I Want To Become A Swordsman

Lyria stood on the balcony, her eyes brimming with tears that silently traced her cheeks. Elrik, noticing her distress, stepped outside. "Hey, Lyria, are you okay?" he asked with concern.

Lyria hastily wiped her eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay," she replied, her voice unsteady.

Elrik, knowing her better, pressed gently. "Lyria, we've been friends since we were kids. I know when something's bothering you."

Lyria hesitated, then her voice dropped to a whisper. "Do you think Vael loves me?" she asked, her eyes searching Elrik's for an answer.

"Of course, he does. We're all best friends," Elrik responded reassuringly.

Lyria shook her head. "No, I mean more than that. When he woke up, he was calling out another woman's name," she said, a hint of coldness creeping into her voice.

Before Elrik could respond, the sound of the front door interrupted them. Vael's voice echoed from the kitchen. "Hey, guys, we're back!" he announced cheerfully, setting food on the kitchen table.

Lyria quickly composed herself, wiping away the last of her tears, and abruptly left the house. Vael, noticing her swift departure, looked puzzled.

"What's wrong with her?" Vael asked as Elrik approached him.

"Uhhh, she just had to do something for her parents," Elrik fibbed, hoping to spare Vael the complexity of the situation. "But did you bring any snacks?" he asked, trying to lighten the mood, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

"Haha, no, I only had enough to buy a few essentials," Vael replied, noticing Elrik's fleeting excitement fade as he spotted the fruits and vegetables on the table. "I think I'm going to eat at my parents' house, Vael. Sorry," Elrik said quickly, making his way out of the house.

Left alone with Moxy, Vael remarked, "Well, I guess there's more for us."

Moxy promptly clarified, "Actually, I don't eat mortal food. I only consume beast essence."

Vael, a bit deflated, responded with a playful attitude, "Well, I guess I'll just eat alone then."

After finishing his meal, Vael leaned back in his chair, his stomach content. He noticed that both Lyria and Elrik had mentioned going to see their parents, which sparked a thought in his mind. "What about my own parents?" he wondered. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't recall any memories of his family. It felt strange and unsettling, yet he knew there was little he could do about it at the moment. "Maybe more memories will surface with time," he hoped.

Shifting his focus to more immediate concerns, Vael pondered over the proposition Ivy had presented to him. "Should I visit the Athenaeum of Shadows library? It might significantly aid my development," he thought."

Resolved to enhance his skills, Vael made up his mind. "I'm going to the Athenaeum of Shadows library," he declared internally. "But first, I need to improve my swordsmanship." The thought of the dojo he had passed earlier came to mind. "Maybe I should give it a try," he mused.

Vael changed into more suitable attire for training and addressed Moxy, "I'll be back later," before heading out to the dojo.

Standing before the dojo's imposing doors, adorned with two crossed swords, Vael pushed open the large front doors. Inside, he was greeted by the sight of students diligently practicing their sword swings in unison. They were methodically training with wooden swords against dummies, their movements synchronized.

An elderly man with a white-grey beard approached Vael, a welcoming smile on his face. "Well, hello there. You must be Vael," he greeted warmly.

Surprised, Vael asked, "How do you know my name?"

The old man chuckled softly. "At this point, everyone in Duskmire knows of the young hero who saved the city," he said, his eyes twinkling with a mix of respect and amusement.

Vael had momentarily forgotten his newfound fame as the city's savior. "I, uh, I want to become a better swordsman," Vael said, his voice filled with determination.

The old man's expression turned serious, sensing Vael's earnest desire. "You've come to the right place, then. I'm Master Kenji, and I run this dojo. Let's see what you've got," he said, gesturing for Vael to follow him deeper into the dojo.

Vael curiously followed Master Kenji to a separate training area within the dojo, where a smaller, select group of students practiced. The atmosphere here was more intense, the air filled with a focused determination.

Master Kenji stopped and called out a name, "Max!" A young boy, no more than ten years old, promptly stood up and approached them with a disciplined stride. He bowed respectfully before Master Kenji.

"Vael, I'd like you to spar with Max," Master Kenji announced.

Vael looked at the young boy, a mix of surprise and skepticism on his face. "But he's just a kid," Vael protested gently.

Master Kenji chuckled at Vael's reaction. "So, you shouldn't have any problems beating him, right?" he teased.

He handed Vael and Max each a wooden sword, then set the rules. "The round ends when one of you strikes a lethal spot on the opponent. This will be a best-of-three match. Begin!"

Vael took his stance, wooden sword in hand, eyeing Max cautiously. Despite his initial hesitation, Vael understood that this was an opportunity to learn and improve. He readied himself for the bout, curious to see what skills this young boy, chosen by Master Kenji, possessed.