Bring me the Money

Imma be honest I have do idea how investing works and I can't be bother to check how it works so sorry for pulling numbers out of my ass


(Omni pov)

Here we see our dumbass Mc on the floor like the fucking idiot he is passed out. As he's starting to wake up have starts tumbling trying to find his footing. "How long was I passed out" he asked rhetorically as he checks his phone which shows it still noon and has time left for other business.

As he finishes putting his phone away he starts running towards a cliff and does a leap of faith "WOOOOAHHHHHH THIS NEVER GETS OLD" he screams as he starts falling before doing back flips and then transitions into a phoenix.

With a flap he goes to the sky again before returning to his warehouse which is a 20 minute leisurely flight as he lands at his warehouse he calls some "friends" he made, now I know what you may be wondering how can a 8 year old own a ware house and that stuff we seen before.

Well the answer is simple what happens when a super strong kid meets a ordinary gangster the answer is obvious the kids beat the shit out of him and then his entire gang and they become his subordinates you get it.

Now the friend Ash is calling just happens to be subordinate #1. "Yo subordinate #1 have my stocks that I invested return in doubles probably triple"

"N-N-No young master there's still more time before every single one can be accounted for, it'll probably be finish by the end of the month Fenix-sama" subordinate # 1 answered warily and scared as shit. Subordinate #1 still remembers how they first met and let's just say it wasn't a fond memory.

~~ memory lane~~

We see or happy go luck 6 year old walking down the street of Tokyo counting the money he just got from doing the chores of others "1000 yen , 2000 yen 3000, now I gotta put all together with the one's I saved and I start investing now I just got to find someone trustworthy" he murmurs to himself while lost in thought he failed to see future subordinate #1 coming towards him but maybe he did see and just simply couldn't care less

"Oi, oi, oi, whats a runt like doing out here in the streets with all that money I know someone someone that can keep nice and warm for you little fella" future subordinate #1 said with a wicked smile which you know is full with malice.

"Haaaaaaaa the fuck, you on something or some shit" replied Ash with a tone unbefitting of a child with glowing purple eyes that look like he was about ready to turn him into cinders

'The hell is wrong with thid kid does he have a disorder or something' thought future #1 looking at Ash like he was the weirdo

'You know what I can work with this I need people to buy stuff for me without finding its way back to me and I think I just found the perfect scape goat' Ash thought already planning on scaring the shit of him. Then Ash's smile turn full sinister he smiled so wide it look like his cheeks were gonna rip apart (no homo). While twisting his head to the side Ash asked "Why don't you come with me for a bit" as he started to drag him into a dark alley

"The fuck don't touch me you little weirdo" future #1 said while trying to take Ash's hand away from him, 'The hell why is he so freakishly strong, why can't I get away from him' he thought while still trying to pry ash's hand from his cloths.

"W-w-what are you gonna do to me, please leave me alone I'm sorry okay I'm scum for trying to steal from you I turn into a farmer and be helpful towards society just please let me go "#1 pleaded

"Why be helpful towards society when you can be helpful towards me huh" Ash turns around to face #1 while still wearing that sinister smile that promises pain. As Ash turn into the alley all you can hear were screams of agony that no human would know was possible it scared those streets of Tokyo so much that the tale itself turned into a curse but thats a story for another time.

And after deal with #1 Ash went dealing with all gangsters in the area were they all listing to him while following his every command.


"Oh and one more thing send me the portfolio of the performing stock market and you better not make any mistakes after all 10 million usd is alot of money to lose right now after I spent 2 whole acquiring so this is big money and we'll be able to make that money go stonk and I don't pay 1 million yen for nothing so get it moving. You know where to find me, yeah I'm in the warehouse dumbass"

(Mc pov) :

"Sighhhhh being rich is such a hassel I had to do so much studying that I already finished all high-school material and I'm half way through the college ones" I complain outloud still sitting down in the floor 'man I wish there 2 of me so we can finish this faster and then come together to get it down even faster' then it struck me

"I'M SUCH A FUCKING DUMBASSSS WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THIS SOONER UGHHHHHHHH" I screamed while banging my head on the floor.