
"Recover your hearing, instructor. Someday you might die being deaf," Zhao Jun said, and the next moment, he walked up to him, offering a hand to help him stand again, with a smile on his face. The instructor was still feeling chills down his spine, but he stood back up, taking Zhao Jun's hand.

"No one would expect strength like that from a kid of this age," Dong Feng also scoffed, looking at Zhao Jun with his eyes still twitching in shock. He then pointed towards a closed iron gate where the passed candidates were gathered and commanded, "Move over to that spot for the next trial."

Zhao Jun nodded and quietly went to the place, standing there and leaning over the iron gate, while all others were still stunned watching him.

"Hey, brother! What's your name?!"

"I never saw you before! Did you train under some hidden master?!"

"How did you get so strong??"

"Are you from some other region?"

Zhao Jun just smiled in response to the rush of questions. Wu Yifan and Fang Xiyue were also looking in his direction with curiosity, though Wu Yifan was more hostile than curious.

"I'm Zhao Jun, an orphan. So no surprise you guys don't know. I ran away from the orphanage as a child and trained alone, so you guys might not know..."

As Zhao Jun spoke, the eyes of the people there widened even more, and Wu Yifan immediately scoffed, commenting, "An orphan who ran away is a master at the 9th Stage of the Foundation Building Realm? Who are you kidding?! People these days really trying to gain attention!"

As he said that, several eyes moved towards him, and people started to look at Zhao Jun with a bit of a suspicious look in their eyes.

"I don't want anyone to believe me. I don't have parents for you to mock anyway, and if you want to bully, I will accept your duel challenges anytime!"

As Zhao Jun said that, his eyes moved towards Wu Yifan. As soon as he did that, Wu Yifan immediately clicked his tongue and started avoiding his gaze.

"I will show you! This is just the first trial! Let's see the final results!"

Everyone heard him, and the situation had turned a bit serious now. Even Fang Xiyue released a sigh as she saw Wu Yifan act so wild.

'He is at it again, strong to weak, weak to strong, he really thinks background is the only thing.'

Zhao Jun also heard him, and a look of scoff flashed over his face as he just kept quiet and stayed still until about a dozen more minutes later. Dong Feng announced,

"About 100 people are left now! Good! Then let's move on to the next trials! We will move on to the test of endurance!"

As Dong Feng said that, everyone nodded, and the gates of metal opened up, leading towards the next empty hall made in the shape of a metal cage. Dong Feng started the countdown.

"In the count of 3, the pressure will emerge! Those who are still standing after 5 minutes will move on to the next trial!"

As Dong Feng said that, everyone nodded. The next moment, with a finger gesture, he started the countdown, and as the last finger fell, a pressure equal to 10 tonnes of weight suddenly appeared over all the people gathered there.

Within a moment, about a dozen collapsed to the ground, while many kept enduring. As time went on, more and more fell, and by the end of the 5th minute, even Wu Yifan and Fang Xiyue had started to tremble. But Zhao Jun, on the other hand, was unfazed till the end.

(Holy fuck! This brother is not just handsome!)

(Is the machine malfunctioning?!)

(No! Can't you see the ground below him!)

(Fuck! It just feels like he is immune!)

'This brat! Really too amusing. He is standing like he can't even feel any pressure?'

Dong Feng scoffed, watching everyone trembling, but Zhao Jun just stood there casually picking his nose.

"Enough! Those who fell, leave! Remaining 82, follow me!"

Dong Feng commanded, and next, all who were still standing quietly followed him to the next room, which was absolutely enormous, spread in a radius of 100 meters. Dong Feng commanded while pointing at different lines and sensors.

"It's the trial of speed and agility! The top 50 will be the ones who pass! The rest will leave!"

As Dong Feng said that, one by one in a set of about a dozen, the candidates arrived over the lines besides and sensors. Using all footwork they knew, all did their best. Finally, at least in this batch, it was the turn of Zhao Jun, Fang Xiyue, and Wu Yifan.


All got into position with bent ankles, and next, Dong Feng, after observing them all, commanded,


As soon as he said that, all dozen of them flashed like beasts, but prodigies like Wu Yifan and Fang Xiyue were already far ahead of these people.

"Hahaha! Slow bastard! I told you, didn't I?! I will prove it with results!!!"

Wu Yifan roared as he touched the finishing wall after Fang Xiyue. However, as his eyes scanned the people behind him, he couldn't spot Zhao Jun anywhere. The next moment, Fang Xiyue patted him on the back and pointed in the other direction.


As Wu Yifan's gaze fell, it was Zhao Jun already standing there, polishing his outgrown rough nails and blowing a fist from his chest.

"Show with results lol~"

Zhao Jun coldly scoffed and left as the broad board above showed the rankings in speed.

(Zhao Jun _ 3.22 seconds

Fang Xiyue _ 6.85 seconds

Wu Yifan _ 8.13 seconds

Gan Xiaoli _ 11.33 seconds


As the results fell, there was a pin-drop silence in the hall, and next, Dong Feng scoffed, rubbing his nose, and commanded,

"Top 50 follow me for the last trial; the rest leave!"

As he said that, those who passed and those who didn't all had the same reaction as they cursed their luck.

"I'm sure I'm developing an inner demon today!"

"My father always said talent can make you cry; today, I understand what he meant!"

"Cursed demon..."

"Fuck! I will hide in the woods and never show my face again!"

Dong Feng heard it and just left, understanding the pain. It was understandable pain failing trials, but when an unreasonable monster like Zhao Jun is also participating in the same thing, the pain enhances more than a dozen times.

(Mom... I don't want to train anymore...)

(What the hell! Why is he so perfect!!!)

(I was here to be the prince for Princess Fang Xiyue! But now I'm gay for Zhao Jun!!!)

(Oh boy, +1)

(Wtf, +2)

(What's wrong with you? +3)

It was a rumored list that surpassed 100 that day. Finally, for the last trial, Dong Feng brought them towards a few different gates and explained,

"This is the last trial! Inside Pure Jade Academy, the only currency that works is 'Achievement Points' that can be redeemed for resources. You have been awarded points for your achievements until now. For the last trial, if you go through the first green gate, you will gain 1000 points. If you pass by the next yellow gate, you will gain 10,000 points. And if you manage to pass through the red gate, you will gain 100,000 points. Choose as you want."


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