Flashback, Politics, and Promise

(A/n: I been spelling Hakari's name wrong I was spelling it like Hikari while it's spell Hakari so from now on it's just going to be Hakari sorry for the confusion. And another thing, Hakari's technique and domain is fucking confusing I don't understand it at all but imma try.)


(Omni pov):

After Yuta arrived in Kyoto he mostly finished all the curses in a quick fashion, leaving the Jujutsu sorcerers of Kyoto quite shock at his display of power.

'So this is the power of a special grade sorcerer' was most of their thoughts. They would have thought the same about Geto but they didn't get a chance to meet him so they didn't get the same feeling as when seeing Yuta in action.

Once Yuta finished his business every grade 1 sorcerer and above were called towards a meeting with the higher ups of the Jujutsu World to discuss the damage and what they learned about the perpetrators reason for their actions.

From Tokyo Jujutsu High the only students able to be there from the first year were Ash and Yuta since the rest of their classmates weren't able to get a proper evaluation, especially Maki since even her clan was making it much more difficult.

Hakari and Kirara were also there from Tokyo Jujutsu High and while Ash looked at them he just smiled remembering how they met and the fun they had.


By the beginning of the second semester Ash with the rest of his classmates can be seen resting after their training, two second year students can be seen making their way towards them in a relaxed matter.

The two second years just so happens to be Hakari and Kirara. Hakari can be seen with his hands inside his sweater walking leisurely while Kirara was walking right behind him with both hands behind his back

And as soon as Hakari reached the first years he just started releasing a bit of his curse energy and said "I heard that the first years this year were quite powerful and had a few powerhouses

why don't you show me your fevers, I wanna see just how much your fever burns"

Seeing nothing better to do Ash stands up from resting and stretches his arms slightly "sure why not I got time to spare, who knows it could be fun"

Hakari seeing someone come to the challenge just smiles "Finally someone who can understand"

This time he really started releasing his curse energy

Ash then started to release a bit of curse energy of his own, enhancing their bodies

They both then rushed to each other and started pummeling on each other. The first to actually draw blood was Ash but that was due to Hakari's curse energy. Hakari's curse energy is rough and has a sharp edge to it making his blow hurt alot more than it is supposed to, while also making them sharper. While Ash's curse energy is just much warmer than it's supposed to be.

They both just kept pummeling at each other until they were both drawing blood and smiling at each other, to them this was just a fun game with the winner being the one to back down from the entire fight.

Once it was enough they both jumped back, Hakari did his signature hand sign to activate his domain and as he did they were both enveloped into it.

Meanwhile Ash just took his signature step forward and lunges slightly forward a bit this time his fist started burning, catching on fire until they were a bright purple

And while Ash was enveloped by the domain, information started appearing in his head about the domains specifics and its rules.

'Idle Death Gamble: CR Private Pure Love Train Version 1/239 is based on a real pachinko machine and gets its theme from the eponymously named romance manga series. The user's goal is to hit the jackpot by lining up three of the same symbols decorated with the characters of Private Pure Love Train.

 The jackpot bonus grants the user unlimited cursed energy and a fully automatic reverse cursed technique for four minutes and eleven seconds, the duration of the Private Pure Love Train theme song, "Admiring You".

The user must participate in the flow of the game in order to hit the aforementioned jackpot, with only a one in two-hundred and thirty-nine chance of doing so'.

'So these are the rules, huh, seems simple enough although from what I read and heard about Hakari is luck is just insane.' Were Ash's thought as soon as the rules about the domain came to him.

As soon as information entered Ash's brain Hakari started testing put his luck and he soon hits a jackpot and they both exit his domain

And as it happens Ash just shakes his head with a playful expression "So this means from this moment forward you are effectively immortal"

Ash's expression then turns sinister who caught the dancing Hakari off guard not expecting such a reaction.

Ash then continues "Wanna hear a downside towards immortality from one immortal to another, Even tho you can't be killed you can still suffer an enormous amount of pain"

'Metis count it'

[251 seconds ]

And with that Ash turns his feet into jets as he propelled himself forwards in a quick motion

[250 seconds]

Ash's fist at this time were extremely hot, hot enough to burn steel now imagine what it would do to a human body. The first thing he did was aim a right hook on Hakari's jaw but instead of Hakari flying backwards due to the momentum and force his jaw just came right off like it melted from his face leaving him without any lower jaw.

As his lower jaw landed on the floor it just seemed to turn into a puddle due to heat of Ash's fist, while Hakari just screamed in pain


Luckily due to his infinite curse energy and his reverse curse energy his chin and lower mouth was soon restored

Even tho he was in pain Hakari didn't let it slow him down and attacked right away while screaming.

Ash was soon thrown back due to the force of the blow to his stomach, due to his infinite curse energy Hakari's blow were really strong and such a blow to the stomach made Ash spit out blood.

Ash who just spit out the blood just jet himself back towards Hakari and sent out a punch right towards his stomach, this time his fist went right through it.

