[39] Always Stay Energized!

Chapter 39: Always Stay Energized!

Although Yuta was indeed strapped for cash and well aware of his limited abilities, he always believed he had the technical skills to fall back on. If nothing else, he could always find work in the tech industry.

But starting a plastic basin company? How did it come to this?!

If it had been any kind of plastics company, he might have accepted it, but this clearly demanded that he establish a plastic basin company specifically.

Yuta felt insulted, discriminated against. He was a skilled technician who had worked on countless cars and large machines, highly sought after by various companies. And now, he was being told to start a plastic basin company?

"What the hell! Why not just ask me to carry bricks?!" he shouted in frustration.

No sooner had the words left his mouth than he heard the sound of camel bells in his ears.


[A side quest has been initiated. Side quests are optional, and failure carries no penalty.]

[Bricklaying at the Construction Site: Within three days, spend a day carrying bricks at a construction site.]

[Quest Reward: 10,000 yen! This is the last cash reward quest of the month, so please choose wisely.]

Yuta's anger quickly turned to pain as he stared at the 10,000 yen reward. He felt as though he had been slapped in the face.

To go or not to go?

If he went, he would have enough to cover a month's living expenses.

If he didn't, he'd have to find another way to make money—working night shifts, taking on part-time jobs, exhausting himself just to earn enough to start a company, or waiting for his manuscript fees to come in.

Yuta stood up and straightened his clothes. No matter what, he had to complete the tasks he chose.

"It's just one day. No big deal," he muttered to himself.

"Fine! I'll carry bricks! But when I have money, I'll buy out the entire construction site!"

Yuta walked over to the mirror, clenched his fists, and raised his arm. Although his thin frame looked even weaker after boosting his charisma a bit, he could tell that his body had actually grown stronger.

"Perfect opportunity to test my strength and stamina," Yuta thought.

He had always wanted to find a way to test his physical abilities. Since fighting was out of the question, a construction site was the ideal place—he could earn money while getting some exercise.

As a highly skilled technician, Yuta wasn't afraid of hard work. There were times when he had to live and work on-site to meet project deadlines, so he didn't see carrying bricks as something beneath him.

The reason he had spoken so strongly earlier was that he saw himself as someone who worked with his brain, not with his hands. But now, it didn't matter whether the work was mental or physical—what mattered was earning money. He had a family to support and no room to be picky.

Having decided to work at the construction site tomorrow, Yuta gathered his things and closed the room.

When he stepped out, he saw Sora and Miu, with Hina sitting nearby playing with her dolls.

"Sora, can I borrow this laptop?" Yuta asked.

Sora nodded, "Of course. I hope it helps you, Uncle."

Miu glanced around the room quietly before standing up and forcing a smile. "We should get going."

Yuta remembered something and said, "There's one more thing I need to take. Wait for me."

Sora and Miu nodded, and Yuta left. He returned in less than a minute, holding a children's bath cap, the kind used to keep water from dripping into a child's eyes while washing their hair.

"I remember Hina mentioned this. With this, you won't have to worry about water getting in your eyes when washing your hair," Yuta said to Hina with a resigned smile.

When Yuta washed Hina's hair, she would often rub her eyes uncomfortably. The bath cap was designed to prevent water from getting into her eyes, like a hat with just a brim.

Hina, holding her favorite white bunny plush, ran over to Yuta excitedly. "Uncle, this is my favorite toy! It's the bunny Mommy gave me. You can make a wish with it! Mommy said if you take good care of it, it will make your wishes come true!"

Yuta's emotions were mixed as he gently patted Hina's head. "Thank you, Hina. But this is your precious toy, so let it grant your wishes instead."

Yuta didn't have any wishes for the bunny to fulfill; he only wished for Hina to keep smiling and growing up happy.

Hina looked up at her uncle, and when he passed his wish back to her, she asked, "Then can I make a wish?"

Yuta nodded, "Of course you can. As long as you keep smiling and stay happy, Uncle will always have the energy to keep going!"

Hina's thoughts were simple, and she cheerfully said, "Then as long as Uncle has energy, Hina will smile for you! Hehe~"

Seeing Hina's innocent smile, Yuta stood up and exaggeratedly said, "Hina smiled, so now Uncle is full of energy!"

With that, Yuta picked Hina up and headed toward the door.

"Let's go, and next time, we'll all come back together!"

Sora and Miu took one last look around the room before following Yuta out.


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