Monster Region 2

[Vitality has been increased!]

[Vitality has been increased!]

[Visiting has been increased!]

[Congratulations on breaking through to Stage 2 of Core Formation Realm!]

As notification rang out an intense breakthrough pillar rose from Zhao Jun at same time the Golden Core inside him started to change, the golden pearl like core changed into dark space like structure with small stars and celestial bodies inside it and after a few minutes Zhao Jun opened his eyes again releasing a deep breath

"Fuuu~ It's already been the nighttime huh..."

Zhao Jun sighed as he stood from equipping his gloves back on while standing on the body of almost 100 meters long black scale serpent

"Guess I should be satisfied with just this much today"

Zhao Jun commented and stored the corpse over his storage ring as he commanded the system


[Name_ Zhao Jun

Age_ 18 Years Old

Title_ Reincarnation of Supreme Origin Deity

Cultivation _ Stage 2 Core Formation Realm

Cultivation Technique_ Stellar Alignment Path

Elemental Affinity_ Fire, Water, Wood, Earth and Gold

System Points_ 10,000


- Martial Technique_

- (Advanced) 9 Sun Fist Comet (★★★★★)

- (Advanced) Blaze Dragon Coiling Kick (★★★★★)

- (Master) Lotus Slow Press Palm (★★★★★)


- Elemental Spells_

- (Basic) Flame Summon (★★★★★)

- (Advanced) 100 Sword Summon (★★★★★)

- (Advanced) 5 Pure Blade Command (★★★★★)


- Alchemy (★★★)

- Formations (★★★)

- Sword (---)

- Art (★★★)

- Music (★★★)

- Beast Tamer (★★★)

- Artifact Craftsman (★★★)

- Divination (★★★)

- Poison Master (★★★)]

"Fuu... I have grown quite well, thankfully I don't need to master my abilities all over again, the system points have been all recovered again"

Zhao Jun nodded and closing off his panel he immediately left the place, after about 10 or so minutes Zhao Jun was seen coming out of the woods along with many other students

"Oh! Brother Zhao Jun is out too!"

"Guess only Brother Wu Yifan remains!"

"What is he doing instructors clearly warned to not delay the timing so much..."

"Sigh! Guess instructors will have to go themselves!"

Zhao Jun heard the remarks of other students as he entered the gates of the great wall, Fang Xiyue was already there standing on line to exchange loot for the corpse from the instructors

"Oh! Zhao Jun! You are back too! Great timing! The most students have already exchanged for points or money, come!"

Surprisingly Zhao Jun noticed Dong Feng standing there along with the official incharge here Xu Ming, both seemed quite close

"What are you doing here Teacher?"

"Hahaha! Would you believe if I said the principal wants me to keep an eye on you! Hahaha!"

Zhao Jun scoffed and quietly arrived in front the table and as he was about to take out materials suddenly the students started to exclaim

"Holy shit! Is that a Tier 3 Demonic Beast!?"

"Sister Fang Xiyue is really something!"

"In just a month she progressed so much!"

"Great prodigy title isn't just for show afterall"

Zhao Jun's gaze fell over an enormous tiger like Demonic Beast with dozens of sword marks over it, and Fang Xiyue herself seemed quite exhausted so pretty obvious it was intense fight

"That will be 1 million points"

Dong Feng and Xu Ming, both seemed quite impressed as they saw her results

"Prodigy for a reason huh..."

"Lucky for your Pure Jade Academy, by the way student Zhao Jun, I heard a lot from you from my friend Dong Feng here, what did yo- yooooooouuuu! What the fuck!? Is that a Peak Tier 3 Demonic Beast?! Holy shit!"

Dong Feng and Xu Ming both had their eyes popping out and jaws dropped to ground as Zhao Jun casually took out the corpse of 100 meter long serpent he hunted just now

"Oh, I went a bit deeper haha! I apologise, I encountered one boar too, but hahaha... Not in condition I can bring out, so I have kept meat for myself, I think I can make pretty good pork with that, anyways I have about a dozen more..."

As Zhao Jun said that he piled up a dozen more corpses, all strong and fierce looking more than the last one

"Holy fuck! All are at least mid Tier 3 Demonic Beasts??"

"Brother Zhao Jun really know no common sense!"

"He hit a jackpot today!"

"Damn! This is really too great!!!"

The instructor observed it checking his glasses still shocked and next with a sigh replied

"That will be 6 million, it seems the essence has been absorbed so that's most you will get"

"Of course! No worries! Then shall we leave"

As Zhao Jun suggested, Teacher Dong Feng sighed looking towards the direction of gate and replied

"We could leave if this Wu Yifan can come faster, what is he doing, it's already been half an hour since the said time, a high class Foundation Building Realm shouldn't die to outer region monsters or perhaps did he also went even deeper?!"

As Dong Feng said that the place became a bit chill but just then suddenly everyone noticed the woods shaking and Wu Yifan coming out

"Sigh! I guess I was overthinking too much..."

Dong Feng sighed in relief but Xu Ming cut him off as he stepped forward looking towards Wu Yifan who was staggering and struggling to walk while trying to shout something

"Wait... This student..."

"Sav... Me!!! Dem...ic are com...g!!!"

Xu Ming widened his eyes and along with him Zhao Jun and Dong Feng also moved towards the door as Wu Yifan shouted again

"What is this brat saying..."

"He seen to struggle in walking? Injured maybe! I will send support!"

They couldn't hear him again this time but once again Wu Yifan looked back towards the woods in panic and shouted again

"Help me! Fast! Demonic Beasts are attacking! They are here!!!"

As Wu Yifan said that with bleeding legs he rushed as fast as he could and next moment crushing a whole tree itself under its feet a enormous dark lion with red eye and horn on head was seen coming out of woods followed by dozens of more Tier 3 Demonic Beasts

"Fuck! It's stampede! Fighters immediately stack! Deploy shield! Get ready for fight!!!"

Xu Ming immediately commanded others, meanwhile Wu Yifan here noticed the black lion like Demonic Beast about to strike him down with one claw

"Fuck... I'm... Dea-!"

"Hey brat! Back off!!!"

Just as Wu Yifan had considered himself dead Dong Feng blocked the claw with his Giant Sword and using his all strength pushed the giant beast away

"Fuck! Why are Demonic Beasts going berserk all of sudden!?"

Dong Feng cussed as he looked straight in eyes of beasts while Wu Yifan aware of all reasoning just shivered on ground like pathetic worm

'I shouldn't... I shouldn't have used that crystal! I thought it was something that let's me control the beasts! Why did make all Demonic Beasts go berserk? Shit! If anyone finds out!--??'

Wu Yifan was trembling but just then he got picked by back of his collar by Zhao Jun as if he was picking and stay dog

"You better have explanations after all this is done..."

As Zhao Jun said that he tossed Wu Yifan more than 100 meters away as Xu Ming caught him and safely placed him on ground inside the walls of Tiger Fang City as Zhao Jun gritted his teeth as he looked towards all monsters there

'This is going to be extremely dangerous...'



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