
As I stand in the field

Facing demons called desires,

Their breaths revealed

Little burning fire!

It is surrounding me in circle

Tormenting me, burning me,

Around me the fire would swirl

Its been blocking the reality

Its been blocking You

Its Your loving glance

That I cannot see!I feel helpless

For its my doing

For I created these demons inside me

I gave them food, milk and water,

I nourished these desires

And now they are demons

Torturing their guardian!

Its alright

I think I deserve the torture

For the all of my body should be burnt

For what's the use of such a stunt?

What's the use of living?

When I'm not believing

That You are here!

You are killing them And removing my fears!

For I cannot watch it from here

The cloud of fire dust surrounds me

Why should I live?

Now that I've decided to abandon Your holy Name!

Your pastimes and Your transcendental Game!

Your loving glances and Your eternal love!

I have deceived You and Your beloveds!

Why should I live?