Vael Vs The Sable Serpents

"Moxy! You're finally awake!" Vael exclaimed, his voice filled with joy.

Immediately, Moxy flew into his open hands, and they shared an embrace. Despite their short acquaintance, Vael felt an inexplicable bond with the small creature.

"Vael, what's happened? You seem different. And why aren't you a baby? The last thing I remember, we were entering the reincarnation pool," Moxy said, bewildered.

At that moment, Luminara emerged from Vael's body, addressing the little creature with a warm smile. "So, you're Vael's companion. It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

Moxy, taken aback by Luminara's presence, stuttered in shock. "Vael... that's a God. Why is she here?" she asked, instinctively hiding behind Vael.

"It's okay, Moxy," Vael reassured her. "Luminara and I are bound by a contract."

Moxy looked up at him, her voice tinged with hurt. "Wait, I thought you said you weren't going to sign a contract with any god."

Vael, feeling a mix of embarrassment and nervousness, ran his hand through his hair. Before he could explain, Luminara spoke up. "Yes, we did sign a contract, but I granted him 99% ownership of me."

Moxy's jaw hit the floor in astonishment. "What!" she exclaimed, her voice a blend of shock and disbelief.

Meanwhile, back in the cell, Lord Zephyrian's impatience was reaching its peak. "Where is Tiny?" he barked, his voice echoing off the stone walls. "I don't have time for this. Once he returns with the kid, bring him outside. One of you stay here, the other come with me and bring those two. We can start with them."

"Yes, my lord," both guards responded in unison, bowing deeply.

As Lord Zephyrian strode out of the cell, the guards exchanged intense glances before engaging in a quick game of Rock Paper Scissors. One guard triumphed and leaned back against the wall, smirking slightly, while the other, sighing in resignation, picked up both Lyria and Elrik and started to leave the cell.

After bringing Moxy up to speed on everything that had transpired, Vael, accompanied by Luminara, made his way back to the cell where Lyria and Elrik were held. Tracing the path he had taken earlier, he soon spotted the door. As he cautiously opened it, the cell appeared empty at first. Then, a voice rang out, "Tiny, you're finally back. What took you so long? Lord Zephyrian is getting impatient."

Vael held back, remaining hidden as the guard approached the door. He recalled Luminara's teachings in the tomb: Lord Aizen was adept at crafting objects from elements by merely focusing his thoughts. Emulating this technique, Vael concentrated, forming an acid dagger in his hand.

With the dagger firmly gripped, he employed an assassin's technique known as 'Shadow Step,' swiftly appearing behind the unsuspecting Sable Serpent guard. He plunged the dagger into the guard's back, eliciting a loud scream. The sound of the guard's insides sizzling from the acid filled the air.

"Where are my friends?" Vael demanded, his voice tense with urgency.

The guard, blood frothing at his mouth, managed a sinister smile. "Lord Zephyrian... he's probably executing them now... in front of the townspeople. You're too late."

Before the guard could utter another word, Vael thrust the dagger deeper. He then quickly extracted the essence crystal from the guard's chest, absorbing it immediately. In his mind, a voice, reminiscent of Moxy's, announced: '2/1000 essence crystals consumed.'

Vael, wordlessly, exited the prison. A palpable aura of killing intent radiated from him as he made his way towards the town center. Meanwhile, the gathered crowd of Elysians, restless and anxious, hesitated to leave, wary of provoking the Sable Serpents' wrath.

Suddenly, Lord Zephyrian made his return, flanked by two figures with bags over their heads. As the guards began assembling a device chillingly reminiscent of a guillotine, a wave of shock rippled through the crowd.

"Apologies for the delay," Lord Zephyrian announced. "Two of our guests have arrived, and the third will join us shortly." He then proceeded to remove the bags, revealing the identities of the captives: Lyria and Elrik.

A collective gasp echoed among the Elysians. The tension escalated rapidly, with some even attempting to rush the stage in a desperate bid to save their compatriots. However, the Sable Serpents quickly countered, conjuring acid orbs that forced the crowd into reluctant submission.

Amidst the chaos, a distraught voice pierced the air. "Elrik? That's my son! Let him go!" a man from the crowd cried out in anguish.

"Lyria!" another voice wailed, this time a woman. "My baby, please, someone save my child!" Her pleas continued, her screams echoing the desperation of the onlookers.

Standing atop the stage, Lord Zephyrian watched the unfolding drama, his face twisted into a sinister grin.

As Lyria and Elrik's heads were secured under the guillotine, they shared a final glance. Surprisingly, instead of tears, both faces bore resolute smiles. Lord Zephyrian, eager for the execution, signaled the guard to release the blade. The guard reached for the lever, but suddenly, his movements halted as if he were paralyzed.

Lord Zephyrian's laughter, anticipating the gruesome sounds of the execution, abruptly ceased when he realized something was amiss. "Did you not hear me? Kill them!" he bellowed, but the guard remained motionless.

"My lord, I'm sorry," the guard stammered, his voice trembling. "But can't you feel that overwhelming pressure? It's as if moving even an inch would seal my fate."

Confused and irritated, Lord Zephyrian snapped, "Just do it, or I'll kill you myself!"

With no other choice, the guard's hand inched towards the lever. However, the moment his fingers grazed it, a sharp whistling sound sliced through the air. In a blur, a green-colored arrow shot forward, piercing the guard's head and killing him instantly.

Standing at a distance, Vael emanated a dark, menacing aura. "That's three down," he muttered to himself, his voice a low rumble of contained fury.