Golden Core Realm

"Tier 3?! Wasn't it peak Tier 2!? And he managed to defeat it?! 10 million wasn't it just 1 million?! Fuck!? What the fuck is going on!???"

The instructors there gulped down their thoughts as they heard Wu Yifan having a breakdown. They remembered Zhao Jun coming out of the exit, covered in a soul-chilling aura, having a casual conversation with Sun Shifu, the man who had fought Demonic Beasts on the frontline, being an Immortal Ascension Realm Expert himself. Just his presence alone made it difficult to breathe in the room, but Zhao Jun acted so casually and left without even the slightest change in his momentum. At the same time, for the first time, the world officially witnessed the birth of a true genius.


(Brother is just too strong!!!)

(Two strikes to kill a Tier 3 Demonic Beast!)

(Genius! Prodigy of the generation!!!)

The whole region was shook by this live stream of the examination today, with thousands of people trying to get to know Zhao Jun's background. But despite their efforts, there was no more news than one day of him getting bullied by neighborhood kids at the orphanage and then vanishing from the world without a trace for seven years straight.

And as chaos was going on in the world outside, Zhao Jun himself was seen standing inside a huge hall with hundreds of items stored inside. A bald man introduced himself.

"I'm Teacher Zhang Qiang, the one in charge of the redemption shop inside this Academy. What do you want, kid?"

As Zhao Jun heard him, he pointed towards a few herbs placed there and core crystals of Tier 3 Demonic Beasts and replied,

"3 Blue Symphony Herbs, 5 Tier 3 Demonic Beast Crystals, 100 grams of 'Blood Crystal Powder.'"

As Zhao Jun said that, the eyes of Zhang Qiang widened in surprise as he replied,

"You brat? Are you planning to make a pill or something?"

"Oh my! How dare I? Do you think a mere 18-year-old kid like me is capable of something like that?!"

Zhao Jun smiled and shook his hands in denial. Zhang Qiang also sighed and laughed it off,

"Indeed! Hahaha! I would have made fun of you if you really dared to say something like you are an Alchemist or something hahaha! Anyways, this will be 6 million points!"

Zhao Jun nodded and quietly transferred the said points through his bracelet. He picked up the materials, and as he was about to leave, his eyes fell over a pitch-black sword lying on a wall. Zhao Jun sensed its worth immensely and questioned in surprise,

"Teacher! How much is that sword worth?!"

"That one? It's an unidentified item, so I can't tell its real worth, but here it's 15 million points. What? You want to buy it?"

Zhao Jun looked at his remaining points and with a sigh, he requested with sparking eyes,

"Teacher Zhang Qiang! Please don't sell that sword to anyone until I come back! Please, okay?!"

"Ha~? Aren't you too unreasonable! And now that I think about it, I never saw you in the Academy before? Why should I listen to the request of a total stranger!"

As Zhao Jun heard it, he paused right there and placed his materials inside his storage ring. Zhang Qiang slammed the wall and lifted his chin a little with his eyes staring right into Zhao Jun. He quietly whispered,

"It's a request from a junior... Can't you just accept it?"

As Zhao Jun said that, Teacher Zhang Qiang's face immediately filled with nerves popping out. The next moment, he smashed the iron club he was carrying right over Zhao Jun's face, tossing him out of his hall as he roared,

"Fucking brat!!! Don't you dare show me your face until you have enough points to buy this sword! If I see you act cheeky with me again, believe it or not, I will destroy every inch of your face! I will wait for just one month! After that, I will just sell this sword to whoever comes next!!!"

"Cough! Seems like the acting skills I developed during the forest aren't bad..."

Zhao Jun coughed out a mouthful of blood, still showing a handsome shine on his face despite a huge bump at the corner of his face. He quietly stood up, looked left and right, making sure nobody saw him, and immediately vanished from the spot. Meanwhile, Zhang Qiang was seen rubbing his face until it turned red.

"Fuck! Fuck! I turned old waiting for some lady to accept the proposal! Now I understand how they felt when I did that wall slam act with them! Fucking shit!"

Zhang Qiang sighed, and suddenly his eyes fell on his computer screen, which flashed with highlights about Zhao Jun's examination results.

(The Nation had gained one more genius! The kid named Zhao Jun has just defeated a Tier 3 Demonic Beast while being in a Stage 9 Foundation Building Realm at the age of 18; this has never happened before!)

"Wait, this brat? He beat the National Record just today? No wonder I never saw him before. The handsome gay turned out to be a golden prodigy... Guess putting this sword on hold isn't a true loss, huh? But why did he buy those ingredients if not for a pill?"

"Of course, it's for a pill, hahahaha!"

Zhao Jun was seen grinning as he placed all the ingredients on the floor while sitting inside his dorm room. His dorm room was quite great and huge, like one of the grand 5-star hotel rooms with all functions available.

"Alchemists in this world are all in their 40s. Collecting knowledge alone takes decades, even if they start as toddlers. Who will believe I know alchemy? It's better to act quiet than inviting mockery from others!"

[500 Points have been deducted!]

[Basic Spell_ Flame Summon at (★★★★★) mastery has been added to the list!]

Zhao Jun said that, and the next moment, all the ingredients on the ground started to float up. Suddenly, flames ignited in mid-air, devouring the ingredients there.

"Although my Immortal Flames are still sealed inside, I can still use flames from nature for my assistance. Though the quality deteriorates, it's still considered top quality in this world."

As Zhao Jun muttered that, the intensity of the flames started to grow. But before it could harm things in his dorm room, Zhao Jun quickly compressed all the flames to the size of a bead. The ingredients and flames kept revolving. With time, the red flames became yellow, then blue, then ashen white, and lastly, completely violet, suddenly vanishing in mid-air, leaving just one red pearl-like smooth pill radiating with a golden aura.

"Scarlett Blood Refining Pill--- Completed with 100% protection!"

Zhao Jun smirked, watching the glowing pill, and immediately swallowed it, starting the cultivation. Zhao Jun's blood started to heat up immensely by each passing second. Minutes passed, hours passed, and after three more days, a breakthrough pillar was seen rising from Zhao Jun as the center.

[Congratulations on breaking through to Stage 1 Core Formation Realm!]

As the breakthrough pillar flashed, Zhao Jun stood up again, releasing an intense steam from all over his body as he sensed a golden core forming at his dantian.



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