Quest 1

"Guys, you can relax! I have finished up the work here. Let's get moving."

As Zhao Jun said that, slowly the drivers and the person in charge straightened their backs again, noticing a bunch of corpses lying at the corner of the road, and Zhao Jun moving towards the truck, dragging the heads of these criminals to the ground.

And as Zhao Jun arrived at the doors of the truck, he smashed the last criminal's head over the truck, drenching it in red, and casually jumped back into the truck again, which had its front window glass completely shattered.

"It's over..."

"I thought we were really dead this time."

"You think even Foundation Building Realm Cultivators have become criminals in such a close region!"

"Fuuu~ high pay is really worth protection."

Zhao Jun scoffed, and the trucks started again and moved. As Zhao Jun had said, they arrived at their destination, Blue Crystal City, by the time of sunset.

(B Rank Escorting Mission has been registered as complete! Gained 200,000 Points bzzz!)

"Thank you for your help today."

The one in charge showed his respect to Zhao Jun as Zhao Jun just nodded, and while waving his hand, he replied.

"It was a pleasure working. I have a few more missions here now if you don't mind..."

Zhao Jun said and quietly left the place through the main door of the hall. The Blue Crystal City was far less developed compared to Leaf River City Zhao Jun was staying at, and it was rather crowded in nighttime as people were moving back to their homes. Zhao Jun kept moving until he himself arrived at an abandoned construction site, as per the detections of the bracelet he was wearing.

"Blood Dagger Gang huh... Quite an arrogant bunch."

As Zhao Jun muttered that, he quietly entered the half-done building and took a broken elevator placed at the center. As Zhao Jun pressed the button, the elevator started to move downwards. The ride downwards was rough, feeling like the elevator might fall down at any time, but after about a few dozen seconds, the elevator finally stopped. As the gates opened, Zhao Jun noticed dozens of people sitting inside a party hall-like place with drinks and a party going on along with a bunch of bar girls.

"Gotta admit, the base is quite good."

Zhao Jun grinned and started moving inside, suddenly grabbing a hooligan walking by and crushing him over a table of drinks.


"Who dares pick a fight right here!?"

"This is the region of Blood Dagger Gang! Don't think you will escape alive today!"

"Oye, surround him! Let me show what it is like to pick a fight with us."

As they commanded, Zhao Jun got immediately surrounded by a bunch of gang members, and he started to show a look of panic on his face.

"This! This is the Blood Dagger Gang base?!! I'm sorry, I didn't know! I was just walking by, hahaha!"

"Fuck! You think you can do that now??"

Suddenly, a big guy arrived in front of Zhao Jun, cracking his fists, but as his cold gaze met Zhao Jun's soul-chilling aura.

"I'm scawed~ mhm! Mhm! You want me to cry here? Surprise, bitch... I don't wanna."

As Zhao Jun said that, his hand passed right through the chest of that man in front of him, and he slowly fell lifelessly on the ground. Zhao Jun's cold, hostile eyes moved over them all over again.

"Grab the weapons!!"

"Don't let this brat escape!!!"

"How dare you kill brother Hu!!!"

"Fuck! Brat is too arrogant!!!"

The criminals gathered there immediately pulled out their weapons and blades as they dashed towards Zhao Jun, while women present there immediately hid under the bar desk.

Zhao Jun immediately grabbed a wooden table beside him and used it like a shield, immediately dashing forward, crushing a few criminals like flowers in front of a boar charging.

But it didn't last long, as the whole table got crushed to pieces within a second as dozens of blades struck the table and crushed it. As pieces of wood fell to the ground, Zhao Jun noticed dozens of criminals all pointing their guns at him with dozens of lasers all over his body.

"Oh... You also use guns?"As Zhao Jun said that, all of them released the safety buttons on their guns, and the leader roared.

"Fuck! We are a criminal gang?? If not us, then who?!"

"What's there to talk about! Attack!"

"I will butcher this bastard!!!"


Within a moment, hundreds of bullets started raining down towards the direction of Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun was quick to act as he threw the piece of wood in his hand towards the direction of the leader of the gang and hid behind a desk at the corner.


"Fuck! Surround this bastard!"

"Hey, bring explosives 🧨🧨!"

"I will burn this bastard into a crisp!"

Suddenly, the criminals started to toss local explosive bombs towards the area around Zhao Jun, and as soon as they touched the ground, all of them exploded.



The whole area was utterly destroyed, with dust and ashes everywhere. One by one, a few criminals from the gang started to move towards Zhao Jun.

"Is he dead?"

"Those explosives can blow the head of a Tier 2 monster; he is still a human, you know..."

"Let's check."


The people slowly moved inside the ashes and dust around the area, as the leader of the gang sighed in relief and lit up a cigarette, commenting.

"He almost had us... Looks like people from martial academies have started to keep their eyes on us. We have to move the base to another place soo- cough!"

He was just muttering words, but suddenly, Zhao Jun was seen standing right behind him with a sharp wooden piece in his hand passing right through the waist of the gang leader.

"Wanna move the base? I will help!"

Zhao Jun grinned and took out the wooden piece, smashing it over the head of another gang member. The next moment, grabbing a liquor bottle, Zhao Jun suddenly lit it up with fire and threw it towards the direction of dust and ashes, immediately jumping behind the wall.

'3... 2... 1!'


A loud explosion suddenly erupted in the room. The next second, Zhao Jun came out from the wall, and his gaze fell over a few gang members still breathing.

"Thank you for placing explosive powder like sand everywhere, dumb maggots!"


With that, he crushed the heads of a few that were still alive, and finally, after finishing off the last member, his gaze fell over the bar girls hiding in the corner.


"We-we aren't part of this!"

"We don't have connections!"

"P-please let us go!"

Zhao Jun scoffed at their scared expressions, and as he wiped the blood from the corner of his face, he signaled them to leave as his bracelet shone.

(B Rank Blood Dagger Gang annihilation has been registered as complete! Gained 300,000 Points! Bzzz! Zzzz!)



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