Seeing Ash so close Hakari just grunted from the pain and grabbed Ash's collar and pulled on it hard, headbutting him with his forehead enhanced with curse energy.


Due to the headbutt Ash's face slightly caved in as his nose got broken from the strength of Hakari's forehead. Ash's head then snapped back due to the force, and he grunted in pain as well.

And as he pulled his fist out of Hakari's stomach his reverse curse energy healed it back up.

When his fist were out they were no longer on fire they quickly grabbed onto Hakari as well and with his head snapped back Ash started to reinforce his forehead as his face healed by itself and headbutted Hakari as well which also snapped Hakari's head back

[240 seconds]

Not wanting to just melt Hakari's body Ash lowered the intensity of his flames and just started to burn him with his fist.

As Ash's fist made contact with Hakari's body they left burn marks which still hurt Hakari but was tolerable which made him able to retaliate back and they started punching each other again for a full minute

[180 seconds]

They jumped back once again but this time Ash just inhaled a big breath of air and started breathing fire from his mouth and on to Hakari, Hakari while burning up and healing himself didn't back away from it but just started running towards the source which just so happens to be Ash.

And when he got close enough he just sent a big uppercut which caused the flames the were flowing out to flow slightly up

Once Ash stop he just smiled and kneed Hakari in the stomach which made him stumble back slightly and once he was a good distance, Ash extended both arms a little and made two flame made whips and started to whip the whips on Hakari, all over him.

All Hakari could do was block his face while crossing his arms and once he got a handle on Ash's technique he managed to grab onto both whips at the same time and wrapped his hands around them to get a better grip

[80 seconds]

Once he felt the grip was he yanked it with a strong force that caused Ash to come flying towards him as he leaned his head backwards to get a bigger momentum on his headbutt

But Ash seeing what was coming just slightly moved himself upwards, positioned his knee towards Hakari's forehead, when they made contact Hakari's face caved in slightly as he was shot off when Ash released the whips at the right moment.

Which cause Hakari to lose consciousness for a few seconds and when he came back he used the remaining seconds to fully healed himself

[01 second. His effective immortality is no longer]

Once his immortality wore off Hakari was really pumped "HELL YEAHHH THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT", "Your fever just burns like crazy dude, I totally want to experience something like that again"

Hakari starts to go on and on about how good the fever was until he turned to Yuta where the rest of the first years who saw their fight was, they were still in shock witnessing such an impressive battle

They came out of their shock when Hakari addressed Yuta "You other first year I heard you were also a special grade sorcerer fight me"

Yuta seeing this was quite shock at being called out and nodded on instinct. Seeing himself agreeing he realized it was to late to back down and stood up and went to fight Hakari

Their fight ended much quicker but with Hakari being the winner due to how high his fever was due to the previous fight with Ash was.

"Hmmm, it's not bad but it wasn't like Ash's, you still have to work on it" Hakari reprimanded Yuta

And once he got enough he called out to Kirara with a smile who was on the floor watching the fight previously with the rest of the first years "Let's go it was really fun we should come again later"

Kirara just nodded as he stood up and followed Hakari back

Ash just watched Hakari leave with a smile of his own. He really did enjoy their fight they learned alot about each other and Ash came to have a bit of respect for him due to it.

And that's how Ash and Hakari met, they still meet and spar with each other once a while but it's not alot.

~Flashback Ended~

Now why would Ash be having such a flashback while meeting the Higher ups the answer is simple.

Hakari over here is beating the shit out of one of them due to their opposite views and Ash is finding it so funny he has no choice but to reminisce.

While before the talk was about Geto and what happened, they mostly just said that the curse user escaped just like Gojo promised and that Geto went to die quietly somewhere after his defeat which is why his body wasn't found.

The discussion turned into what to do next and and what curse techniques to look out for. Which the higher ups used this opportunity to take a dig at Hakari which sent him over the edge.

Once the fight was broken up Hakari was suspended which Kirara soon followed. Ash just shook his head at this and when they were suspended the Higher ups asked Ash what he would want as compensation to get on his good side.

"I want for the first Years to get a re-evaluation"

the answered shocked everyone that they couldn't help but express themselves and ask why

He just shrugged his shoulder as he said "Cause my girlfriend is really mis-evaluated, she's In the wrong grade"

Hearing that he was in a relationship shocked the higher ups as they know he's been with Maki but they just thought he was just going after her body and leaving her quite quickly. They were really hoping to get him a relationship with one of their relatives.

"Huh, you're still in a relationship with the failure of the Zenin Clan, why would you want to be with someone so worthless"

Ash's eye's hearing them turned cold and let's out a abundance of curse energy towards every one present which quickly started to suffocate them if they didn't enhance themselves.

And in a cold voice that sent a chill down their spine he says "watch how you speak about her or they will be the very last words that come out of your mouths apart from the screams of agony as I burn you all to death"

Hearing him they were all quick shocked.

Higher up number 1 then ask with narrow eyes "Are you threatening us boy"

Ash just says "no" hearing him the rest of the Higher ups started nodding as if satisfied with his reply before stopping midway when Ash continued

"It's a promise".