Phase 3

'Just what is happening with your batch of candidates, including Gan Xu from the Great Gan Clan, Fang Xiyue from Leaf River Province, from the Fang Clan that is only next to the 5 Great Clans, and even Wang Jingtian from the Great Wang Clan? Now there is even this Zhao Jun, who came here with recommendations from three people.

Sun Shifu, the principal of Pure Jade Academy, he and I have fought together on the front lines, so I know he isn't the type to just recommend anyone. Then there's Brother Zhang Qiang, who went to Pure Jade Academy, and on top of that, even Xu Ming, the newly promoted Captain of the Elite Guards. All three recommendations praise him well. Not to mention, I never saw Brother Zhang Qiang praising anyone so much. Who would have expected that Zhao Jun would be a unique 5 Element Affinity Holder?'

Liu Qianyu felt goosebumps as they were moving through a corridor. Suddenly, the high-tech iron gates in front of them opened, and Liu Qianyu, along with others, arrived at a training hall made of the best technology materials. While pointing towards a metal training puppet, Liu Qianyu commanded,

"Equip the sparring gears given by my instructors; you can select the difficulty yourself. Your difficulty will also determine the points!"

As Liu Qianyu explained, the candidates took bracelets from the instructors there. As they activated the bracelets, their bodies got covered in first-class deep blue sparring suits.

"Holy shit!? It even has a life-saving function."

"Guess they really want us to give our all."

"Let's just hope we can enter this university to keep using this equipment in the future too!"

"Mine is so badass!"

The candidates were all confident as they warmed up, and finally, the first candidate moved over to the stage.

"Hahaha! After breaking through to the 6th Stage of the Core Formation Realm, I really have managed to refine my Qi and body quite well! Let's see with my increased strength! I better fight at least my equal!"

(Bzzz! Difficulty Stage: 6 Core Formation Realm! Difficult Mode!)

As he set the difficulty, the eyes of the puppet ignited in orange light, and it immediately got into posture. The candidate was also confident.

"His position is quite good."

"Looks like he is elite too, huh?"

"Even candidates of Great Jade Peace University are all the nation's best of the best! What do you expect?"


Everyone was calm and chill, and finally, the sparring started.

(Bzzz! Zrrr! Opponent detected! Zzzz! Efforts to defeat opponent: Low!)


The candidate standing in front of the puppet was stunned as the next moment, suddenly the Puppet arrived right in front of his face, swinging a fist.


The candidate managed to handle it well, blocking it with his arms, but the next moment, the puppet grabbed his crossed arms and crushed his face by smashing it with knees followed by several more strikes over the face.

"Cough! Agh!"

Within a second, the candidate was tossed away to the corner as the puppet returned to its calm posture as if nothing happened. All candidates were stunned, and seeing the room getting chill again, Liu Qianyu smiled, and with pupils radiating bright light, she commented,

"What? You think a sparring puppet is as simple as the ones you've used before? This one is equipped with battle calculations and the experience of elites fighting on the front lines! It can calculate and predict like any other human! You better think before sparring because no matter how safe it may be, breaking a bone or two is always painful!"

As she said that, the place became completely cold with all candidates drowned in nervousness, feeling the true horror of the selections.

"Experience and decision-making capabilities of elites who fought on the frontlines against monsters?"

"Doesn't that mean even easy mode is hell for us?"

"So... These are how true selections start, huh?"

"We shouldn't have thought it would be all easy like before..."

Candidates were deeply nervous, and now all faces were filled with frowns, drenched in sweat, but still, the procedures continued. Nobody dared to choose difficult mode now and fought at equal or even lower cultivation difficulty.

But even with that much, most were tossed out like a rag, and now it was finally the turn of Fang Xiyue herself.

(Bzzz! Difficulty Stage: 7 Core Formation Realm! Difficult Mode!)


Fang Xiyue released a deep breath and looked at the puppet slowly awakening its orange eyes. The other candidates were all stunned by this act of bravery.

"She!? She chose difficult mode!?"

"Didn't she just see what happened with the first one?!"

"A newbie with no experience in battles shouldn't overestimate herself!"

"This ignorance... What a pity."

Fang Xiyue didn't care about any of those comments. Liu Qianyu saw that resolute expression, and an amused expression flashed over her face.

'Is she really confident or just... Arrogant?'

Fang Xiyue got into posture and for a moment took a glance over at Zhao Jun. A grin flashed over her face.

'I hate to admit it, but these last 8 months, Zhao Jun dragged me into lots of missions along with him! Throwing me in the middle of dozens of demonic beasts at once or having sparring with me till every bone in my body is all loose! I hate to admit it, but in front of that monster, the fighting capability of this piece is really not that tough!!!'

A grin appeared on Fang Xiyue's face, and the next moment the notification came out from the puppet as it finished scanning Fang Xiyue.

(The opponent detected! Efforts to defeat the opponent--- High!!)

As the mechanical voice rang out, all faces present there were shocked, and a cold grin flashed over Fang Xiyue's face as she immediately flashed in front of the puppet and shouted,

"Glad you know!!!"

As Fang Xiyue roared, she immediately flashed her fist towards the puppet, but no matter how fast it was, the puppet managed to block it. However, as that happened, the grin on Fang Xiyue's face widened even more as a purple aura surrounded her feet that struck right over the puppet's left corner of the head.

"The fist was a feint?!"

"She! She has experience!"

"Just what kind of monsters have come from Pure Jade Academy!?"

"Hey, look!!!"

Everyone was stunned, but Fang Xiyue didn't stop. As she touched the ground with her hands, she immediately twisted her waist and struck more than three times over the puppet, followed by an athletic jump.


Fang Xiyue crushed both her elbows over the steel puppet's head, but her legs got grabbed by the puppet.

(Following the grappling sequen---)

Before the puppet could bring down Fang Xiyue, Fang Xiyue herself flipped backward and, almost like a reverse German suplex, she lifted the puppet, grabbing it by her sheer leg strength. With that 180° flip, getting with her knees on top of the puppet's chest, she smashed the puppet to the ground and drilled five punches right over its face. The next second, the light over its eyes slowly vanished.

"Sh-she defeated the puppet!?"

"At difficult mode no less!?"

"Her battle senses are really clean!"

"Just who trained her!?"

All candidates were stunned as the next second, Fang Xiyue slowly stood back up, wiping sweat from her face.

"Fang Xiyue from Pure Jade Academy --- Qualified!"


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