The Escape Plan

The Elysians in the crowd gasped in collective shock as they witnessed the demise of a Sable Serpent guard, a sight many had never imagined possible. The air was thick with tension and disbelief.

Lord Zephyrian, his face contorted in anger, scanned the area. "Who dares shoot an arrow at my men?" he roared. Before he could receive an answer, another arrow whizzed through the air, striking down the guard beside him. The guard dropped lifelessly, intensifying the chaos.

Taking a cautious step back, Lord Zephyrian let out a piercing whistle, a clear signal. Vael, observing from a distance, recognized the sound. Within moments, about twenty Sable Serpent warriors converged on Lord Zephyrian's location, quickly forming a protective barrier around him, resembling a living shield.

As Lord Zephyrian surveyed the chaos, he swiftly commanded five of his guards to locate the source of the arrows, pointing them in Vael's direction. Vael, perched at his vantage point, watched them, a faint smirk on his lips. This was exactly what he had hoped for: to draw out the strongest of the Sable Serpents.

"Hey, Moxy, can you transform again?" Vael asked, his gaze still fixed on the advancing guards.

Moxy looked puzzled. "Wait, how did you know I can transform?"

"You did it back in the forest a few days ago, while you were still unconscious," Vael explained. "But you fell back into unconsciousness right after."

Moxy, a hint of surprise in her expression, pondered for a moment. "Yes, I can transform, but it will drain all my energy, and I can only maintain it for a few minutes. I'm still very weak at the moment."

"That's perfect," Vael replied, his voice calm but firm. "I just need you to distract them."

Vael, swiftly melded into the shadows of the nearby buildings, disappearing from sight before the guards could even approach his location. His primary objective, to buy Elrik and Lyria even a few precious minutes, was successfully achieved.

Meanwhile, on the stage, Lord Zephyrian seethed with rage. "It has to be that boy," he snarled, his voice dripping with fury. "No other Elysian would dare defy me like this. I'll tear him apart with my bare hands for making a mockery of me!"

As his anger boiled over, a sinister idea took root in his mind. "Why wait? I'll just kill his pathetic friends now," he thought, a malicious grin spreading across his face. He stepped towards Elrik and Lyria, his hand conjuring a massive orb of red acid, ready to unleash it upon them.

Suddenly, the skies erupted with a powerful roar, halting everyone in their tracks. The Elysian crowd, already on edge, looked up in a mix of fear and awe. Soaring above them was a colossal green dragon, a creature of legend, never before seen by most present. Its majestic and intimidating presence sent waves of fear through the Sable Serpents.

The guards, now gripped by panic, scattered in all directions, trying to escape the dragon's wrath. Even Lord Zephyrian, known for his unshakeable composure, found himself retreating in the face of this unexpected threat.

Moxy, in her transformed state, landed powerfully on the stage. Her fierce roar echoed through the town square, causing the remaining Sable Serpents, including Lord Zephyrian, to flee the stage in terror.

Vael emerged from behind Moxy, his face lit up with a triumphant grin. The crowd of Elysians, recognizing him after a long absence, watched in a mixture of relief and admiration. From a distance, Lord Zephyrian glared at Vael, his anger reaching a boiling point.

Approaching the guillotine, Vael quickly got to work, his hands emitting a faint glow as he melted the restraints binding Elrik and Lyria. Once freed, they rushed towards Vael, their eyes brimming with tears.

"I knew you would come for us," Lyria exclaimed, her voice choked with emotion.

Elrik nodded in agreement, "There wasn't a doubt in my mind."

Lyria, observing Vael's hands, asked in awe, "How did you melt this? Where did these powers come from?"

"It's a long story, but I'll explain later," Vael replied hurriedly. "Right now, we need to get out of here."

Their brief moment of relief was shattered by Lord Zephyrian's furious scream. "Kill them all now! Don't let them escape!" he ordered.

As the Sable Serpent guards began conjuring acid orbs, Moxy interjected urgently, "Vael, we need to leave now. I can't maintain this form much longer."

Without hesitation, Vael, Lyria, and Elrik climbed onto Moxy's back, holding on tightly. With a powerful flap of her massive wings, Moxy took off into the sky, soaring away just as the orbs of acid struck the stage, annihilating it in a fiery explosion.