
"Hahaha! You think I wouldn't notice that tracker?! These dumb brats! To think you consider yourselves so smart! I have been in this business for decades already! And you walked right into my trap! Guys! Beat these brats!!!"


Fang Xiyue cursed, but Zhao Jun, on the other hand, just scoffed. The next moment, one of the figures standing behind the artifact thief suddenly smashed his head with an iron rod from the back, knocking him to the ground. Two other guys immediately grabbed him.

"What do you think you're doing!?"

He was immensely surprised by that, and the next moment, Zhao Jun casually stepped forward, grabbed an iron rod passed to him by one of those men, and replied with a grin.

"You realized the tracker I planted on your neck, and I realized the trap you were setting for my neck. Good job, guys! I'll treat you to a great meal tonight!"

"Yes! About damn time!"

"To think Brother Zhao Jun would call us for something so badass! Hahaha!!!"

"Man! I can tell this story to my family! Hahaha!"

"Really too cool! Just too cool!!!"

The figures standing there finally came to light, and Fang Xiyue immediately gasped in surprise.

"This! Aren't they all our classmates!?"

"Haha! Indeed, they are. Today was a holiday for us first-year students after the stampede last night, so I called them as backup in case this bastard escapes. But I got a report about some guys moving inside this storage house before that explosion in the auction hall, so I told them to handle these thugs first."

As Zhao Jun said that, the other students tossed a pile of thugs, beaten to a bloody mess, into a corner of the storage building.

"You! You set me up! You knew everything from the start, didn't you!? Fuck! I should have known!!!"

The thief cursed at Zhao Jun in frustration, but Zhao Jun just grinned coldly. He immediately smashed the iron rod directly over the thief's face, shattering half of his jaw and many teeth at once.

"How dare a lowlife curse at me? Didn't your mother teach you to speak politely to younger people? Then let me give you a hand!!!"

Zhao Jun said that and kicked him right in the throat, followed by dozens of rod strikes all over the joints of the body, making sure the pain would last a lifetime. He kept beating until the man was nothing but blood and bones with a swollen face.

"I-i will tell whatever you want! Please stop! I will tell!!!"

"Smart guy..."

Zhao Jun finally tossed the iron rod aside, and the students placed a chair for him to sit. Zhao Jun also took a napkin to wipe the blood from his hands and coldly questioned while taking his seat.

"I will give you 5 minutes. Write down the names of cities and gangs involved here and how you get information about where auctions are taking place and the types of people involved in this whole fraud field."

Zhao Jun said that and tossed a notepad and pen onto the ground. The thief raised his eyes, but all he could see were dozens of cold pupils shining down at him.

"I will write!!! I will write!"

"Of course, you will, and don't let the blood stain my notepad. I'm going to fuck you up!"


The thief didn't dare and carefully wrote down all the information Zhao Jun wanted. Zhao Jun took the notepad and checked the contents before placing it in his pocket.

"Since you did the job, let him go."

As Zhao Jun commanded, the students removed their feet from the thief. As soon as that happened, the thief immediately started to run out in full joy.

"Hahaha, I'm free! I'm finally free! Hahahaha!"

He immediately opened the door of the storage building, but as he did that, he was immediately caught by the Auction Hall Branch Manager from before.

"Nice meeting you, fucker~"

"You!? You brat! You tricked me again!?!"

The thief immediately cursed, looking toward Zhao Jun, but the next second, his face was crushed to the ground by the Auction Hall Branch Manager. He tossed the unconscious body to his subordinates in the background.

"Hahaha! How lucky of you, Chairman! You caught an 'escaping thief.' What a coincidence!"

"'Coincidence' indeed! Hahaha! To think students of Pure Jade Academy were just walking by to celebrate tonight. I don't have to mention such small things to officials now, do I?"

"Of course, hahahaha!"


Zhao Jun nodded and shook hands with the branch manager, wearing a bright, brimming smile. The next moment, with a snap, the branch manager called over his secretary, carrying some rewards in a luxury box.

"Please accept it on behalf of our Gold River Auction Hall. I'm the head of this branch, but our Gold River Auction Hall has spread throughout the nation. You can come by anytime with this 'Platinum Card,' and you will be our VIP wherever you go. You'll get a 30% discount on whatever you buy. Hahaha!"

"How generous..."

Zhao Jun was a bit surprised as he accepted the crystal-like platinum card carefully.

"Well, I'm not exactly generous, but the motto of our organization strictly commands us to keep an eye on talents like you and extend a hand as early as possible. Even if you are broke, making connections with people of high potential gives a guarantee of survival in this world. The Platinum Card is from the organization, and this is from my side: $50 million. The artifacts you saved are worth $800 million, so it's only right to give a small share as a reward."


Zhao Jun smiled as he took the card and with a nod of respect, he replied, "I will keep this in mind!"

Zhao Jun nodded, and next, along with all the students of Pure Jade Academy, he left the place with a grin on his face.

"Let's go to the most luxurious hotel of this time! I will spend like crazy tonight!!!"


"As expected of Brother Zhao Jun!"

"Generous hero?!"


Everyone grinned and left for a night of celebration after an epic adventure.


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