Loki’s Journal

In a room where the constant clash of swords could be heard, two figures were engaged in an intense fight. "That's enough," a voice echoed in the room. It was Master Kenji. The fight abruptly ended, and the two combatants bowed to their master.

"You two have grown a lot over these last two months," Master Kenji said. Max acknowledged Master Kenji's praise with a nod of his head. "Thank you, you've been a great teacher," said Vael.

"I'm honestly shocked that you were able to learn the first step of the phantom slash so quickly. We will work on the second stage once you return from your journey, Vael," said Master Kenji.

"Thank you. I'm looking forward to learning it," Vael responded.

Vael stepped out of the dojo. It was the day he was heading to the Athenaeum of Shadows library. Even though Vael hadn't collected any essence over the past two months, he had learned valuable sword skills that would help in combat.

As soon as he opened the doors to the dojo, two people came running at him. "Vael!" a female voice called out. It was Lyria and Elrik. He hadn't seen them much in the past two months due to his intense training.

"Wow, Vael, you're not skinny anymore. You've finally grown into a man," said Lyria, touching his new muscles. Vael's training wasn't limited to sword skills; he had also been strengthening his body, preparing his base for when he began training his prisma element.

"Thanks," Vael said with an awkward smile.

"Well, are you ready?" asked Lyria.

"Don't worry, we've been training too," said Elrik, a cocky look on his face. He summoned a fireball in his hand. "We just got done defeating these fire golems in the forest." Elrik jumped backwards, increasing the size of the fireball. "Let's see how much stronger you've gotten, Vael."

Elrik hurled the fireball at Vael, who quickly drew his sword and sliced through the fireball, then moved his hand forward to absorb the fire. Within an instant, all the fire was gone.

"Wow, you're incredible," said Elrik.

Suddenly, Vael summoned a fireball of his own. It grew even larger than Elrik's. Elrik's eyes widened in disbelief as Vael threw the fireball towards him. Paralyzed with shock, Elrik didn't move. Lyria jumped in front of Elrik, absorbing the fireball.

Vael was surprised that Lyria was able to absorb it all, even though he had only used 50% of his power. "You guys aren't the only ones getting stronger," said Lyria.

"Good job, guys," said Vael. "Yes, I'm ready." He let out a sudden whistle. Out of nowhere, Moxy flew in, carrying a large bag on her back. "I brought all the things you requested, Vael," Moxy said.

"Wow, Moxy, you've grown bigger since I last saw you," Lyria remarked, petting Moxy. "I've been devouring many beast essences," Moxy replied.

"Everyone has managed to grow stronger in this short amount of time," said Vael. "Let's head out." The four of them then headed towards the city's gates.

Ivy had given Vael a map to follow so they wouldn't get lost, but it was still up to them to survive the journey. Remembering her words, she had made sure to tell Vael to avoid the Void Clan at all costs, and if he by chance came across a member, to run back to Duskmire.

As the group began to leave, a figure suddenly appeared before them. "Vael, do you mind if I speak to you alone?" the figure said. Vael recognized him as one of the elders from the meeting. He walked with the elder until they were out of earshot.

"My name is Cace, one of the Grand Elders. I don't have much time, but I need to warn you about some of the other elders. Things aren't what they seem," Cace said.

"What do you mean by that?" Vael replied.

"You will understand in due time," Cace said. "But here, take this. It will help you on your journey." He handed Vael a book. "This book contains information about Duskmire and all of the places near us. I must go now. I wish you the best of luck, Vael." Suddenly, Cace vanished.

Vael walked back towards Lyria and Elrik. "What was that all about?" Lyria asked.

"Oh, ha ha," Vael replied with an awkward look on his face, "It was nothing. He was just wishing us good luck. He also gave me this book; he said it would help us on our journey." Vael handed Lyria the book.

She began examining the book and read the words on the front cover, "Loki's Journal."

"Who is Loki?" Elrik asked.

"I have no clue," said Lyria. She began looking through the pages of the journal. Some were written in a language she couldn't understand, while others seemed to contain tips about certain areas. As she continued flipping through the pages, she came across one titled "Athenaeum Library."

"Vael, check this out!" Lyria exclaimed. "There are notes on the place we're going." Vael took a glance and noticed a mention of a maze called the Kethral ruins. "It says it's north of Duskmire," Vael observed.

However, when he looked at the map Ivy had given him, it showed they should be going west of Duskmire. This discrepancy was strange. Was Ivy trying to deceive them, or was it Cace? Neither seemed to have ill intentions, but the situation was puzzling. Vael decided to trust the information in Loki's journal.

"Okay, guys, let's head north," Vael said.