Monster Region 3

"This is going to be extremely dangerous..."

Zhao Jun gritted his teeth, prepared for the danger ahead as he looked at the enormous black lion Dong Feng was facing while he himself was unarmed at the moment.

"The Black Lion here is a Tier 4 Demonic Beast. Defeating him without preparation is absolutely impossible! I can only rely on Teacher Dong Feng for now. The rest of the Demonic Beasts are all at the very least Tier 3 too. Ordinary students are absolutely useless in direct confrontation!"

Zhao Jun sighed, but just then, Xu Ming stepped forward beside Zhao Jun and commented, "I don't have any idea how the situation came to this. I know I'm being extremely shameless here, but Zhao Jun, you might be the only reliable force after us. I'm not in a situation where we can back off. If this city gets destroyed, Tiger Fang City will be wiped out today. Can you give us a hand?"

"That's not even a question. Even if I can't win, I'm confident I can escape. Though injuries will be immense even in that case."

Zhao Jun grinned, still feeling a bit nervous about the situation. Next, while taking a few steps back, Zhao Jun questioned, "By any chance can I get a sword?"

Xu Ming took a glance at Zhao Jun and immediately nodded with a smirk, taking out another sword from his storage and tossing it towards Zhao Jun. "It's just a Low Mortal Grade Sword, but I would still prefer to get it back in one piece. That's my half-month's salary in your hands."

Zhao Jun nodded, and just then, Dong Feng once again repelled the lion beast, and other monsters also started to move as Dong Feng roared, "Now, if your lovely sibling talk has been finished, give me a hand, Xu Ming! I can't take all these Demonic Beasts myself!"

"Oh, yes, of course! Forces! Deploy!"

As Xu Ming commanded, all the soldiers present on the walls started shooting laser guns, aiming at Demonic Beasts' cores, all monsters slowly moving out of the woods.

"Just give me a minute! I will finish my preparations!"

Zhao Jun shouted, and just then, Fang Xiyue suddenly arrived beside him and took out a talisman that surrounded a barrier covering both as she replied, "Teacher Dong Feng! Sir Xu Ming! Please focus on the monsters! My talisman can take three attacks from even Tier 4 Demonic Beasts. I can protect myself for a minute!"

Dong Feng nodded, and as he swung his great sword towards the black lion, pushing him back dozens of metres away. Xu Ming also nodded while materialising hundreds of wind spears around him.

"We will be grateful then, little lady!"

As Xu Ming said that, the wind spears started raining down over all Demonic Beasts, attracting the agro of more than hundreds of them towards him alone as he crushed the heads of those Demonic Beasts like tofu, but more and more kept coming despite all attacks.

"Then just fight for 1 more minute!"

Zhao Jun roared, closed off his eyes with the sword that he was holding floating mid-air in front of him inside the barrier, and as Zhao Jun closed off his eyes here, his consciousness got sucked into another realm.

And the next moment Zhao Jun opened his eyes again, he found himself standing in one straight broad path expanding to infinity with thousands of human figures all around him. All figures held different sorts of light, but they were all figures. One couldn't see anyone's true facial and body structure, something similar to a bland RPG avatar.

"The Sword River..."

Zhao Jun grinned, and the next moment, as he looked at his own body, it seemed to be celestial with stars and planets floating inside his figure like he was the universe itself. At the same time, outside his physical body, the sword floating mid-air got covered in foggy black and white aura.

[Congratulations on reaching the Sword Qi stage!]

Zhao Jun nodded, and the next moment, suddenly, his figure started to move forward at an intense speed, surpassing thousands of people in a moment. As he moved more, the fewer the number of people became, and in just a few seconds, he found an energy wall radiating with colourless waves of powerful sword intent, and Zhao Jun passed right through it without any struggle.

[Congratulations on reaching the Sword Aura stage!]

Zhao Jun still didn't stop here and kept moving. The ground was all liquid, and he was rushing through that water like he was riding a water slide.

"Holy shit!? Did someone just pass by?!"

"I didn't see it clearly..."

"What the hell is going on!?"

"Haha! We must have just been feeling the illusion. How can someone's sword comprehension be so fast? Haha..."

The figures that Zhao Jun just passed through seemed stunned, expressing disbelief in reality. In a dozen more seconds, Zhao Jun noticed another similar, stronger sword energy barrier, and he passed right through it, still moving.

[Congratulations on reaching the Sword Intent stage!]

And he kept moving. Meanwhile, outside Fang Xiyue's barrier, dozens of mid and high Tier 3 Demonic Beasts surrounded her, attacking continuously. Fang Xiyue exerted all her energy to keep the barrier from breaking.

"Cough! I said one minute... But it looks like I can't even finish 50 seconds... Kugh!!!"

A mouthful of blood leaked out of the corner of her mouth as the barrier filled with cracks and suddenly shattered. An enormous rhino-like Demonic Beast with bone armour and a highly lethal set of horns at its front was seen charging right at Fang Xiyue and Zhao Jun.

"Cough!!! I can't hold it..."

Fang Xiyue's pupils widened as her gaze fixed on the beast charging toward her, followed by many other Demonic Beasts. Dong Feng's and Xu Ming's eyes also moved towards her.


"I can't move from here!!!"

Both were stuck with the monsters they were handling all at once. The moment felt like all hundreds of breaths had stopped breathing, with cold shivers running down their spines. But just then, a second passed, and the sword floating in front of Zhao Jun suddenly exploded with intense sword intent. Shards of black and white energy continuously came out and in from the sword, and Zhao Jun immediately flashed from his spot.

Zhao Jun suddenly arrived in front of Fang Xiyue and stopped. In the next moment, he released his deep breath, and a mouthful of blood rushed out of his mouth.

"Guess using techniques beyond my physical capabilities is still too much..."

As Zhao Jun said, Fang Xiyue's eyes were fixed on him. In the next moment, the rhino charging at them crashed to the ground, divided completely in half. At the same time, about a dozen mid-Tier 3 Demonic Beasts were also horizontally sliced in half. A notification rang in Zhao Jun's head.

[7000 Points have been deducted]

[Advanced Sword Technique _ Great Void Command (★★★★★) has been added to the list!]

"Sword Intent!? Dong Feng!? Am I seeing it right!? How old is this kid!?!!"

Xu Ming immediately exploded with excitement as he sliced off the head of the Demonic Beast in front of him, looking in the direction of Zhao Jun in excitement.

"I don't fucking know! Arghhhhh! This bastard?!!!"

Dong Feng roared, and using every bit of his strength, he finally thrust his great sword right through the neck of the Black Lion and took the monster down. He released deep breaths, looking toward Zhao Jun.

"I guess it was 18 when I was checking the recruitment results..."

As Dong Feng said that, Xu Ming's eyes widened, but in the next moment, all beings who had just started to feel joy were filled with immense bone-chilling fear as 'that' roar came out...



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