Phase 2

"The recording puppet itself... Exploded? Doesn't that mean his strength score already surpasses a whole 8 Billion!?!"

As Liu Qianyu said, suddenly, a few candidates there collapsed on the ground in extreme shock and Qi overload. On the other hand, Zhao Jun just scoffed, looking at Gan Xu, who was still trembling in shock.

"To think a commoner can be-!? I'm shocked..."

Gan Xu commented, taking a deep breath while looking at Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun, on the other hand, just smirked, patting his shoulder, and commented,

"Hello, Shocked, I'm National Prodigy."

"Shitty joke,"

Fang Xiyue immediately retorted coldly, and after that, Zhao Jun just kept crushing the records again and again and again, over at the speed test.

"0.0024 seconds!"

At the endurance test with a weight of more than 1000 tonnes over everyone all at once.

"Hey! Check if the system is working properly! This guy doesn't even seem to be carrying a feather under the pressure of 1000 tonnes!"

And even over the senses test where everyone was blindfolded and placed inside a hall where they got attacked by thousands of random fake paint bullets per second.

"What is going on!? Whose hall has turned into a rainbow?? Why isn't there even a drop of pain on him?!"

The instructors themselves have started to pull their hairs with immense shock. Liu Qianyu herself had started to check the content of the test, not to mention the other candidates here.

"Fuck it, I will just return to my farmhouse in the countryside and cultivate rice like my ancestors."

"If 'unlucky' was a person, he would be my disciple."

"I need to protect my heart! This demon of Providence is too strong!"


Most people have given up on a sane life after this. With a wary smile, Liu Qianyu continued,

"Then, since phase 1 has ended, let's move on to the second stage! We are checking the strength of your elements and compatibility for the sake of records here."

As she announced that, a huge crystal was brought in, attached with a tech board with lots of tech mechanisms and things being run by instructors there.

"Just touch this crystal, and we will record the elements you are compatible with for the future."

As Liu Qianyu explained, everyone nodded, and things went as planned. The students placed their hands over the crystal, and instructors simply announced the elements while noting them down.

"Even checking elements, huh? That's quite the thorough processing..."

Fang Xiyue muttered, looking at the machinery there. Zhao Jun blinked a few times and just commented,

"But isn't that basic? How else will you cultivate in higher stages? The spells and techniques you learn need to be in sync with your compatibility, right?"

"Sigh! As expected of a commoner! You really understand nothing! The Great Jade Peace University just wants to brag. The results of these examinations will be made public to see."

Among the candidates gathered here, sometimes there are people with multiple element compatibility, like me, for example! Hahaha! By doing things like this, universities throughout the nation try to suppress each other's influence on the nation and gain more and more funding for themselves! That's how high society works!"

Gan Xu explained to Zhao Jun while acting even more high and mighty. In the next second, he moved over to the crystal and with a confident grin, placed his hand over the crystal as the crystal filled with intense green and golden light.

"It's a Dual Element Holder!? Wood and Metal!"

"Dual Elements!? It's a once-in-a-thousand-years genius!"

"For real!"

"There are merely a dozen in the whole country!"

The people were filled with commotion as Gan Xu just had an arrogant pose with all the attention on him.

"I guess it's not just because of the Great Gan Clan, huh? This Gan Xu, though he acts arrogant and proud, he does have the capability to back it up."

Liu Qianyu nodded with a little smile, feeling satisfied with the results. But just then, Fang Xiyue also stepped forward, tossing Gan Xu aside as she placed her hand over the crystal and with a grin commented,

"Don't be so proud because it's not just you with double element affinity!"

As she said that, the crystal shone brightly in blue and golden light, and another commotion emerged.

"This time water and metal!?"

"Really!? How are so many geniuses popping out!"

"Two geniuses of decades all together!"

"Great Jade Peace University is really going to reach its peak this year."

Liu Qianyu was shocked for a bit and next, with a satisfied smile, continued to note down things. Fang Xiyue looked at Gan Xu's shocked face and nodded in satisfaction.

"Well, from the Nascent Soul Realm, cultivators do need to start training their elements before reaching the Immortal Ascension Realm. I don't have a desire to hide or anything, anyways. I'm Heaven with the Universe under my palm. Arrogant? So what? If you think I'm arrogant, then be better than me before mocking me like a loser sitting in the dark corner of the room!"

Zhao Jun smiled and stepped forward. The commotion hadn't even calmed down yet, and Zhao Jun placed his hand over that crystal himself. This action of his caught the attention of every big organization in the world at once. The next moment, the crystal got filled with all different colors.

"Is the machine working properly..."

"No! The machine can malfunction! But the element-judging crystal is something extracted from the body of a Tier 7 Demonic Beast! It can't malfunction..."

"Does that mean..."

"A 5-element affinity? He has an affinity with all 5 elements!? Why haven't I heard of someone like him in the whole history?! Holy fuck!!!"

"It's the first! The first 5-element affinity holder!"

"There was once a 4-element affinity holder in ancient times who is still worshipped in the whole West region as a God. Now there is a 5-element affinity holder! This will shock the whole world!!!"

This time, even Liu Qianyu lost her stability as her pen dropped to the ground in shock. All instructors and candidates gathered there were looking at Zhao Jun with faces beyond the realm of just being surprised.

"Damn! If being handsome and powerful had been a sin, I would be first in line for execution,"

Zhao Jun scoffed, waving his hair while clearly mocking Gan Xu. But in the midst of all that joy, a pair of cold eyes were glaring at Zhao Jun from inside that crowd of various candidates.

"How dare he... How dare a mere no-name orphan... I won't forgive! I won't ever forgive this bastard! Fuck!"



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