Phase 1

Zhao Jun, Fang Xiyue, and a hundred other exam candidates gathered inside a hall, standing in proper rows and lines. They were surrounded by various instructors, each exuding an intense presence, standing at the corners of the hall, alert and attentively observing everyone.

"As expected of the Nation's greatest University, even the instructors here are all Nascent Soul Realm Cultivators," thought Zhao Jun.

"Welcome, Candidates, to the National University Entrance Exams! During each phase of the exams, you will be rewarded with points, and your admission depends on the total number of points you accumulate. All of you standing here are exceptional prodigies from your regions, here on exceptional recommendations. But don't think that's all it takes to enter the Great Jade Peace University! What matters are the results!"

As the announcement was made, the air in the hall suddenly changed. Even the normal students became more attentive and straight-backed, looking towards the speaker.

"Woah... She has quite the presence, doesn't she..." Zhao Jun commented on her exceptional presence in the hall. Hearing him, Fang Xiyue seemed a bit surprised and whispered back,

"You don't know her?! That's Teacher Liu Qianyu! The prodigy of her times! She even represented our nation at the 'International Duel Conference'! After serving on the frontlines for decades, she retired and came here to train the next generation! Truly a legendary figure!"

"What the hell is the 'International Duel Conference'?"

"You don't even know that?! How the heck have you survived all these days..."

Zhao Jun just scoffed at Fang Xiyue's remarks and shifted his attention back to Liu Qianyu.

"Well, she is indeed quite an exceptional figure, even among prodigies in this current world. I guess my days at this University won't be that boring," Zhao Jun thought, smiling in satisfaction. But just then, a scoffing sound came from the row behind him.

"Heh! Looks like even countryside folks are competing in the national exams now, huh?! You think we're handing out free bread here for you to just walk in without even basic knowledge of the cultivation world?! Truly an eyesore!"

Turning his gaze, Zhao Jun noticed a blonde guy with sharp eyes scoffing at him and making blatant remarks.

"Damn... He gives off Wu Yifan-like vibes? A young master character?" Zhao Jun whispered to Fang Xiyue, pointing at the guy. Fang Xiyue glanced over and replied with a sigh,

"That's Gan Xu, heir of the Great Gan Clan here in the capital, Mystic Willow City. His clan is one of the five main clans of our nation, so try not to mess with him."

"Well, as long as you know~ hahaha! A great Young Master born with a golden spoon isn't comparable to ordinary commoners like you! Hahaha!"

Gan Xu suddenly started to laugh like a character in a fantastic emo phase, drawing long looks from the other candidates. Zhao Jun commented with twitching eyes,

"How should I say it... This young master is not evil, but... Narcissistic?"

"How rude!" Gan Xu immediately scolded Zhao Jun. But then, Liu Qianyu regained everyone's attention as she announced,

"Let's move to the first phase of the examination! We will be checking your basic cultivation capabilities, such as physical strength, agility, and senses. Follow me!"

As Liu Qianyu led them, the students noticed dozens of humanoid figures placed on the ground with a scoreboard above.

"This is a mechanical puppet designed to check your Strength Score. It's made with the highest grade technology available in this field, so you can also use your knowledge about the human body to inflict as much damage as possible. It can absorb the punch of even a Stage 5 Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator, so don't hold back!"

As Liu Qianyu explained, the candidates' faces flashed with surprise. One by one, they tested their strength scores while the instructors coldly evaluated them and noted the scores.

(Bzzz! 136 million!)

(Bzz! 440 million!)

(262 million! Bzzz!)

(Bzzz! 294 million! Bzzz!)

"Man, those are impressive scores, yet the instructors don't even bat an eye..."

"I'm getting more and more nervous."

"The Great Jade Peace University really is on another level. An ordinary university would be worshipping these guys by now."

"Should I just turn back and leave? Even my ex wasn't this cold with results."

The candidates started to become more anxious and nervous, but then an exceptional strike landed on the puppet, and the mechanical voice announced,

(700 million!!!)

"Ho~ That's almost comparable to Nascent Soul Realm Cultivators..." Liu Qianyu nodded in satisfaction. Next, Gan Xu flashed a grin towards Zhao Jun while standing in front of the shaking puppet.

"See this, commoner?! You and I are just built different! You can't compare!! Hahaha!"

"Narcissistic indeed..." Fang Xiyue and Zhao Jun both nodded. Then, as Fang Xiyue moved next, her strike caused another loud commotion.

(684 million!)

Her attack left most people present stunned, attracting Liu Qianyu's attention as the other candidates started to mutter in shock.

"True monsters are finally here..."

"I'm going to develop an inner demon at this rate."

Gan Xu, stunned by the results, nodded and complimented, "Not bad! Not bad! Though not as noble as me, you're still quite good, whatever your name was! Very well! I shall take you under my wing from now on! And if that ignorant countryside brat begs, I might also take him unde-"


Gan Xu was interrupted as the puppet beside him suddenly exploded, with Zhao Jun casually standing in front of it, sleeves rolled up in a punching posture.

"A stable target with knowledge of an alchemist, that's just asking for death..."

Zhao Jun scoffed, returning to a normal posture, standing proud amidst the dust and smoke. Even Liu Qianyu and the instructors were stunned.

"This guy... Just how much did he improve this time..." Fang Xiyue muttered in disbelief, while Gan Xu had already lost touch with reality.

"The recording puppet itself... Exploded? Doesn't that mean his strength score already surpasses 8 billion?!" Liu Qianyu commented in shock.

As she spoke, a few candidates collapsed on the ground in extreme shock and Qi overload.

"Fuck... I'm just going home..."

"This time my parents will really understand when I say what monsters I'm competing with."

"Too much! I need to cultivate my heart before cultivating my energy."

"Why are all the monsters popping out in my batch this year!? Fuck!"



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