The National Exams

As Zhao Jun had wanted 8 more months have passed by without a hitch, during this time Zhao Jun had regularly grinded hunting as many Demonic Beasts as he could and absorbing their blood essence, making pills from the ingredients and buying more materials from Zhang Qiang's shop and now Zhao Jun has finally reached and considerable stage where he can fight even Tier 4 Demonic Beasts like a casually gameplay

"I have finally finished saving up enough points huh... Let's see, this! This and this one!"

[15,000 Points have been deducted!]

[Master Spell _ Twin Dragon Advancement (★★★★★) has been added to list!]

[18,000 Points have been deducted]

[Master Footwork Technique _ Untouched Sword Dance (★★★★★) has been added to list!]

[10,000 Points have been deducted]

[Master Sword Technique _ Phonix Dragon Blaze Control (★★★★★) has been added to list!]

Zhao Jun was immediately covered with different sorts of phenomenal lights before all of them got absorbed into him as the panel opened again

[Name_ Zhao Jun

Age_ 19 Years Old

Title_ Reincarnation of Supreme Origin Deity

Cultivation _ Stage 8 Core Formation Realm

Cultivation Technique_ Stellar Alignment Path

Elemental Affinity_ Fire, Water, Wood, Earth and Gold

System Points_ 5000


• Martial Technique_

- (Advanced) 9 Sun Fist Comet (★★★★★)

- (Advanced) Blaze Dragon Coiling Kick (★★★★★)

- (Master) Lotus Slow Press Palm (★★★★★)

• Sword Techniques

- (Advanced) Great Void Command (★★★★★)

- (Master) Phonix Dragon Blaze Control (★★★★★)

• Footwork Technique_

- (Master) Untouched Sword Dance (★★★★★)


• Elemental Spells_

- (Basic) Flame Summon (★★★★★)

- (Intermediate) False Puppet (★★★★★)

- (Advanced) 100 Sword Summon (★★★★★)

- (Advanced) 5 Pure Blade Command (★★★★★)

- (Master) Twin Dragon Advancement (★★★★★)


- Alchemy (★★★)

- Formations (★★★)

- Sword (★★★)

- Art (★★★)

- Music (★★★)

- Beast Tamer (★★★)

- Artifact Craftsman (★★★)

- Divination (★★★)

- Poison Master (★★★)]

Zhao Jun released a deep breath as he closed off his panel and equipping his white academy robe moved out of his dorm room with his leather bag on his back, today no student was visibly in corridors as Zhao Jun walked by slowly till he finally arrived over the ground floor of academy where Fang Xiyue and Teacher Zhang Qiang were already standing along with Principal Sun Shifu, Dong Feng and few more people

"Oh, are you here to bid me farewell to Teacher Zhang Qiang? My~ how generous of you!"

Zhao Jun grinned making fun of him, unlike his usual sweatshirt today he was wearing proper formal suit but next moment outside of Zhao Jun's expectations Zhang Qiang scoffed and commented

"I'm not bidding any farewell I'm also going back to Great Jade Peace University, I had been transferred in this Academy for a year because of my junior that stays here was having child, she is back so I'm returning now"

"Oh hello! You must student Zhao Jun, Dong Feng has been talking about, though we never met before it's pleasure having you in our academy till now"

Zhao Jun was greeted by a kind lady besides Teacher Dong Feng with a little baby hanging over Dong Feng's chest

"Teacher Dong Feng did? Haha! You must be close"

Zhao Jun nodded in understanding, but as he spoke, the faces of Dong Feng and the lady turned beet red, prompting laughter from others. Fang Xiyue immediately pulled Zhao Jun aside and whispered,

"What are you doing!? Teacher Dong Feng and that lady are both married! You seriously know nothing?!"

"What the heck!? Teacher Dong Feng!?? Since when are you married!?!"

Zhao Jun shouted in surprise. Dong Feng just shyly rubbed his head and casually replied,

"About a decade now, hahaha... What? You thought I was a virgin muscle guy walking around like an angry brawler?"

"Sigh... I should really pay more attention to my surroundings..."

Zhao Jun sighed deeply. Just then, Sun Shifu grabbed his shoulders and said,

"Although it was short, it was an honor to have you in our academy. The fame of our academy throughout the province has risen since you came here. I, along with all my students, wish you a great future ahead."

As Sun Shifu spoke, the students of the Academy suddenly started setting off fireworks, with a huge banner waving over the academy building. They cheered for Zhao Jun,

"Brother Zhao Jun!!! It was a great honor being with you!"

"My greatest moments of my lifetime!!"

"We will miss you!!!"

"Farewell, Brother Zhao Jun!"

Zhao Jun was surprised as he heard them all and muttered with a bright smile,

"Didn't know I was that popular..."

"Hahaha... Right... I also didn't know people would ignore me so much as today. Reality really opens the eyes of people..."

Fang Xiyue muttered as she ushered Zhao Jun into the car along with Zhang Qiang, waving back at all the Academy students.

"Haha! This is one hell of a great farewell! I will show the pictures to other teachers at the University if you pass the national exams!"

"Huh? Then what if we don't?"

"Lol, I will just edit the clip and say that they were bidding farewell to me only! Hahaha! That would be great!"

Zhang Qiang laughed as Zhao Jun and Fang Xiyue both glared at him from the back seat, furious and annoyed. The car continued through the roads at great speed, and after about 17 hours of an exhausting journey, they finally arrived in Mystic Willow City, at the center of the nation. This city is known for producing the main forces to defend against Demonic Beasts each year. The weakest student from this University is at least at the Nascent Soul Realm, and exceptionally prodigious students who come once in a century might even reach the Immortal Ascension Realm within 5 years, given the amount of resources and opportunities the nation invests in them.

"So the National Exams are held at the Great Jade Peace University, huh?"

Zhao Jun questioned as he took his leather bag. Zhang Qiang nodded in response,

"Indeed, that's how it's been for decades. This place is filled with exceptional masters, so it's the safest place for exams. Moreover, Great Jade Peace University has the best chance to recruit talents like you who pop up randomly! It's a win-win situation!"

As Zhang Qiang explained, Fang Xiyue and Zhao Jun's gaze moved over to the exceptional campus of the university, spread out like a small town with thousands of candidates walking in, hopeful of an even brighter future.

Zhang Qiang scoffed, and the next moment, both Zhao Jun and Fang Xiyue followed him inside to the Great Jade Peace University for the National Exams today!



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