Phase 5

All candidates declared Zhao Jun mad at once. Even Liu Qianyu didn't have a clue about what Zhao Jun had just done, not to mention the faces of Fang Xiyue and Gan Xu, who were looking at him from a distance.

"Sigh, so this is the highest difficulty, huh? I can't close the Nascent Soul Realm, tsk!"

Zhao Jun clicked his tongue in a bit of disappointment, but seeing him, the faces of the others became even more enraged.

"This guy!"

"Even if he is handsome, I feel like punching him!"

"Fuck! Till now, I was thinking those two were annoying, now even this!!!"

"Too arrogant!!!"

Zhao Jun suddenly moved his attention towards the other candidates scoffing at him and just laughed it off as he commented,

"Hahaha! Why is everyone getting so angry like that? I don't always choose the highest difficulty..."

Zhao Jun paused briefly, and his casual smile suddenly turned to cold seriousness.

"But when I do, it's to remind everyone... who the Real Lord is!"

Zhao Jun's words sounded even more arrogant, but no reply could come out of their mouths this time, and the mechanical puppet itself resounded,

(The opponent detected!)

(Efforts to defeat the opponent — Impossible!)

As the voice came out, all beings there were as silent as they could be. They had forgotten to breathe at that moment as a grin flashed over Zhao Jun's face. The next second, he flashed right in front of the puppet with his open palm over the puppet's head.

'Lotus Slow Press Palm.'

As Zhao Jun took back his palm, the puppet itself got filled with hundreds of cracks, and the next second, the puppet exploded into smithereens.


"H-how is this even-!?"

"What is happening! This is impossible!?!"


Zhao Jun scoffed at those remarks and casually flipped his hair aside with a cold grin, replying,

"I have a way of making the impossible look easy. It's a burden I must bear, being the only true God myself."

"Fuck this bastard!"

"He ain't no angel! He is even more arrogant!"

"My soul is burning!"

"Die! Fuck you!"

Zhao Jun scoffed again and, showing a look of pity in his eyes, just moved on, waving his hands back at them.

"Your jealousy is understandable, considering you're in the presence of greatness itself."



"Brother, close your eyes! Your ears have started to bleed!!!"

"The stronger a person is, the more arrogant!"

Liu Qianyu herself was blank as she watched everything and released an intense sigh. The phase continued with a heavy atmosphere and a burden over their hearts.

"Now it's Phase 4! The written exams! We will check your knowledge about cultivation, technique, spells, skills, and demonic beasts with this. Points will be added to the final result too, so do your best."

As Liu Qianyu said that, the exam papers appeared in front of all candidates sitting in a large hall. Most people were confident this time.

'Zhao Jun! No matter how good you are in practicals, knowledge and wisdom is a sign of elites! No one can beat I, Gan Xu, in this field!'

'I will show this damn commoner!'

'Hmph! This idiot can't remember the clans and people in this world, how can he remember Demonic Beasts and such!'

'Die, Zhao Jun!'

Out of nowhere, Zhao Jun had become the center of all competition and hatred, but it seems most people forgot that the demonic beasts they were writing about, most were killed by the hands of Zhao Jun hundreds of times. And is there anyone who knows more about cultivation than the creator himself?

'Funny people...'

Here's the proofread version of your text:

Zhao Jun scoffed and started writing his papers. After a few hours, when the result chart came out, all except Zhao Jun were seen lying on the ground, with their souls hanging over their mouths.

Name | Score

--- | ---

Zhao Jun | 100

Fang Xiyue | 98

Gan Xu | 98

Wang Jingtian | 97

Yuan Zhu | 94

... | ...

"Fucking hell..."

"Perfect score..."

"How? Just what logic? What brain?"

"This bastard is going to break all records today!"

Zhao Jun just smiled, watching them all like that. Liu Qianyu, pulling her cheeks, moved out of her daze. Composing herself, she finally announced,

"We are going for the last phase of our National Exams! You will be sent to a virtual world exactly the same as ours through VR capsules. There, you all need to make a team of two. The scores will be given equally to both members of the team, so choose carefully. The task is to survive for 3 days there, which is just 3 hours in this world. If you manage to hunt other teams, you will gain their points too, and if you hunt demonic beasts, you will gain points from them as well! I wish you all luck."

With that, Liu Qianyu brought them all to a hall with hundreds of capsules. Slowly, all candidates entered the capsules. As they closed their eyes, the VR machines activated, and all were spawned inside a virtual world with everything the same as the real world.

"Even the texture of grass and Qi is the same..."

Zhao Jun commented, feeling impressed, as he was spawned in the middle of the forest during the daytime. As he closed his eyes, spreading his Qi to check on others, an amused expression flashed on his face with a wary smile.

"Wow, this darn exam... I was just wanting to show off, but they really spawned us in the middle of so many Tier 4 Demonic Beasts, huh... When Teacher Liu Qianyu said the task is survival, she wasn't joking, huh..."

Zhao Jun sighed, and suddenly his feet became all hard and agile as his Qi spread even wider.

*Untouched Sword Dance Footwork!*

Zhao Jun immediately flashed from the place as he shouted,

"Gotta find Fang Xiyue quickly! My cute little navigation guide! Where have you spawned?"

"Achoo! Which devil is suddenly thinking of me now..."

Fang Xiyue suddenly sneezed as she was seen climbing over a tree, rubbing her nose.


Join the damn discord, you fucking ungrateful followers, follow the damn commands of the almighty (눈‸눈)
