Quest 2

"Guess now, only the last one remains, the artifact thief"

Zhao Jun nodded as he moved out of that construction site and a panel showing details of thief appeared in front of him with an image along with details

(Name _ Hu Tao

Age _ 43

Cultivation_ 2nd Stage Core Formation Realm

Crime _ Artifact Fraud, Thievery, Murder, Assault, Misinformation...)

'Man, list goes quite high...'

Zhao Jun sighed but just then suddenly he noticed a few people rushing towards him from the back

"He saw us!"

"We can't back off! Just kill him!"

Zhao Jun suddenly turned back and noticed two men wearing the mask swinging there blades towards his face

'Both at Golden Core Realm huh...'

Zhao Jun acted quick and dodged the blades as he noticed the both acting surprised


"Didn't he just fight those of Blood Dagger Gang!?"

Zhao Jun scoffed looking at their faces and suddenly flashed in front of them and roared

"Who sent you losers here after me?!"

Even as Zhao Jun questioned both didn't utter a word but that's exactly what Zhao Jun wanted as his fist landed over the chest on one of those hooligans crushing every bit of bones inside the chest and destroying him completely

"I will ask again, who ordered you?"

"Darn it!"

The second one just cussed and immediately rushed to leave but before he could move much further Zhao Jun grabbed his head from back and crushing him on to ground, then pulling his head back up Zhao Jun questioned again

"Last time... Who did?"

"Hu Tao! It's that guy! He got news of a Cultivator coming to our city from Leaf River City, he ordered us to check and if identity confirmed kill that person"


Zhao Jun released a deep breath feeling amused and suddenly the man in his hand suddenly started to beg

"No-now! That I have told you can you please release me!?"

"Oh sure"

Zhao Jun just casually released the man casually started to move back searching things over his panel from bracelet

'He? He really let me go! Fuck! He is dumb or maybe just my luck today! Anyways! Whatever the reason! I have to inform Hu Tao fast!'

The criminal immediately rushed away and after arriving into dense streets he took out his phone to make a call but as he saw the screen of phone it has been been absolutely crushed by impact of Zhao Jun's strike

"Shit! I need to move there myself before that guy finds our base!"

He cussed and suddenly moved over to alley inside the city and after a few minutes he was seen entering a storage building which seemed to be very old and useless outside but inside was just luxury suit

"Hu Tao! We have to move! That guy who is coming here is not something we can handle! We have to move! Fast!"

He immediately alerted Hu Tao who seemed to be painting some vase there, as Hu Tao heard him an even more surprised expression flashed on his face as he shouted

"What? Then how did you escape alive!?"

"H-he just let me for giving him some information, he just asked for who ordered that's it, anyways let's mov-"

"You fool! As if someone is so dumb to let you go! He just wanted to confirm your identity! Why the hell did you move here yourself! You could have called me! Fuck! He must have followed you!!!"

Hu Tao immediately panicked and took out a sword from his storage ring, hearing him the eyes of that criminal suddenly widened but suddenly a mouthful of blood leaked from corner of his mouth as he fell lifelessly with a red dagger at back of his head


Hu Tao was immensely shocked as he saw that as next Zhao Jun was seen grinning while entering the place with a grin stuck on his face

"Fuck! This dumb bastard brought him right to my base!"

Hu Tao cussed and immediately rushed towards Zhao Jun with a sword along, Zhao Jun on other hand just scoffed as he grabbed the wrist of Hu Tao before the sword could harm him

"Okay~ then the work for the day is finished..."

As Zhao Jun said that he twisted the arm of Hu Tao forcing him to kneel and release the sword from his grasp as next second Zhao Jun's feet ignited with blaze

'Blaze Dragon Coiling Kick!'

Just casually Zhao Jun shattered the head of Hu Tao as he moved forward into the place and noticed a lot of artifacts and treasures hidden in place along with most of fake ones and his gaze fell over the screen of Hu Tao's phone placed over the table

"And here I was thinking how can a low end criminal act so arrogant, turns out he was using connections from the Capital huh, this Wang Hen guy seems quite smart

Using little criminals to hide his business, he gives all knowledge about artifacts to these criminals to steal then replacing real with fake he takes all profit for himself before cutting off his connections with likes of them..."

Zhao Jun nodded and after searching some more messages on screen of phone, he crushed it and the notification rang again

(B Rank Artifact Thief Mission has been registered as compete! Gained 180,000 Points bzzz!)

Zhao Jun nodded as his pupils shone he quickly took all the real artifacts inside the hall and left without any trace

"Next time I won't take missions in such distances sigh... It's pain going back and forth..."

Zhao Jun sighed and kept taking missions on average 3 B Rank Missions almost daily till the last date arrived

(B Rank Mission_ Hunt 50 Demonic Monsters from Tiger Fang City Stronghold has been registered!)

"Guess this will be last one, by tomorrow morning I will be able to redeem that sword from the old man..."

Zhao Jun nodded wearing mask as he was seen leaving through the academy van and surprisingly inside the van along with other students there were also Fang Xiyue and Wu Yifan

"Heh! Zhao Jun, I never saw you all these days back in Academy, aren't you getting too comfortable, was luxury here really so great for you to not even show your face in training? Well guess that's to be expected from a orphan who never tasted the luxur-"

"Zhao Jun, have you been taking missions already?"

Wu Yifan was interupted by Fang Xiyue's question, the place went silent and Zhao Jun just nodded


"You!!! You never even visited the training hall so how dare you lie about taking missions"

Zhao Jun scoffed as he heard Wu Yifan's accusations and with a smirk just casually replied

"I did actually visit training hall once and..."

(Bzzz! Total Achievement Points collected _ 14,700,000! Zzzz!)

As the voice of bracelet rang the whole van was filled with chills, even an average 5th year student doesn't have this much money at once but Zhao Jun had collected it all in a month, the face of Wu Yifan was red in shame as he went silent and sat down without any more words



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