Wild Rampage 3


Zhao Jun posed this question as they both landed on the ground, surrounded by swamps. The area was permeated with a horrible stench, and the wet nature of the trees and plants in the surroundings made it particularly uncomfortable for humans.

"Yeah, I guess we're in its territory now. But it seems like we need to provoke it ourselves to make it come out..."

Fang Xiyue responded to Zhao Jun, who had already begun to advance toward the denser region of the dark woods.

"Then we should be extra careful. I can sense some scaly creatures lurking here, and the swamps are bubbling with substances like acidic poison. I understand now why candidates avoided this part of the Southern Region."

"Yes, indeed. Without the proper control of Qi for protection, candidates wouldn't stand a chance here. This place is truly not worth any risk."

Fang Xiyue sighed in agreement. Zhao Jun nodded, and as they were passing by a huge, dark green swamp filled with muddy, poisonous water, a massive alligator, over 20 meters long with enormous green spikes on its back and foaming with poison, suddenly leaped towards Zhao Jun, its jaw opened wide enough to swallow him whole.

"A Tier 4 monster! That must be the Swamp King! Be careful!!!"

Fang Xiyue quickly analyzed the danger, her eyes filled with tension and worry, but it was more than reasonable. However, before the monster could reach Zhao Jun, he pushed his open palm towards the direction of the open-jawed monster. The next second, several swords materialized mid-air and shot right through the mouth of the monster. It turned to dust and vanished as if it had never existed.

"Was that a spell?"

Fang Xiyue, once again stunned, witnessed the monstrous firepower of that spell. Zhao Jun looked at her and casually responded with a smile, "Oh yeah, I picked it up when I had some free time."

Saying this, he continued to move along the path beside the swamp. Fang Xiyue, still stunned, followed behind him. Unknown to her, several heads under the swamp had slowly started to move towards her from the back.


Zhao Jun, skilled and alert, sensed all their presences. The next moment, several dozen more swords materialized, slicing through all their heads as their corpses slowly surfaced on the swamp before turning into dust.

"When did you..."

Fang Xiyue was again left in shock, but as she turned to Zhao Jun, his demeanor had suddenly turned serious and cautious. In a defensive posture, he alerted her, "Be careful now. Things have become much more dangerous than we expected..."

As Zhao Jun said this, a huge roar from over a mile away captured their attention, resonating through the area.


The sharp and violent scream of that monster was enough to stiffen Zhao Jun and Fang Xiyue momentarily, as in the next moment, a huge shockwave of pressurized wind rushed in all directions, bringing an intense storm towards them.


"Cover up!"

Zhao Jun and Fang Xiyue, both standing in the middle of an immensely dense forest, felt the storm unleashed by the monster's scream pushing them a few meters back.

"Tsk! He noticed us! Fang Xiyue, change of plans; we are heading for direct combat instead of an ambush!"

"Straight-up combat?! Are you crazy?! That's easily at least a Tier 5 monster on the verge of breaking through to Tier 6?! That's too dangerous, even if it's a simulation!"

Fang Xiyue tried to convince Zhao Jun with a perspective quite logical, even for prodigies, but who was Zhao Jun? Surely not 'just a prodigy guy.'

"It's a simulation; that's why it's worth the risk! Where else will you get a chance to fight against a peak Tier 5 monster while you are in the Golden Core Realm?! This is all worth an experience, and you need not worry; worse comes to worst, I can still escape along with you."

As Zhao Jun said this, a sword materialized in his hands. He waved his blade towards the direction the storm was coming from, and at once, the whole storm rushing towards him was cut in half, separating a path ahead for them.


Zhao Jun shouted, as Fang Xiyue immediately followed after him with a taken-aback look on her face.

"Cutting such an intense storm in half without even using any technique, just a swing of the sword... This guy! Just how strong has he grown! Does he even need me here!?"

Fang Xiyue was stunned but followed behind Zhao Jun. As they moved forward, Zhao Jun kept cutting the wind ahead, creating a frictionless path ahead with nothing to stop them.

Monsters hidden in the swamps started to run away; none were attacking Zhao Jun or Fang Xiyue. Instead, they were more focused on escaping in the opposite direction. Finally, after running about a mile, Zhao Jun and Fang Xiyue stopped at the edge of the dense forest. Right in front of them, there was a huge upheaval of ground, as if a meteor had emerged from the earth instead of falling from the heavens, and the reason for this commotion was right in front of their eyes: an enormously gigantic demonic monster taking a deep breath, then howling towards the heavens.



"Too loud..."

Fang Xiyue was forced to cover both of her ears by just that scream. This monster was the reason for all the storms and fear among the monsters.

Right in front of Zhao Jun and Fang Xiyue was the last boss of this whole simulation world: a towering Demonic Monster, an enormous serpent a mile long, densely covered with stone-like scales as tough as diamond. At the same time, the demonic monster was also covered with slimy poison. Next, as the gaze of that monster met Zhao Jun's, the true chaos finally started.



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