My longest chapter yet this is why there is so fewer chapter's today


(Omni pov):

When class was finally over they decided to stay behind to get to know each other as they were going to be together for the foreseeable future

The one to start the conversation was surprisingly Maki "Am I seriously going to be the only girl here".

"Not really there's another girl here she just hasn't show herself yet" hearing Ash Maki turned to him and gave him a confused look and looked around to see what he was talking about

Seeing Maki not understanding what he meant

He simply sighed and said "it really looked like you didn't hear me when I was Introducing myself"

Maki then sarcastically apologized "Yeah sorry my bad cause of the time of the sudden proposal my greatest concern was your introduction"

"You are forgiven then. And as I was saying in my introduction I said I have a curse spirit as my little sister i wasn't joking when I said that. You can come out and introduce yourself Ori." Ash's necklace then turned a purple hue before Ori appeared.

Seeing the little girl appear out of nowhere and the great amount of curse energy she possess the three them jumped in shocked.

Panda took out a pair of blue brass knuckles with a cute panda designed on top of it.

Maki took out her naginata from hear bag in a quick motion and pointed it at Ori.

And Toge put a hand on his neck sleeve (?) that was covering his mouth ready to lower it at any given moment.

Ori seeing this simply bow and introduce herself and pretended that they weren't pointing their weapons at her "Hello my name Fenix Ori nice to meet you" she then turned around completely ignoring them and said "can I go back to sleep onii-chan" seeing no reason to deny her of this Ash simply nodded.

And she went back inside the pedant.

Panda was the first one to speak " Wow what was that"

Ash only rolled his eyes "Does nobody listen when I talk c'mon I literally just said what she was, she's a special grade curse spirit that's connected to me with a Binding Vow" Ash seeing they were still in a fighting position suddenly had an idea

"Hey wait don't put away your weapons I have an idea, what better way to get to know each other better than a fight against each other"

Hearing his idea the three agree and got into the open field outside the school

Ash then proposes that they fight him together "since I'm a special grade sorcerer it wouldn't be fair to fight you one on one so I want you all to fight me together and give it everything you got"

Ash who was wearing a dress shirt simple rolled up with sleeves and said "c'mon now I don't have all day you know"

Hearing his answer Maki got pissed "are you looking down on us you bastard?"

Hearing her question Ash just gave her the most beautiful smile he can muster that even left Maki stunned for while before replying to her question with a simple "Yes"

Hearing his answer snapped Maki out her thought. Her face then turned into a scowl and jumped forward with pole side of her Naginata ready to smash it on his side as it was about to hit his side he simply grabbed it and pulled her close and as he pulled her in he said

"Just cause I find you beautiful doesn't mean I won't fight back" and threw a side kick to her stomach sender her flying letting go of her Naginata but she was able to recover and touch the ground with her hand and do a back flip lend perfectly.

Seeing how easily she was sent flying Toge lowered his mouth cover and screamed "STOP" it was able to stop Ash for 1 second and that second was all panda need to run towards him and him it the chest and push him back about 1 feet from where he was standing

Seeing panda able to push him back brought a smile towards Ash's face he then grabbed his pendant and asked Ori for a Wooden sword, seeing the wooden sword appear the got into a fighting position again but before they continued he simple threw it towards Maki

"Here to make it fair It would be fair it you couldn't use the blade side" seeing his gesture she simple smiled before going back running towards him now with the bokken on hand seeing Maki make her way to Ash Panda quickly followed

As she tried smashing the bokken down which Ash quickly block with with his forearms and punched her in the stomach but Maki let herself get hit and quickly grabbed his arm and kicked him in the face

Panda then saw his chance and tried to punch him in the liver was stopped by his kick as he blasted off towards Toge , seeing this said stop again make panda stop mid air this time his voice got hoarsier making it difficult for him to talk

