Wild Rampage 4


"Fang Xiyue! Prepare the formation! I need to stop this one until then! We have a time limit of 83 seconds! Now, it's either me dying or this guy becoming my tank in the open battlefield!"

Zhao Jun commanded, skillfully cutting through all the shockwaves and immediately rushed forward towards the enormous demonic beast in front of him.

Fang Xiyue, maintaining her composure, nodded in agreement and quickly moved towards the sidelines, getting out of the direct line of sight of that enormous, giant-like snake.

"Then, be careful!" she called out.

Zhao Jun acknowledged with a nod while his feet muscles suddenly tightened, and he flashed forward like some enormous grass blade being pushed by a storm, waving in the air like a sword yet still rooted deeply within the ground.

Untouched Sword Dance Footwork!

'Mountain Devouring Serpent... I have studied these Demonic Beasts before, and among them, the Mountain Devouring Serpent is quite an exceptional species. They prefer living alone, away from their own kind, yet are born with the destiny of kings. Their stone scales are tougher than diamonds, and their slimy poison can melt down even the bones of Nascent Soul Realm Cultivators. With such an astonishing passive form of defense and offense, this monster is truly worthy of being called the boss of the entire region,' Zhao Jun thought, with a grin of a battle maniac on his face.

Just as he was rushing forward, suddenly dozens of earthen pillars, as sharp as spears and lethal, started to rise out of the ground.

'Coated in poison too!?'

Zhao Jun was quick to notice this. The hot, lethal gas surrounding those earthen pillars, due to the dark pain poison placed over their edges, made it clear. One touch and your next blink might be in front of the king of hell.

Thankfully, Zhao Jun noticed this just in time and, with even more severe caution, started to rush even faster. However, the Demonic Monster in front of him didn't seem too happy to see his attack fail.


The Monster suddenly roared again, and all of a sudden, the ground that Zhao Jun was running over started to collapse. It was as if an enormous hole had appeared beneath the ground.


Zhao Jun clicked his tongue and took a massive leap into the air. In the very next second, about a hundred swords materialized out of thin air in front of him and immediately surged towards the monster's face in a direct assault.

'100 Sword Summon.'

The monster, caught off guard by this unexpected move, quickly recoiled its tail to defend against the onslaught of materialized swords. All hundred swords shattered upon impact, failing to inflict any damage on the beast. Yet, in the process, the monster lost track of Zhao Jun.

But just as the monster thought it had averted the danger, its instincts screamed a warning of an impending threat from above. By the time it lifted its head to look up, Zhao Jun was already there, his figure revolving mid-air with a sword covered in intense flames, his eyes emitting a cold, shining light.

'Phoenix Dragon Blaze Control.'

The Demonic Monster's eyes widened for a brief moment, realizing the situation was beyond any quick defensive action. In the next second, Zhao Jun's powerful and searing sword strike landed squarely on top of the monster's head.


The monster couldn't help but release a pained scream. Almost immediately, it countered with a huge breath of poison aimed straight at Zhao Jun's face as he was still descending mid-air.

To the shock of everyone, Zhao Jun, upon contact with the poison breath, appeared to turn instantly to dust. Fang Xiyue, witnessing this horrific scene, screamed out in disbelief.

"Zhao Jun??!"


To her utter surprise, Zhao Jun's voice came from beside her. She turned in shock to find Zhao Jun standing unscathed next to her, five different colored swords materializing behind him.

"That was just an illusion spell. Anyway, how much more time do you need?"

"30 seconds..."

Upon hearing her response, Zhao Jun immediately nodded. Then, with a swift signal, the five swords rushed towards the monster, effortlessly penetrating its defenses and exploding right upon its face.

'5 Pure Blade Command.'


Hearing that scream, Zhao Jun couldn't help but grin again. The next second, he rushed forward as two dragons started to rise from the earth beneath his feet, slowly coiling around him like a pair of serpents.

'Twin Dragon Advancement.'

The dragons abruptly surged upwards, growing larger as they moved straight towards the monster.


The monster, still reeling from the series of attacks, instinctively formed earthen walls around itself for defense. But the dragons were quicker, bypassing the defense, strangling the monster for a few seconds before exploding.


Despite the intense assault, Zhao Jun's expression remained unimpressed. All his efforts had resulted in just a small crack on the monster's back stone scale, and nothing more.

'What the hell kind of defense is this...'

Zhao Jun scoffed, his sword igniting in a blaze, creating a fierce aura. He charged forward at immense speed. The monster, a bit stunned, saw him again but quickly launched a series of attacks.

The pillars of poison, loathed earthen pillars, the trembling and continuously collapsing ground, poison breath, and striking with its tail – the monster utilized all its attacks as best as it could. Yet, Zhao Jun avoided each one of them with absolute ease. The next moment, he was standing straight on the ground in front of the Demonic Monster.


But now, all the ground around him had collapsed. He had no place to step, and the monster was staring down at him from high above with an ominous presence. Just as Zhao Jun's demise seemed imminent, Fang Xiyue suddenly shouted.

"The formation is complete!!!"

Hearing this, the tired look on Zhao Jun's face vanished. In the next moment, a grin replaced his expression as he turned his head towards the monster again. Crushing a crystal in his hand, another crystal set within an enormous formation about 500 meters away also exploded. Zhao Jun coldly commented..."Nice to meet you... My Golden Finger!



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