
(Omni pov):

And as the next two month passes it's the start of brand new school term. Which mean it's the start of Ash's first day as a student at Tokyo Jujutsu High.

Ash can be seen leisurely walking to the school like he couldn't be bother but thats futhur from his thought

'Oh god it's happening it's really happening just stay calm STAY FUCKING CALM'

As you can see Ash is far from what you would call calm and collected, right now he's making his way through the temple and into the school and as he walks and get in front of the door he can hear Gojo talking to the class

"It looks like everyone is mostly here we're just waiting for one student and- oh it looks like he's already here"

As Ash heard Gojo he slowly slide the door to the classroom open and as he took the first step inside Panda's, Toge's and Maki's body grew tense and sweat rolled down their back their only thought at the moment was

'He's strong really strong'

and as he soon dissappear and appeared before them they jumped up and back getting away from him

'And fast I didn't even see him move the the hell is up with this guy' were their last thought before Ash spoke since he first stepped in

--------------------(pov change,Mc pov)---------------

As I heard Gojo finish talking I slid the door to the classroom open and as I stepped in my TSTP instinctively activated when I saw her for the very first time my thoughts that went a thousand time faster was mostly stuck on her

The anime didn't do her any justice and before I knew it my body instinctively flash stepped on it's own.

when I appeared I was already on my knees with her hands sandwiched in-between mine and I look deeply into her eyes and in a voice of all seriousness I say to her

"Marry me"

And as those words escaped my lips Both Toge and Panda shouted in surprise

Panda: WHAT



While gojo was still laughing his butt off i continue to look into her eyes as her face started getting red with embarrassment she then shouted

"Get away from me you creep" and tried to push me off her hand with a kick to the chest but when she say that I didn't move and inch she was left shock

"What the hell are you made off, and why the hell would you think I would agree to Marry you I don't know anything about you in the first"

Your right you don't know anything about me" I said as I let go off her hand before continuing

"My name is Ash Fenix, given name Ash surname Fenix, my date of birth February 5 2001, blood type O+, my favorite pass time is training, Fighting and and blacksmithing, I am an orphan and have a special grade curse for a little sister, my favorite food is pasta and my favorite dessert is puddin"

"Now now Ash leave your poor classmate alone and take a seat we were just about to introduce ourselves to each other" gojo stepped in before i could continue.

"Now back into introductions let's me introduce you to each other" Gojo then point at Maki and said "First up we have Cursed weapons user Zenin Maki she wields special armaments that can be exorcise curses" Maki didn't say anything when her name was mentioned and just stayed quiet

Gojo then continued "spell caster Inumaki Toge, his vocabulary only consists of ingredients to make rice balls so good luck having conversation with him"

Toge just gave a quick "Kombu"


Panda then replied to Gojo's introduction "I'm panda nice to meet you"

Gojo then pointed to me and said "A specialist in almost everything weather in weapons, hand to hand combat and spell casting, special grade sorcerer Ash Fenix" I just nodded at them before

Gojo pointed at himself

"And now the introduction you've all been waiting for give it up for your most beautiful, most handsome and most Powerful sensei in the whole world Gojo Satoru"

Well all just looked at him deadpanned before I say "I see you're still narcissistic as alwaysyou bastard".


Now now I know some of you are going to be mad with choice of the Fl being Maki but I just wanna defend myself by saying I saw a cosplayer and fanart of Maki on tiktok before I started writing and I have never been able to look at Maki the same way again