Getting Funds

"This world has demonic beasts, so alongside them, there are people who exist to keep the civilians safe. Cultivators are mainly assigned the role for this task, and there are a few others who aren't as well-recognized as Cultivators. These people are all extremely wealthy. Why? Because they sell the loot gained from hunting demonic beasts at shops specially made for the sale and purchase of demonic beasts"

Zhao Jun grinned, and in a few minutes, he was seen leaving the shop building with the eyes of people widened and a black bank card in his hand with a gold dragon seal over it.

"Millionaire within a day! That's what I call life!"

Zhao Jun smirked and quietly left the place. After a few minutes of walking, Zhao Jun was seen finally stopping in front of a grand academy with hundreds of thousands of people gathering in the front. Many were rich, many were poor, but all eyes were on that academy.

"Pure Jade Academy, the greatest Academy in the region that cultivates thousands of Nascent Soul Realm Cultivators each year. It's really as grand as I heard. Realistically, this is the best place to get free resources for myself!"

Zhao Jun smirked and quietly entered the place along with others. After a few minutes, about a thousand people had gathered inside a white hall made of strong alloys, with several people standing in front of them.


Suddenly, a man commanded, releasing intense pressure as he stood on the stage in front of all these people. As soon as his words came out, there was a stunning silence all over the place. Next, he continued.

"I'm Dong Feng! The professor who will be in charge of recruitment this year! I won't tolerate any cheating or lack of self-control!

The Pure Jade Academy doesn't discriminate against the origins or backgrounds, rich or poor! We only want one thing: pure talent! But those of you who have just come here to act cool, better be warned! The whole process of recruitment trials will be live-streamed on the internet for the whole country to watch! If you aren't confident, just leave without shaming your ancestors!!!"

As the professor spoke, the eyes of the people gathered there noticed the drone cameras in the surroundings, and suddenly, the place filled with an air of nervousness.

"Damn! I heard they won't do it this year..."

"Damn rumors!"

"I just wanted to try my luck, but I guess my life is fated to be a civilian..."

"I will just leave!"

Several dozen people immediately ran away; the rest were a bit nervous, but a few faces like Zhao Jun's were completely unfazed and confident about whatever was coming ahead.

"Guess this time more people with brains have come! Great! But better not think it will be easy!!!"

Dong Feng announced it with a grin. The next moment, about a hundred punch bag pillars suddenly rose from the ground with a screen floating above them.

"You all can use any technique or skill you want. The only thing that's needed is your Strength Score should be above 200,000. In Pure Jade Academy, we accept only prodigies! Average isn't needed!"

As Dong Feng announced that, the nervousness over most of these faces became even stronger. Now, even a few who were confident previously seemed to be feeling a bit unsure.


Dong Feng commanded, and one by one, in a row, the participants started to follow up and use whatever strength they had in an attempt to just somehow pass this trial.

"Crouching Tiger Fist!!!"


"Dammit! My cultivation itself is too weak!"

"18 Leaf Thrust!!!"


"Just a quarter! Shit! This is too rough!!!"

One by one, most people got disqualified and left the hall, cursing their own weakness for losing this opportunity. Dong Feng and other instructors, on the other hand, were absolutely unfazed, and just then, an anomaly appeared.

"Wing Dragon Palm Explosion!"


"Holy shit! That's more than twice the required limit!"

"I know! Isn't it the young master of the Wu family! Wu Yifan!"

"Ooooh right! One of the two greatest prodigies in the city!"

"To think he is already at the 7th Stage of Foundation Building Realm! What an absurd prodigy!"

The people watching were all stunned. Even instructors, besides Dong Feng, seemed to be amazed. The young master wearing a luxury suit sniggered, looking at all the attention he was getting.

(For real! He is the pride of Peace City!)

(So young yet so strong!)

(A prodigy is indeed something!?)

(Let me post this to my social media!!!)

The people watching through the internet were also in a frenzy as they saw that, spamming comments.

But the eyes of Dong Feng and Zhao Jun were stuck on another girl with long black hair tied on the back, standing in front of a punch bag pillar.

"Hey! It's your turn! What are you waiting for?"

Suddenly, an instructor interrupted Zhao Jun while he was watching that girl. Zhao Jun stayed quiet and signaled the instructor to show some patience. The next second, the girl suddenly opened her eyes and released an intense strike.

"Flame Lily Strike!!!"


"Holy fuck! It's three times this time!"

"She?! She is also at the 7th Stage! But this strength!?"

"As expected of the greatest genius of the region!"

"Fang Xiyue! From Fang Clan! She is indeed a great genius! Really! No joke!!!"


(Oh fairy! This is true strength!!!)

(That technique was mastered so highly!)

(The greatest prodigy!!!)

The people were all stunned. Even instructors were amazed by what they saw. Dong Feng himself also nodded, showing his interest. But just then, Fang Xiyue suddenly noticed Zhao Jun staring at her from a distance.

"What are you looking at!?"

The girl shouted in annoyance. Zhao Jun, on the other hand, just scoffed and turned his attention towards the pillar.

"Instructor... I recommend you to back off."


The instructor showed a confused and irritated expression as Zhao Jun said that. But the next moment, the eyes of Dong Feng and Fang Xiyue suddenly widened as both moved their attention toward Zhao Jun.

'9 Star Fist Comet!'


Zhao Jun released a deep breath with heat equal to burning flames, and his eyes moved over to the target.


Dong Feng sensed the intensity and immediately flashed towards the direction of Zhao Jun. Before Zhao Jun's fist could touch the pillar, he grabbed the instructor beside Zhao Jun and flashed more than dozens of meters away.


The next second, as Zhao Jun's fist collided with the pillar, the whole pillar immediately exploded as the numbers started to malfunction.


The eyes of everyone present in the hall had widened. Even Dong Feng seemed to breathe in an unstable flow as he witnessed that and muttered.

"This is a Grade 2 Strength Score Checking machine. It can measure any punch up to the Foundation Building Realm. Meaning if it's destroyed like this, then his strength... Rivals Core Formation Realm already?"

As he muttered that, goosebumps ran throughout the people who had just watched it, while the internet comments were just completely crazed.

(What did I see!!?)

(Fuck! Is that even possible?!)

(Never heard of it!! Never heard of it!)

(A Foundation Building rivaling the strength of Core Formation Realm!!!)

Zhao Jun released his posture, and while looking at the instructor beside Dong Feng shivering on the ground with a grin, he scoffed.

"Recover your hearing, instructor. Someday you might die being deaf."


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