More Training

"Holy shit! Just what techniques are those!?"

"Just what grade are they!?"

"I really can't see through anything!"

"Just too good!"

The students there were all in an uproar as they saw the results; at once, Zhao Jun was completely covered with praises.

'He really defeated that?! An opponent 4 stages above him?!! I'm afraid even I don't have the courage to fight any enemy even 2 stages above me, yet he defeated an enemy 4 stages above him, hell difficulty at that! This guy, he is just built different!'

Fang Xiyue was filled with chills as she saw the situation, and the next moment, Zhao Jun, while thanking the others, just quietly left the place.

'I have checked up on my newly upgraded strength now. I think taking on several monsters at Mid Tier 3 won't be an issue for now. Then guess now is the time to start taking quests. I need to build up Achievement Points before that baldy sells that sword to someone else...'

Zhao Jun nodded, and after returning to his dorm, he changed from his skin-tight training suit to ordinary clothes, bandaging up his left arm that had swollen a bit, but no problem carrying out the tasks.

Zhao Jun smiled and, wearing a black t-shirt with red stripes and a dark blue jacket, quietly left with a red-black cap on top of his head.

After exiting the dorm building, Zhao Jun arrived at the Mission Hall on the ground floor. It was basically a huge hall with holographic screens everywhere from where people could choose quests. After registering under their names, they could just leave.

"But failure will cost you 10% of the rewards of the quest. The Academy really encourages safety over everything else."

Zhao Jun nodded as he scrolled through quests quietly in a corner until finally, his eyes fell over a few B Rank missions.

'Guess I will go with them then...'

As Zhao Jun thought that, he immediately clicked over the quests, and his bracelet registered them all.

(• B Rank Mission, Escorting the 'Blue Jade Company' trucks has been registered!

Reward: 200,000 Achievement Points

• B Rank Mission, catching an artifact criminal has been registered!

Reward: 180,000 Achievement Points

• B Rank Mission, Destroy 'Blood Dagger' Gang has been registered!

Reward: 300,000 Achievement Points)

Zhao Jun nodded and quietly left the hall without gaining attention from other students. In just a few minutes, he was seen leaving the university building, and as he stepped out of the building, suddenly, Zhao Jun vanished without a trace.

Meanwhile, about 3 miles away in the city, several people were seen taking out enormous trucks from storage bunkers, and the man wearing sharp glasses, who seemed to be in charge, was seen waiting for the person who took the mission just now.

'We have been alerted that someone has taken the mission, so I guess in about a few minutes, the person will finally get there. With a student of Pure Jade Academy, we will really be less worried about the travels. The place we are going to has a rough region in the middle of the path; a lot of criminals are there, so it's better to be cautious. Let's wait just a few more minutes and-'

"Are you in charge, mister?"

The eyes of the glasses guy suddenly widened, and the next moment, he noticed Zhao Jun landing in front of him without a sound. He immediately nodded as he heard him, and with a smile, Zhao Jun flashed his identity through a bracelet in his arms.

(Name: Zhao Jun

Rank: 10058

Year: 1st

Age: 18

Affiliation: Pure Jade Academy!)

"Zhao Jun!? Are you possibly?!"

Zhao Jun quietly nodded, and next, looking at about 4 trucks there, Zhao Jun suggested.

"We should keep moving now; 'Blue Crystal City' is about 60 miles away. We will arrive before night if we move now."

As Zhao Jun explained, the person in charge nodded and signaled the drivers and replied.

"We will be leaving right away then. Please sit in whichever truck you want."

Zhao Jun nodded and without any questions quietly took a seat beside the driver on the first truck, and the glasses guy in charge went over to the second truck. The trucks started moving, and in just a few minutes, they arrived out of the city region and started moving through a bit of a wild region, but still, no trouble came along the way.

"Guess I was worried too much, huh..."

The incharge sighed in relief while Zhao Jun, sitting beside the driver, questioned, feeling a bit bored.

"Hey uncle? What sort of troubles do you guys face for you to call for Cultivators to handle the matters? Is it that unsafe even with the government?"

"Haha! Well, the government indeed puts in a lot of effort! But the efforts are limited to places like the city and down. Outside those regions, local criminals just run wild as they please, and sometimes even Demonic Beasts pop out in the middle of the road from time to time. Hence, it's better to have someone escort than be too carefree. It's a risky job."

Zhao Jun nodded, and as the trucks were moving through a cliff-like hill region, Zhao Jun's pupils suddenly flashed with cold light as he signaled to the others.

"We will be stopping here. Tightly close all doors and windows and cover your heads well..."

As Zhao Jun said that, he immediately left the truck. Everyone stopped right in their tracks, and they did as Zhao Jun instructed. The glasses guy in charge popped out his head for a moment and noticed a lot of nails placed over the road ahead.

'Shit! It's the wolf rogue criminals! It was indeed a great idea to be cautious from the start!'

He immediately bent down over his seat, covering his head well, and the next moment, as Zhao Jun landed, his pupils moved towards dozens of bandits hiding behind the large stones. But even as moments passed, even after a whole minute, there was no movement from both sides.

"This is awkward..."

Zhao Jun rubbed his head with a sigh, and the next second, suddenly with a flash, he arrived right in front of the biggest stone where most of them were hiding, and with a single fist, he crushed the whole stone at once.

"Hey now, don't try to play hide and seek with me. Come at me! Or I will come for you!!!"

As Zhao Jun said that, he curved his kick and struck right at the chest of the biggest guy in the bunch, crushing every corner of his ribs at once.

"Fuck! This guy is at Golden Core Realm!"

"Everyone! Attack at once!"

"The advanced weapons will still work!"

"Launch all bullets?! Don't let this guy escape alive!!!"

The guy wearing a tiger-skin shirt commanded, and immediately, all others started to rain down bullets over Zhao Jun.

'It might not kill me, but I'm not a masochist to just wait and take on all bullets like Superman...'

Zhao Jun scoffed, and watching the trajectory of guns moving, he immediately dodged all bullets, but even trucks behind him got their glasses shattered at once. Thankfully, no man was harmed.

"Boss! He is too fast!"

"I can't keep up with my eyes!"

"Shit! Block him!"

"You! I will crush—cough!!!"

Zhao Jun grabbed the neck of the closest guy to him and tossed him over to a bunch of others as he grabbed a pistol from the ground and within a moment emptied the whole magazine. Twelve guys now had a hole drilled into their heads.

"Been a while~"

Zhao Jun suddenly grinned as he saw the blood flooding the air, and an intense pressure rushed out of his body. In this moment, even the criminals didn't know who the real bad guy was here.



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