Snake Pit part 1

In the future when you see a character dialog go like this Ash: 'blah blah blah' its what they're thinking at the moment they aren't saying those outloud or when it's Character and character: blah blah blah blah its two people saying things at the same time just for future uses (should I just put these in the auxiliary chapter)


(Omni pov):

Gojo and his class suddenly appeared inside a cave

Ash: so any idea what type of curses we would be seeing Gojo-sensei

Gojo: nope and that's the fun things about adventures you don't know where we're going

Panda: I thought it was reaching our destination?

Gojo: why can't it be both

Ash: looks like we have some company.

Ash hearing some slithering noises around him warmed the rest of them

Ash: And it looks like its snakes this time around

Hearing Ash the others started to get ready and started to move again, going deeper and deeper into the cave they soon encountered a den filled with snakes, seeing this the first one to move was Toge

Toge: "TWIST"

With that some of the snakes started twisting and coiling around each some of the snakes head and torso popped due to the pressure and the rest soon got tangled into each other making it hard for them to move and attack

Maki and Panda seeing their opportunities charged.

Since Maki didn't have access to any curse energy she mainly a pure physical fight so she charged at the snakes with her naginata and started cutting their heads, some tried to take a bite from behind but she closed their mouths the staff part of naginata and then twisted in a fast motion cutting them down

Panda is a different case since he is a independent cursed corpse he has a different place where curse energy comes from that being from cores inside his body. He mainly has three cores which Panda can access the panda one which is his normal one and then his big brother and big sister cores

Right now he is using his big brothers which just so happens to be a gorilla. You can see Panda manipulating the curse energy in his cores making his attack much more powerful

Just with a slapped of his hand at the snakes head he would rattle their brains killing

The more they the killed the slower and slower they got. Maki had it worse due to her low curse energy resistance

Ash: 'I sometimes forget they're not like me able to go one forever, they are getting tired good thing my phoenix flames can heal stamina or this would have gone on for days'

Gojo: so how was fighting a hord of grade 2 curses

Panda and Maki: they were just grade 2 !?!?!?!

Maki: are they so many

Ash: this a nest type of domain. Which for giving up their strengths they're allowed to grow in numbers which is equally if not more dangerous than a pure strength type depending on the curse themselves

Ash: oh right I should have giving you this sooner but oh well here.

Ash then grabs his pendant and called Ori

Ash: Ori bring out 3 statue protection bracelets

As he finished instructing Ori 3 purple and gold bracelets appear he simply threw it at them

Ash: here i made these when I was bored I didn't think I would need them as I have no use for them so you can have it. In video games terms they protect you from debuffs I mean like poison

paralysis and curses things that basically have a negative effect on you but be careful that thing only last about 3 hours and only works ones a week one you wear it.

As Ash said before he truly was bored while waiting on some of the events to starts so he spent most of his time hunting curses and crafting, what really interested him was the blessed ingots he created just how weak and how strong can these blessings be right now was the lowest he can go.

As for how strong that's a story for another time.

As they put on their new blessed bracelet the only one to really feel the difference was Maki as her resistance to curses was the weakest at the moment.

Maki: Wait did you really make this, how?

Ash: Damn you really weren't listening when I introduced myself as a potential marriage partner to you were you?

Maki's cheeks were now red embarrassed once again. She then grabbed the polearm of her naginata and tried to smash it against his crotch

Ash: Damn already aiming for my crotch at least take me out to dinner first

Maki's face grew even redder.

Maki: you crude bastard shut up shut up shut up.

Maki now was not caring if she manage to cut him with her naginata started using the bladed side.

Ash was simply laughing and enjoying him. Seeing this Panda and Toge just looked at each other before smirking at each thinking of ways to prank Maki as well.

Ash seeing the blade about to cut his chest simply grabbed it in-between his index and middle. Maki only tsked at what happened. Ash then continued explaining

Ash: As I said in my introduction I'm a blacksmith so yeah I made them using a secret technique.

Maki: what secret technique

Maki thought he was just being suspenseful on purpose

Ash: For you to know you'd have to marry me first as it's going to be a family only secret technique.

Ash then looked at Maki making his brows jump in a suggestive manner.

Maki just chose to ignore him for the time being.

Gojo then interrupted them.

Gojo: Now then let's continue to now fight grade 1 curses prepare yourself newbies as you're in for a new world of hurt.

Gojo just now was just trying to install fear in them as he randomly got a flashlight and turned it on just below his face.

Seeing his students just giving him a deadpan face he just turned off the flash light and threw it in a random direction before pointing forward

Gojo: let's our adventure continue

At this point they were just ignoring him and continuing going forward where they were met with a poisonous fog.

Ash: Well what are you guys waiting for, you have about 2 hours and 50 minutes left chop chop.

Ash then proceeded to walking into the fog as it doesn't affect him and after some contemplating they decide to follow him as well.