
"Hey guys! Did you see Brother Zhao Jun?"

"Yeah, it's already been 3 days, and I never saw him attend any classes."

"Truly, what is he doing?"

"Man, who knows! Maybe he already started to cultivate! Geniuses are something different!"

The students of Pure Jade Academy were seen discussing things with each other in the 'Training Hall,' designed in a modern way, made completely out of cutting-edge technology mixed with cultivation elements.

The place was spread over 100 meters with enough space for 1000 students to train at once, each having their own punch bag to practice their techniques and skills. Just then, suddenly, the metal gates opened, and as they slid to the corners, Zhao Jun was seen entering the place wearing a skin-tight black suit and a white hoodie over it.

'Training Suits, huh? This is a rather good mix of modern tech and array knowledge. It gives a bit of protection to students in case they might harm themselves and alerts teachers if there is any Qi deviation in their bodies. It's a great protection mechanism.'

Zhao Jun felt satisfied as he looked at the suit. His head and fingers weren't covered in that tight suit. As Zhao Jun walked by, all people looked at him completely stunned. There were many people who have passed in the same batch as Zhao Jun, and among the other dozens of people gathered here, most have seen recordings of him defeating the Tier 3 Demonic Beast, so they were also curious.

"Oh my! He is handsome, as they say!"

"Truly! How can he be so chill!"

"Ah~ my husband is so cool!"

"What did you say, you bitch!? Fuck off!"

The bunch of girls started arguing. Seeing that commotion, Fang Xiyue, who was also training in a corner, testing out her fist technique, also turned her attention towards Zhao Jun.

'Is he also here to check on progress?'

Fang Xiyue paused, and while drinking water, she moved her attention to Zhao Jun, who stopped in front of one training puppet at the center of the hall.

"Oh? Hey, Brother? Do you know how this works?"

Zhao Jun called a glasses guy standing a few meters away from him. The guy immediately nodded and started explaining.

"That's a training puppet; it runs with energy stored inside by the teachers here. You can set difficulty with the help of buttons in the corner, from Qi Condensation Realm to the Peak of Core Formation Realm. You can try out all of them. You can also choose difficulty: easy, normal, difficult, and hell mode. But be careful with how you choose it; the puppet can also use skills and techniques."

Zhao Jun nodded and with a smile thanked the guy for the explanation.

"I will be mindful of your words."


Zhao Jun grinned and turned his attention to the puppet again. In a flash, he started pressing the high button again and again and directly pressed the hell difficulty at once.

"Fuck! This guy didn't mind my words at all! Stage 5 Core Formation Realm, hell difficulty at that! Is he seeking Death!?"

The glasses guy immediately shattered his glasses, and the next moment, an energy barrier suddenly emerged, covering Zhao Jun and that puppet in a radius of 10 meters, and suddenly the eyes of the puppet ignited into red light.

(Bzzz... Hell Difficulty! Stage 5 Core Formation Realm has been set!)

(All techniques and skills unlocked!)

(Max utilization has been granted!)

(Opponent... Die!)

As the last words fell, the place turned chill as the puppet immediately flashed right into the face of Zhao Jun with a soul-shaking punch.


As Zhao Jun blocked it with crossed arms, he was still pushed more than dozens of meters away at once.

"As expected... this is the worthy challenge I need to progress more!!!"

Zhao Jun roared and immediately flashed towards the puppet with a fist red with flames.

'9 Sun Fist Comet!'

Zhao Jun's strike was casually dodged by the puppet as the next moment, the puppet grabbed Zhao Jun's shoulders and pushed him away with a clean elbow strike over his back.

"Holy shit! He actually endured that!!!""He broke through to the Core Formation Realm!"

"Holy shit! Just how strong did he become in a few days!"

"But it's still rough!"

The people there were all stunned as the next moment, Zhao Jun, who had just landed on the ground with the support of his hands, noticed the puppet rushing towards him with its fist.


Zhao Jun immediately used his arms to jump upwards, and the next moment, the place he was standing at previously was crushed into shambles as the puppet's fist landed on the spot.

'Blaze Dragon Coiling Kick!'

Zhao Jun suddenly rolled mid-air, and with scorching flames, his kick landed, targeting the exact weak spot behind the head of the puppet. But before the strike could land, Zhao Jun's leg got grabbed by the puppet with its blunt hands.

"Oh? It's really flexible..."

Zhao Jun muttered that, and the next moment, his eyes met the cold red eyes of the puppet, and he gulped all his remaining thoughts as the next moment he was swung straight towards the ground like a wet cloth.

'Blaze Dragon Coiling Kick!'

Zhao Jun immediately used his second leg and successfully managed to land a strike over the wrist of the puppet to release himself. Showing great athleticism, he avoided getting his face crushed to the ground and landed on the ground again with a grin as he commented.

"Easy there!!"

As Zhao Jun said that, the eyes of that puppet seemed to glow even colder, and the puppet immediately dashed towards Zhao Jun's direction.

"Quite strong, but in the end... it's just a puppet."

Zhao Jun scoffed as he got in a posture, pressing his right arm backward as he watched the puppet rushing towards him in full strength. The casual expression on his face turned cold as ice as he stated.

"I have already calculated all your movements, so take a rest now."

As Zhao Jun said that, suddenly he flashed right in front of the puppet with his open palm right at the center of the puppet's chest.

'Lotus Slow Press Palm!'

There was a brief moment of pause for a few seconds, and suddenly, the next moment, the puppet was smashed right into the energy barrier formed dozen meters away as the color in its eyes turned off.

(Bzzz... energy depleted... result... First-Year Student Zhao Jun... Winner!)

As it announced that, the energy barrier also vanished as Zhao Jun returned to his carefree posture, rubbing his arms a bit that had swollen because of enduring the several strikes of the puppet.

"Holy shit! Just what techniques are those!?"

"Just what grade are they!?"

"I really can't see through anything!"

"Just too good!"



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