5 had caused all of those people harm.

Dick knew that his name had been cleared now and it meant that he was an innocent man and that there was no one that was going to come after him but he was hesitant about exposing himself.

He knew that despite the fact that the truth was out now and the fact that everyone had heard about what happened that didn't mean that he was. Safe and it didn't mean that he was going to be able to come back to the school or reveal himself.

Because Guderian was getting locked up that didn't mean that it was over and like he had said he had a lot of connections and there were a lot of people that were on his side. There were a large group of people that would be willing to do anything for him.

They would come for dick and they would easily be able to take him down and make him disappear if they had to.

Besides that Guderian had a lot of power as well as influence and he would be able to convince them to let him out of jail early if he tried.

He could easily get free and wouldn't get locked up at all.

The chances of justice being served were slim and this could easily turn into another one of the forgotten cases.

that was something that shouldn't have come to a surprise for dick.

After all that was how the society worked as a whole. It was the one as who had the money who were usually in charge and they were the ones who controlled the way on which the world was ruled.

If he were to reveal himself and come out now the chances were high that e would do so prematurely and it would ensure that he was the one who got captured instead.

Guderian was a very smart man and it wouldn't be hard for him to twist the story in his favor.

He could just as easily convince people that dick was the problem and that he was the one who was in the wrong.

They would find a way too make it seem as though tina was forced to say all of those things by dick and the people would believe him simply based on the fact that he was the one who had the money.

Dick knew that he couldn't put that fact past them and he would have to lay allow for now until everything was resolves and he could put it all past him and he wouldn't have to worry about everything else.

Tina was still in complete shock and bewilderment as she stumbled back up to her feet.

She didn't understand how any of this had happened and she felt as though there was something that wasn't quite right.

As she scrambled to cover herself up she felt as her memories seemed to come rushing back to her.

She couldn't believe the words that she had spoken.