Wild Rampage 5

"Nice to meet you... My Golden Finger!

As Zhao Jun said that, suddenly a pillar of Qi surrounded him, and the formation placed more than several hundred meters away. Next, the complicated circles and shapes of that formation made up on the ground started to slowly move upwards, floating mid-air, followed by several layers of them at once.

100,000 Beast Control Marionette!

Zhao Jun immediately performed several complicated hand signs, followed by a powerful outburst over the ground. The mountain-devouring serpent could sense an ominous feeling from these sudden movements and immediately tried to interject and disturb Zhao Jun, but he was a bit too late. The next second, a shockwave from Zhao Jun's outburst completely surrounded him and Zhao Jun in a semi-spherical dome of dark energy.

It felt like time and all movements had stopped inside that place, between Zhao Jun and that monster.

"What the hell is that formation..."

Fang Xiyue, who had made it herself, was stunned beyond words as she saw that dark dome of energy covering a radius of a whole mile at once. She was barely outside the edge of that dome as she looked forward with a shocked face.

'Zhao Jun just gave me the way to form this formation on the ground just a few hours ago when we were planning this out. Obviously, making a successful formation on the first try is nothing but sort of a miracle or an act of genius; I consider myself neither.

But he just said it's either win or death and went ahead with so much trust. Clearly, I didn't manage to design a proper formation, but even then, he managed to pull it off...

What level of formation knowledge and control does he have? Just how much does he know? Though he acts childish all the time, his wisdom is deeper than the abyss, broader than heaven, and richer than earth... But even I don't know what kind of formation that is?! What is he planning to do, actually?!'

As Fang Xiyue was going through all sorts of confusion and thought processes, Zhao Jun inside the formation was suddenly seen cracking his bones as if he was warming up or something, while the monster in front of him seemed to be paralyzed on its spot, looking towards Zhao Jun in the eyes, trembling with fear.

"As I calculated... You, even though you are at the peak of Tier 5, almost Tier 6, and a Mountain Devouring Serpent at that, have quite an impressive bloodline. But in simulation, your strength isn't even 50% of what it is originally supposed to be.

If you had been at your full strength in this simulation, it wouldn't be a surprise if all candidates got wiped out within 3 minutes, considering how rageful your nature actually is..."

As Zhao Jun said that, he slowly moved forward towards the direction of that monster. Each step he took formed more and more sweat on the head of the monster in front of him. The next second, Zhao Jun suddenly started to form an enormous outburst of pure white qi around him.

"Anyways, the first day of survival has already passed, the second day of adaptation is already upon us, to gain more resources... I declare,

There won't be any third day of fighting back for the candidates..."

Zhao Jun said that, and with that, suddenly the monster, with its head about 300 meters above Zhao Jun, suddenly felt gravity increasing over it. Within a second, its head got crushed over the ground all at once, as if its weight had increased by more than 100 times all of a sudden, not even enough strength to lift up the eyelids to look straight at Zhao Jun, who was slowly moving forward with a grin. Next, Zhao Jun sharply placed his hand straight over the Mountain Devouring Serpent's head in front of him.

"Kugh! Poison is still rough!!!"

Zhao Jun's palm turned dark within a flash because of all the poison at the surface of that monster, but he didn't back down. Instead, he started to infuse all the white qi around him inside that monster, and slowly but surely, the pupils of that monster lost their color and got replaced by pure white pupils, just like how Zhao Jun had at the moment.

"Demonic Beast force submission_ Success!!!"

Zhao Jun grinned as he removed his hand, while slowly cutting down the effect of the poison. The next second, the dark dome of formation also vanished, and the formation made over the ground also exploded, destroying itself.

"Zhao Jun..."

Fang Xiyue immediately looked forward as the dark dome of energy transformed into fog, slowly vanishing into the air. As the aura and energy settled, Zhao Jun was seen standing at the absolute top of the head of the Mountain Devouring Serpent, looking down over Fang Xiyue from atop its head.

"Our local weapon of mass destruction... Successfully Acquired!"

Zhao Jun confidently announced, while Fang Xiyue, on the other side, was filled with shivers and trembling as the monster exhaled a deep breath filled with deadly poisonous fog.

"This exam... It will surely be legendary in the entire history of the Great Jade Peace University,"

Fang Xiyue finally commented, releasing a deep sigh with an uncontrollable grin at the corner of her face. The next moment, the monster suddenly released a loud war cry, alerting every candidate in this simulation.




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