Dao of Sword part 2

(Mc pov):

As I let my breath go smokes start coming out my mouth "so fucking cool " I said with smoke still coming out my mouth

[ sir you ruined the moment]

"Ah darn you're right mark that as how not to ruin a cool moment and but it at number 3". But in all seriousness as I took a breath at the start my muscles started to contract making them tougher and my heart rate increased thus make my adrenaline higher.

which is good making me faster and stronger an after effect is strained muscles but overall a very good technique now that was that was only the first move of the Way of the Phoenix which I only now came up with the name it has a one sword style and a two sword style the Dissecting Talon is a one sword style.

Now I take a deep breath again as my muscles start contracting again and my heart rate spikes up both my hands are on the handle as I take a step forward I bring the whole sword down in one big swoop while murmuring "Way of the Phoenix: Bird of Prey" Haaaaaaaa i sighed clearing the smoke from my mouth.

'i can't believe I made a pact two years ago for saying the name of the attack for an increase of power my god it sound so chunni' i thought while looking at the 10 feet long craves that's 5 inch wide

I think imma go for two more moves and that's it for today I gotta get to the Orphanage better the matron realize why I'm really gone I'm starting to suspect she's suspecting me hmm while in thought about what move to do I hold my first flame katana in my left hand.

Reaching out my right forming another purple fireball and also takes the shape of another katana as I hold both in a reverse grip and put my hands futhur apart that it looks like I'm T posing.

I then lean my body I release a bit of air before whispering "Way of the Phoenix: Birds of a feather " before shooting off into the direction of another tree before chriss crossing my arms with my left arm going under my right while both blade made contact with tree while finishing the saying "Flock together".

What follow after was what could only be described as beautiful as two sharp wind blade made of purple fire continued to cut down trees parallel of each before it dissipated into the wind. 'Phew that took it out of me' I thought while panting .

Okay one more I say before shooting into the sky by just by my pure jumping powers as I was on the sky I began to tuck into a ball before spinning and turning into what could only be described as two power saws while shouting "Way of the Phoenix: Sharp Feathers" before hitting the ground in a big explosion


with dust flying while in dust all you can practically hears is the sounds of my wheezing cause in case people forgot im still 8 years fucking old and my lungs aren't that develop.

As the dust clears you can me with both swords inbedded into the ground while I'm one knee still wheezing like I'm on asthma. God the things I do for showmen ship I thought before saying to Metis "I think imma get a 30 minute break" and then losing conscious.