Phase 4

"Fang Xiyue from Pure Jade Academy — Qualified!"


Fang Xiyue smiled with satisfaction and moved on to the next place. Zhao Jun just clapped like a bird, with a smile on his face.

'Impressive... Since when was this girl so sparkly?'

"N-not bad! I don't know how she managed to do that without the backing of the 5 Great Clans, but I guess the Fang Clan itself isn't much far away from us, huh!"

Gan Xu suddenly changed the look of shock on his face and complimented Fang Xiyue, with a bit of redness on his cheeks and stars shining in his eyes.

'Another chicken down.'

Zhao Jun scoffed at Gan Xu, but just then the mechanical voice attracted all attention again.

(Difficulty! Stage 8 Core Formation Realm! Difficult Mode!)

The people had still not come out of shock from Fang Xiyue's performance, but suddenly all their gazes moved over to the dueling stage again as they noticed another sharp-eyed, brown-haired guy standing on the stage with an arrogant form on his face.

"Holy shit! It's the Young Heir of the Great Wang Clan!"

"What is he doing there?!"

"He also chose the same difficulty?!"

"Geniuses are a different breed indeed!"

The people were stunned, and Gan Xu also recognized him. He paid extra attention as he muttered,

"Wang Jingtian? He really dares to choose that difficulty after what he saw?"

"What? You know him? He has been glaring at me since the element checking results."

Zhao Jun commented as he picked at his ears. Gan Xu, unlike his narcissistic tone, now suddenly sounded serious and mature.

"Of course I know him. Among all heirs of Clans, this guy is the most annoying of all, gets easily offended over things that don't even concern him, can't digest defeat, and more than anything, he is too narcissistic! I can't bear him!"

"Even more than you?"

"Of course not! After all, I'm the greatest genius of this era! Hey! Wait! I'm not narcissistic! I'm merely stating the facts!"

Gan Xu immediately scolded Zhao Jun, but Zhao Jun just scoffed as he casually moved his hand away and commented,

"Greatest genius of the era? You are still thousands of years too early while I'm alive."

As Zhao Jun said that, suddenly the mechanical voice resounded again.

(The opponent detected! Efforts to defeat the opponent — Normal!)

"What, you dare? How dare you call me average, you bastard!!!"

Wang Jingtian suddenly screamed as he heard the puppet and immediately rushed towards it, but his palm strike was easily blocked by the puppet's fist.

"Kugh! A mere puppet dares?!?!"

Wang Jingtian roared and immediately tried to swing his fist again with his other hand, but it was caught yet again by the puppet.


He seemed even more enraged, but before he could act again, the puppet smashed its head right into his nose, stunning him on the spot for a moment, and followed by that, the puppet struck his chest more than a dozen times, knocking him a dozen meters away.

"Cough! This mere puppet..."

Wang Jingtian wiped the blood from the corner of his face, and his body got filled with overwhelming dark red energy for a moment as the next moment he dashed over the puppet, and this time his fist managed to land on the puppet's chest, followed by overwhelming pressure behind the fist, knocking the puppet down to the ground.

"Haaah! Haah! I, Wang Jingtian, never admit defeat!!! Huff!"

Wang Jingtian roared, but no candidate dared to utter a word. He glared at Zhao Jun again as Liu Qianyu finally announced it with a bit of an awkward face.

"Wang Jingtian, Qualified."

Wang Jingtian scoffed and just moved on, while Zhao Jun released a deep breath as he commented,

"The fuck is he acting proud for when it looks like one more breath will suck his soul along?"

"That's just how prideful this guy is..."

Gan Xu sighed and then started moving towards the stage himself as the grin on his face reappeared.

"Of course! I'm thousands of times better!"

(Bzzz! Difficulty Stage 8 Core Formation Realm! Hell Mode!)

The hell mode that Gan Xu had just chosen stunned every single candidate, instructor, and even Zhao Jun himself.

"Ha~? Look at this guy..."

Zhao Jun scoffed with a smirk on his face as the next moment, every single being present there exploded in commotion.

"The guy's crazy?! He wants to fight the puppet at its 100% capabilities and even with the skills and techniques unlocked?!"

"Too arrogant!"

"That's madness!"

"Hell mode at the same cultivation realm is just arrogance!!!"

Everyone was going mad, but only Zhao Jun and Liu Qianyu understood the reasonable decision Gan Xu had made, as both knew,

'Although this guy Gan Xu is prideful, narcissistic and all... 'HE IS THE REAL DEAL'!!!'

(The opponent detected! Efforts to defeat the opponent — High!!)

The mechanical voice of the puppet left everyone in the room absolutely stunned as the next second, Gan Xu flashed with a grin, and the red-eyed puppet and Gan Xu both flashed at the same time.

"So what if I'm arrogant! Be better than me if you have a problem! You commoners!!!"

As Gan Xu roared, the fist of both him and the puppet clashed at once, forcing the puppet to back down. After that, Gan Xu gave no chance as he followed the flow with 5 more techniques.


In a moment, the puppet was knocked to the ground, and the light over its eyes slowly faded. Next, Gan Xu roared, looking at all the other candidates looking at him with shaking gazes.

"Know the difference! You commoners!"

As Gan Xu said that, all faces were burning red with rage and frustration, but none had the capability to oppose that strength. But the next moment, Teacher Liu Qianyu just casually went there and picked up Gan Xu like a street cat and scolded,

"Don't pose here, move over to the corner."

"Y-yeah... I will do that."

Liu Qianyu scoffed and tossed Gan Xu aside as her eyes moved over to Zhao Jun, who was now standing in front of the puppet, setting up the difficulty.

(Difficulty: Stage 9 Core Formation Realm!)

(Mode: Hell!!!)

"Madness!!! This is madness!!"

"Isn't he just at the 8th Stage Core Formation Realm!?"

"How dare he choose a difficulty above him!? Hell difficulty no less!?"

"Fuck! Why is everyone so arrogant today!!!"

All candidates declared Zhao Jun mad at once. Even Liu Qianyu didn't have a clue about what Zhao Jun had just done, not to mention the faces of Fang Xiyue and Gan Xu, who were looking at him from a distance.


Join the damn discord, you fucking ungrateful followers, follow the damn commands of the almighty (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠)
