Official Start

(Mc pov):

*A few hours later after having dealt with the interview *

'Standing on top of Tokyo tower with an ice creamed on hand it's the peak of life' i turn to the side and see Ori just licking away at a three scoops of ice cream while floating next to me

Now that I've been registered it means everyone will soon come after me which if looking at it from my battle junkie side I would welcome it with open arms but my romantic side is screaming that it's gonna ruin some of my future dates ughhhh

I sigh again thinking about the future especially about Geto i can't really burned his body when he dies or my relationship with Gojo sours and I can't really just leave it when I know kenjaku is just around the corner getting his hair pulled and backshotted waiting for Geto to die.

'Decisions Decisions oh what to do you think I should do Metis'


"Metis?" This time outloud worry something happened to her

'Wait I know this trope it's where a girls been ignored and starts giving you the silent treatmen- oh i see ....

Sorry Metis its just alot has happened and alot will happen that I sometimes forget to consult with you about things'

[Sir has no need to apologize]

'Right right but yeah sorry for not consulting in for this'

Anyways I'll just think about it when we get there it's no use to worry about something that hasn't happened yet.

*Phone ring*

Hearing my phone ringing i looked down on it and see that's Gojo calling

'Hmm he must have finished the meeting with higher ups'

Picking the first one to speak was Gojo.

"Hehehe where are you I got something, it's important"

"At the moment I'm on top of Tokyo tower" I said looking around me.

Gojo the said "okay I'll be there in a minuteman as Gojo hangs up space distorted for a second as Gojo appeared infront of me with something in hand, a party popper

And as he pulls the string confetti shot out at me while gojo was clapping

"Yay congratulations on making it to Tokyo Jujutsu Highand becoming a special grade sorcerer"

"Already? I thought it would have taken much longer for them to agree to make me a special grade. Did you have something to do with it" still not believing it happend so quickly

Gojo just smiled and said "Nope you did"

"Huh" was the only sound that came out my mouth follow by

"What do you mean I did I barely did anything"

Gojo then started laughing, "hehehehehe hear this they think you're the messenger of God or something"

"The Fuck why would they think that are the years finally catching up to them or something" still not understanding why they would think that I mean I'm just a phoen- oh I see

Deadpan and in a plain voice I asked "They think I'm THE Suzaku don't they" completely forgetting about the bird.

Gojo just started laughing again and said "Yup" popping the p

Gojo continued "They were even talking about setting you up with their daughters, aren't you just the popular kind"

"Anyways here" gojo then proceeds to take out a student I.D and throw it at me

Catching it I then start to look at it and see the word "specia" on the top of the left hand corner of my picture

Seeing this just puts a smile on my face this is now technically my official start in the jujutsu world and it's just going to keep getting better and better