The Phantom Slash

Vael shifted his feet and assumed a stance. Master Kenji, observing Vael's sloppy stance, predicted in his mind that the fight was already over. Max decided to make the first move, launching his body toward Vael. With a swift swipe aimed at Vael's neck, Max sought to end the round quickly. However, Vael shifted his feet and deflected Max's sword to the side, blocking the first strike.

Max drew back his sword and swiped again, this time aiming vertically towards Vael's head. Vael raised his sword to block the attack, but Max, like flowing water, spun his body, altering the strike to a horizontal blow aimed at Vael's gut. Vael was caught off guard by the swift change and found no time to block. Max's wooden sword struck Vael in the stomach.

"Round one goes to Max!" shouted Master Kenji.

The other students began to clap, watching their fellow student show off his skills. Their eagerness to challenge him grew. "I underestimated you, kid," said Vael, "but this time I won't." Max just stood there, not saying anything. Then they heard Master Kenji's announcement: "Round two, begin!"

This time, Vael decided to make the first move. He swiftly sprinted toward Max, with his wooden sword still sheathed; he hadn't drawn it yet. Max stood his ground, his sword already drawn, waiting to see Vael's attack. Suddenly, Vael slid on the ground, momentarily throwing Max off. Max adjusted his stance to a more defensive one. But as Vael got closer, he kicked off the ground hard and drew his sword simultaneously, using the momentum to slash towards Max.

Max moved his right foot back for extra grip and swung his sword towards Vael's. The collision echoed inside the room, and the two began to struggle, each trying to push the other back. Suddenly, Max's right foot began to slip. Seizing the opportunity, Vael lessened his power, causing Max's body to stagger forward. Vael then spun around to get behind Max, catching him before he fell, but at the same time, he positioned the wooden sword at Max's neck.

"Vael is the winner of round 2," Master Kenji announced.

The students' cheers were even louder than in the last round, their respect for Vael growing as they admired his quick adaptation. Master Kenji was also impressed by Vael's movements. "Okay, this is the final round. Fight with everything you've got. Begin!" he announced.

Vael and Max engaged in a brief stare down. Vael noticed something different about Max but chose to ignore it and charged forward, aiming to gain the upper hand by striking first. Max remained motionless. As Vael closed in, he drew his sword, wondering, "Is he just going to let me strike him?" Vael thrust the sword forward. Just as it was an inch away from Max, Vael felt a poke in his back. He halted, realizing he couldn't see Max anymore. Turning around, he saw Max with his sword at Vael's back.

"But how?" Vael exclaimed aloud.

"The winner of round three is Max," Master Kenji announced.

Vael was in shock. "How did he manage to get behind me? I was looking directly at him, and he didn't move at all," he said to Master Kenji.

Master Kenji spoke up, "Is that really what you saw, or was that what your eyes just showed you?"

Vael didn't quite understand what Master Kenji meant by that. "Okay, everyone, that's enough for today. We will resume training tomorrow. Make sure you are not late," said Master Kenji. All of the students bowed before leaving the room.

"So, Vael, have you ever heard of a technique called the phantom slash?" Master Kenji asked.

"No, I've never heard of that before," Vael replied.

Master Kenji scratched his beard. "The reason you lost was that Max has learned the first step of the phantom slash. It is a technique that allows you to trick your opponent into seeing what you want them to see, enabling you to perform a lethal strike without their understanding. It is a technique passed down through my family and is only taught to those who have great control over their mind and sword. So far, Max is the only student of mine who can comprehend it."

"Maybe you can be the second," Master Kenji said. "But before any of that, you need to start from the basics. Your first day is tomorrow. Be here at six in the morning and don't be late."

Vael gave Master Kenji a respectful bow and left the dojo. After a few moments, Master Kenji sat down in his chair in his office. The room was silent. Then, speaking to himself, he said, "Bard was actually correct. He really knew the boy would come to me seeking training. That guy truly knows the future." Master Kenji spoke these words with a smile on his face.