Ash after kicking panda away punched Maki in the stomach again but much harder, she simply folded as the was sent flying she then tried to stopped herself by planting the bokken on the ground and as she did so the was still sliding backwards

Seeing that Ash was open Toge opened his mouth and said "Attract" but having said this caused his mouth to bleed and and keep flowing out Ash then got hit with a force that pulled his body towards Toge

As Ash let the the force pull him closer panda who was next to Toge simple went it his gorilla mode and and slapped Ash right into his stomach causing a drop of blood to appear in his mouth and Ash sent away flying for a bit before landing back into his feet

When he landed he simply laughed and throw a fire ball at Toge when Ash saw him coughing

seeing this action shocked Toge tried to get out of the way but it was to late his whole being was soon turned into purple flames


Maki: This was supposed to be a friendly

match, why would you kill him!!!!

Panda said nothing and started crying attacking Ash in rage and soon Maki followed and they keep going, Ash looked at this with a smile on his face and when Maki and panda saw his smirk to them it was face full of mockery which quickly enraged them more

They weren't wrong in a sense Ash was mocking them but for a different reason

Then they heard a voice which stopped both of their movements "Stop"

They both then gained a surprise looked and they both shouted "Your alive!?!?!"

Ash seeing this just laugh and walked to Toge and gave a high five "so how's your throat is it all better"

Toge just nodded his head in affirmative with a small smile and gave his own high five "Salmon"

Maki and Panda: but how I thought you were burned alive

Both of them said in unison

Ash: Huh why the hell would I do something like that

Ash this time just had a small smile while looking at them like they were idiots for believing he would do something like that

Ash then shook his head and said "sorry, sorry for scaring you guys" while patting Panda's shoulder

He then continued to Maki and grabbed her chin and lifted her head up to met her eyes and with a smirk he stated "But you know your enraged face was truly beautiful maybe I should make you more mad so I can see it more" hearing this Maki just swatted his face from her face

"Try that again and I'll kick you in your balls but how did you heal his throat do you already know how to use reverse curse energy?" Now that everything was over Maki got curious about what happened.

"Well I didn't use reverse curse energy to heal him I used my flames you see one of the reasons I'm a special grade sorcerer is because my curse let's me transform into a phoenix" Ash then turned in a bird the size of a hawk and parched himself on top of Maki's shoulder he then started rubbing his head that was made of flames against Maki's face

"You see and thanks to my mastery I can control who I want to burn or heal or do any damage towards" Ash then decided to stay parched for a while longer

Hearing this the three were in awe and had the same thought

'So this is the power of one of the top sorcerers of the world'

Just when Ash was about to get off and get back to fighting and sparing with them Gojo appeared.

"I'm taking all of you in a field trip yay isn't this exciting on a the first day and you all already get to have trip" Gojo then announces.

Ash already used to Gojo's way of doing things has the general idea what's happening "We're going to be fighting Curse spirits aren't we"

"Correct we are now isn't this fun a class trip with your favorite teacher what could be more fun than this?"

"Alot of things" they all replied except Toge who just said "Fish flakes"

"See even Toge disagree with you"

Maki then turned to Ash who was still on her shoulder "you can understand him"

Ash: huh you can't? I mean I thought you were a physical fighter and weapons user how can you not understand him.

Maki: What does that have to do anything

Ash: how can you expect to be a great fighter if you can't read body language

Maki: I mostly use it when I'm fighting someone not talking with them

Gojo: you can continue your conversation later let's get going it said that this curse spirit made a made a nest and there's quite alot of them this time around that they don't mind it being completely exorcise, oh and Ash you're only going as back up and as a fight for the boss

Ash: Oh okay I guess imma just stay here where it's comfy

Maki: light hell you are

She then brushes her shoulder with her hand moving him away and Ash transforms back into a human

Ash: oh c'mon we were having so much fun together

Maki: Get close to me again and I'll punch you in the face

Gojo: enough lovers spat and let's gooooooooo