Core Formation Realm

In the blink of an eye, seven years had passed. Zhao Jun, on the other hand, tirelessly fought in the wild regions of the local forest, hunting Demonic Beasts and absorbing their essence to strengthen and refine his cultivation. With each passing moment, he grew stronger, and the points gained from defeating these creatures allowed him to acquire a few impressive spells and techniques.

The Demonic Beasts in the region no longer dared to venture where he rested. Over these seven years, the chaos Zhao Jun had unleashed upon the region was akin to a thousand-year-old calamity for these creatures. Finally, today arrived.

[Congratulations on reaching Stage 9 Foundation Building Realm!]

An intense breakthrough pillar, shaking all trees within a region of several miles, rose through Zhao Jun, causing all demonic beasts in the vicinity to tremble in fear and shock.


Zhao Jun released a deep breath while seated on a massive stone in the middle of the forest, slowly opening his eyes radiating with newfound strength and experience coursing through his body.

"Guess that's the limit in the wild forest. There are no strong Demonic Beasts left to absorb here. The most formidable ones are merely Tier 2, and the Qi density has reached its limits..."

Zhao Jun muttered and stood up, binding his hair that reached down his back over the top of his head. He jumped down from the stone, grabbed a leather bag placed beside the tree, and took out a black shirt and pants, equipping them.

"Well, even if the Demonic Beasts here are weak, the civilians are weak too. Some people died to Demonic Beasts inside the forest. Oh well, I get free clothes without needing to go to the market looking like a tribesman, so I guess it's the law of nature..."

Zhao Jun sighed as he equipped the black shirt and pants, along with black leather shoes and the leather bag on his back. Three rings adorned his fingers as he looked up towards the sky, radiating with his handsome devilish face.

"Guess it's time to leave this wild forest now, huh..."

As Zhao Jun muttered that, the eyes of all remaining demonic beasts suddenly widened with joy, and several dozens of roars full of happiness resounded throughout the forest.





Zhao Jun covered his eyes and ears, a frown on his face, briefly glaring towards the woods as he muttered, "Bastards are really too happy to see me leave. Tsk! I saved many of your lives too!!! Ungrateful bastards!!!"

Zhao Jun muttered and left without further provocation. Rumor had it that the demonic beasts continued their celebratory roars for several days after his departure. Zhao Jun, on the other hand, merely scoffed. After a few minutes, he was quietly seen landing on the roadside outside the forest, signaling for a lift.

Zhao Jun's radiant presence easily caught the attention of a passing bus driver. However, just as the bus was about to pull over, an open-roof car overtook it and stopped right in front of Zhao Jun.

Blinking in surprise, Zhao Jun found himself face to face with a woman in her 40s, her face adorned with an overdose of makeup. With a confident grin and a flushed expression, she said, "What's up, handsome brother? Do you mind if this big sis gives you a lift to the city?"

The woman blinked, attempting to appear cute. Zhao Jun sighed, placed his bag in the back of the car, and took a seat beside the woman. With a smile, he replied, "Sure, if the beautiful miss wants to."

"Ooooh! You cutie!!!" The woman's face immediately lit up as she slammed the accelerator pedal, the car speeding down the road with unbridled joy.

'Ugly wolf caught a handsome sheep...'

The bus driver and all the passengers, witnessing the entire incident, shared the same thought. They blinked in astonishment, still feeling stunned and overwhelmed. Meanwhile, the car carrying Zhao Jun charged through the road at 100 miles an hour, effortlessly passing several other vehicles.

"My, were you a professional racer before?"

"Hahaha! You have good eyes, little brother! In my young days, I was called Flashing Silver Rose! I've competed in most car races in this region!"

Zhao Jun smiled and kept the conversation going, learning a thing or two about the woman next to him. Within just an hour, the car stopped in front of a shop in the middle of the city.

"Oh, do you really not want to have dinner at my home tonight? We can play cards too, you know~" the woman grumbled as Zhao Jun took his leather bag from her car. Zhao Jun smiled and replied, "I'm sorry, a bit busy today. Maybe some other day."

As he was starting to leave, the woman suddenly grabbed his hand and suggested, "How about a selfie? I will upload it to my Pinsta!"

"Pinsta? Oh, sure..." Zhao Jun stooped, and the woman quickly rubbed her face with a cloth, removing all the excess makeup. Her face seemed to transform into that of a first-grade milf on the spot.

"Holy... Shit... you weren't wrong when you said people called you Flashing Silver Rose..." Zhao Jun himself was stunned, and the woman grinned with a charming smile. She immediately grabbed Zhao Jun under her arm and started taking selfies.

"Oh my! Oh my! You make me blush!!!" In a flash, she took more than a dozen pics, jumped back into her car, and bid farewell with a great smile. "Bye bye, Handsome Zhao Jun! I will get going now!!!" As she said that, she immediately sped away with her car, followed by several police cars rushing behind her.

"Hey woman! How dare you drive 100 miles on the road like this!?"

"Stop right there!"

"I will make you pay for all the traffic rules you broke today!!!"

Zhao Jun blinked a few times in a daze, then with a sigh, he started moving towards the government building in front of him.

"No matter the age, she really loves adventures haha! It's nice meeting such people!"


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