Monster Region 1

"We arrived! Move! Move!"

The gates of the van opened and all students slowly came out, as they moved out they found themselves standing in the inner side of City walls made to defend against Demonic Beasts in case of some attack

"Oh? The students are here! Great! I will explain things!"

Suddenly an official dressed in a combat suit arrived in front of them with a bright smile and introduced himself

"I'm Xu Ming, the official incharge of defense at Tiger Fang City! We people carry out task of annihilating monsters around region every month but recently in our area the numbers of monsters have increased a lot hence we requested support from Pure Jade Academy this time, please hunt as many Demonic Beasts as you can in the region, you can redeem the loots of monster for points or money or just take it as resources for yourself!"

As Xu Ming announced that the faces of all students there visibly brightened, there were all wearing white academy robe and next moment the gates of the wall opened and Xu Ming announced

"You have to return by noon!"


The students immediately nodded and all rushed outside the city walls at once, charging towards the woods in front

"Hey Zhao Jun! Are you confident in strength?!"

Wu Yifan suddenly sneered looking towards Zhao Jun who was moving forward along with him, Fang Xiyue's attention also moved over towards them as Zhao Jun just casually nodded

"Then, how about we compete as men! Let's see who hunts more points from the monsters!"

"You are too weak to compete with, it's not fair"

Zhao Jun coldly scoffed and kept moving through the field, Fang Xiyue couldn't control her snigger and seeing that the face of Wu Yifan became furious as he shouted

"You're just a commoner! I am a true master, destined for greatness! The gap between us is insurmountable!!! How dare you underestimate my strength!?"

Zhao Jun looked at him coldly seeing his outrage and just casually replied not even looking at his face

"I won't say I'm underestimating your strength... I think I'm overestimating them"

"Fuck! You really know to offend people! Then I officially challange you! The one who hunts least number of monsters will call himself 'Slave Dog' of the winner for a week!!!"


Zhao Jun scoffed and suddenly flashed inside the woods, Fang Xiyue sniggered and commented

"You shouldn't have been so arrogant just because of things like family and clan, don't cry because of consequences later.."

As Fang Xiyue said that she also dashed inside the woods leaving Wu Yifan with frown over his face and cold shine in his eyes

"Fang Xiyue... I thought you would come from a great clan will understand me but even you dare to look down on me! Today I will show you! I will show you who is the real master here!!!"

As Wu Yifan muttered that he also rushed inside the woods revealing a dark ominous expression on his face

But Zhao Jun unaware of act Wu Yifan was about to pull off and arrived in the outer region of the wild forest filled with low tier Demonic Beasts


Zhao Jun was immediately attacked by a serpent from a tree the moment he stopped but it was easy for Zhao Jun to simple grab the snake and casually crush it's head smashing it on ground

"The instructors strictly warned to not go further inside but this beginner region is bit too soft for me to gain any profits from here..."

Zhao Jun scoffed as he casually went further inside into the region and within just 5 minutes of exploration Zhao Jun found a 10 meter huge peak Tier 3 Wild Boar sleeping under warm sunlight

'Let's set up some trap now shall we, after proficiency matters a lot too...'

Zhao Jun nodded and took out a few meter steel wire from his storage ring and with the help of tapes, Zhao Jun tightly stuck two bombs at the corner of trees and started binding the pin that tethered the bombs through his metal wire, followed by that he placed several more traps around the place and finally covered in dirt Zhao Jun arrived in front of the boar with few stones in his hand

"Oye! Piggy! Go on diet will ya!?"

As Zhao Jun said that he smashed those stones directly over the head of the boar, the boar was shook awake and immediately stood up line a little mountain and looked at Zhao Jun's direction with intense hostility


The boar immediately charged towards with intense rage, the whole ground was shaking because of the charge, Zhao Jun scoffed and immediately ran away to opposite direction without any hesitation and as he spotted the wire he set up ahead Zhao Jun immediately jumped but as expected the boar charged right through the wire activating both bombs in instant


The both bombs exploded at once, because of impact the boar rushing at intense speed crashed over ground and the both trees fell right over him


The boar screamed in pain and next Zhao Jun suddenly landed right above him as he was stuck in between enormous trees

"Wassup piggy! Be my pork tonight!!!"

Zhao Jun roared and smashed a giant stone weighing a few tonnes right over the head of the boar but boar was still not seriously injured

"As expected one strike isn't enough..."

Zhao Jun sighed and jumped down from boar, seeing that the boar started to struggle again with grin on it's face but next second suddenly shadow another world rock covered his head as Zhao Jun grinned and commented

"That's why I prepared dozens of them ahead!!!"

As Zhao Jun said that he kept smashing rock till boar's head became an unrecognisable piece of meat and after a few struggles he took out the red crystal from boar's chest area

"As expected no matter the situation butchering is shittiest part, anyways, with this I have gained a Peak Tier 3 Demonic Beast's Core huh, I have about 6 more hours here so I guess I can have a pretty big hunt today"

Zhao Jun grinned and placed the core inside his storage ring and grabbed the corpse of the boar with his naked hand as the red blood essence started to get absorbed inside Zhao Jun

[Vitality has been increased!]

[Vitality has been increased!]

[Visiting had been increased!]


Zhao Jun removed his head and equipped the gloves again and once again started to move even further around the region



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